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@Herschel posted:

That’s cutting off your nose to spite your face. If the Jets still have the best offer, then that’s still the one to accept.

I'm talking about after the draft. What are the Jets going to offer that anybody else won't at that point? We want help in 2023 and if they don't do that we can get future compensation from a few other teams also.

@packerboi posted:

Jesus fuck, just keep this ass clown out of the public eye.

The last time Green Bay Packers president Mark Murphy spoke about Aaron Rodgers, it fanned some flames. So this time around, the CEO is zippering his lips.

Speaking Monday at the Wisconsin Tech Summit at Lambeau Field, Murphy joked when asked about the Rodgers situation.

"Yeah and you know, we've got no other news really going on," Murphy said, laughing, via WLUK-TV Green Bay. "I would love to tell you everything you want to know about Aaron Rodgers and the Jets, but I'm sworn to secrecy not to say anything."

Please give us a countdown clock to this bozo turning 70.

@Herschel posted:

That’s cutting off your nose to spite your face. If the Jets still have the best offer, then that’s still the one to accept.

If the best offer is a 3rd or 4th rounder as has been reported in some circles wack off half the face. Do everything to make sure he doesn’t go to the Jets.

@Goalline posted:

If the best offer is a 3rd or 4th rounder as has been reported in some circles wack off half the face. Do everything to make sure he doesn’t go to the Jets.

Agreed. Not because I'd be mad at the Jets, but because I think he'll be worth that even if you traded him before the trade deadline in October.

Baker Mayfield got traded for a 4th round pick last off-season. Give me a break that the Packers should accept a 4th rounder at any point for Rodgers.

@Goalline posted:

If the best offer is a 3rd or 4th rounder as has been reported in some circles wack off half the face. Do everything to make sure he doesn’t go to the Jets.

Jets think they are dealing with a bunch of bumpkins from Bumblefuck, WI.

Packers have absolutely nothing to lose by calling their bluff. Go get Stafford or roll with Wilson. You fuckers will be out of jobs next January.

Agreed. Not because I'd be mad at the Jets, but because I think he'll be worth that even if you traded him before the trade deadline in October.

Baker Mayfield got traded for a 4th round pick last off-season. Give me a break that the Packers should accept a 4th rounder at any point for Rodgers.

If he is not traded or retired by  start of season, the cap hit goes up substantially.  I think that is the theoretical "leverage" the Jets must think they have.   

Each day AR is available for a trade, it opens up the possibility another team or teams might consider approaching a trade with GB. While uncommon, players get injured in the offseason. They also get injured during OTAs and training camp. Each day creates another team the Jets might have to compete with.

Too lazy to look at the cap ramifications, but is there any (unlikely) scenario the Packers call the Jets bluff and AR’s and keep him on the roster as QB #2 or QB #3 (inactive on game day) to start the season?

If he is not traded or retired by  start of season, the cap hit goes up substantially.  I think that is the theoretical "leverage" the Jets must think they have.   

If Rodgers is here during the first week of the season I think it guarantees his salary in 2024. If the Jets trade for him they inherit that. But if the Packer go beyond June 1 they can split Rodgers current cap hit of $31 mil over 2023 and 24. That would leave them with extra room on the 2023 cap to redo deals and put it against 2023.                                                                                                                                      I still don't think the Jets have any leverage. The best answer to the question was, "which team has a starting QB in 2023 and which one does not?" The Jets are very dependent on the Packers bailing out their 2023 season.

@PackLandVA posted:

Too lazy to look at the cap ramifications, but is there any (unlikely) scenario the Packers call the Jets bluff and AR’s and keep him on the roster as QB #2 or QB #3 (inactive on game day) to start the season?

QB3 has its perks of keeping Rodgers safe but having him QB2 means he would be able to sit on the bench so the cameras can remind NFL Nation that he's alive and available for a trade. Plus he could be made a captain so he still gets on the field for a minute. I'd bet the networks would start showing the coin toss again.

@PackLandVA posted:

Too lazy to look at the cap ramifications, but is there any (unlikely) scenario the Packers call the Jets bluff and AR’s and keep him on the roster as QB #2 or QB #3 (inactive on game day) to start the season?

The big advantage is that the Packers are only paying Love about $3 mil in 2023, dirt cheap for a starting QB. So while the Rodgers cap hit is a big deal, the Packers are still only paying starting QB money to one QB. It's a bad contract for the Packers but they did write it with the intention that Rodgers would be here as the starter so they are not getting blindsided.

@WolfPack posted:

Jets wouldn't take that deal because the league year starts in March.  A lot can happen between March and Sept.  Jets aren't giving up a 1st unless they know Rodgers will physically play in '24.

I'm fine with a 2nd and a player, especially a WR as the Jets seem to be loaded at that position, but Moore and/or Mims, while being good trade bait, have already requested to be traded from the Jets in the past because they weren't happy there.  While I can't really blame them, guys requesting trades during mid-year because they aren't getting what they want isn't going to fly in GB.

Last edited by vitaflo

Nope. Asking for #13 is very fair compensation & I'm not even certain that's the sticking point.

I think the conditional pick in 2024 is where the stick is. Jets don't want to give up (potentially) - (2) first rounders if he plays in 2024.

I stopped paying attention for like 2-3 days.

Know what happened?? Nothing. 😁 I'm all caught up

@Chongo posted:

Jets think they are dealing with a bunch of bumpkins from Bumblefuck, WI.

Packers have absolutely nothing to lose by calling their bluff. Go get Stafford or roll with Wilson. You fuckers will be out of jobs next January.

They need to pull a Daniel Levy on these Jets motherfuckers. The whole league will pay attention to that. The message? Don’t fuck with the Green Bay Packers.

@Chongo posted:

This deal will get done when the Jets feel like they have no other choice.

Jets FO is treading very dangerously in the "fuck around and find out," territory.

You wouldn't know that by listening to the pundits and fans. They believe GB to be 100% chumps. This despite their team missing the postseason for 12 years and barely being relevant in all the decades since Broadway Joe. With Rodgers and the roster they have, they become immediately viable in a tough conference. The fact that they're gleefully treading into "fuck around and find out" on this may end up just the latest chapter in the history of Jets buffoonery. Fifty plus years without a hof qb, and the one they did have was very borderline hof to boot. These idiots may not even understand what that caliber looks like at this point. The closest comparison is Bert and even he was good for 22 ints in his one season there. Rather than "no way we give up a 1" they should probably be camped outside MetLife screaming "don't fuck this up." Or maybe it's all a ruse to lowball Matty Ice.

@Chongo posted:

WMM and Woody Johnson meating up next week at the owners meetings.

Don't will all get worked out.

I can't believe that Chongo teed this softball up for you guys and no one took a swing at it.

What the hell is going on in here!

I think the Mayfield for a 4th and Ryan for a 3rd absolutely would suggest Rodgers is worth the 13th overall pick.  

I’m not opposed to getting the 43rd overall pick, but that means GB also gets their 2nd next year no matter what.  If Rodgers takes them to the playoffs in 2023 that 2024 2nd rounder now becomes their 2024 1st rounder instead.  

If the Jets don’t want to go that route, then you could say the 43rd overall pick this year, 2nd round pick in 2024 and a conditional 2 in 2025 if Rodgers plays for them in 2024.   So it means a minimum of two 2s and three 2s if he plays both this year and next.  

@Goalline posted:

Short of Skip Bayless, is there a more annoying member of the press than Rich Eisen? That passive aggressive fake nice guy persona doesn’t impress me one bit.

Every time I watch clips from his show I'm waiting for him to get to the point, but realize he just talks for 10 mins without saying anything.

Agreed. Not because I'd be mad at the Jets, but because I think he'll be worth that even if you traded him before the trade deadline in October.

Baker Mayfield got traded for a 4th round pick last off-season. Give me a break that the Packers should accept a 4th rounder at any point for Rodgers.

Numerous times I've seen people compare it to the Russell Wilson deal. And they make the point that GB is crazy if they want that level of compensation. What they don't go on to say is that GB does want such a haul. They leave the comparison right there. Who's saying they want that level of compensation? No one. So the comparison is meaningless, but they keep making it anyway. The discussion around one single first round pick, if that is the case, is ridiculous. People like Eisen, Greenie are unapologetic Jets fans, so we can take them with a grain of salt. But most of these other clowns have just picked up that rationale because it cultivates drama.

One of the more balanced takes I've seen was by Joy Taylor on Fox Sports. She basically said an issue that generates this much attention over this caliber player shouldn't be reduced to some lower round pick. If that's the case, we don't need to be talking about it so much. Very simple, and she was the only one of four on the panel that offered any pov from the Packers end.

@Boris posted:

Nope. Asking for #13 is very fair compensation & I'm not even certain that's the sticking point.

I think the conditional pick in 2024 is where the stick is. Jets don't want to give up (potentially) - (2) first rounders if he plays in 2024.

I stopped paying attention for like 2-3 days.

Know what happened?? Nothing. 😁 I'm all caught up

Same here. Not like anything earth shattering to expect. It's weird, but this will all just be a gigantic relief when it's over. Thanks Ted.

@Tschmack posted:

For all of the resources the Packers have at their disposal I am shocked at how clueless and unprepared Murphy appears in these public events responding to simple questions...

I've always thought WMM is likely a smart businessman, and relates well to his peers.
He's the exact opposite when dealing with the media or public. It doesn't mean he is being insincere, or is being an ass; it's just who he is.

As far as I know, he's represented the Packers well in league meetings/matters, but he hasn't in regards to the football operations.

@Goalline posted:

Short of Skip Bayless, is there a more annoying member of the press than Rich Eisen? That passive aggressive fake nice guy persona doesn’t impress me one bit.

I liked him until he got his own show.  Didn't like the expansion of his "personality" much with the extra air time.

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