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@bdplant posted:

Been dealing with a broken grinder pump at work that nobody, including myself, knows how to fix. We’re going to be swimming in shit soon if it doesn’t get figured out.

I came here for a few minutes to escape and take my mind off of shit…..only to find ya’ll talking about shit.

Happy Friday!

When you said "grinder pump" I thought you meant, you know, your "grinder pump". 😉

Demovsky is an idiot. 'The Jets aren't waiting for the Packers to meet their terms, the Packers are waiting for the Jets to meet their terms'. You don't have to be First Chair to understand that both sides in a negotiation have terms they're trying to have the other side meet.

Let’s just dismiss the fact the Jets made a public spectacle out of this by meeting with him without having a deal (in principle) agreed upon first.  

Douglas is on record at least twice basically saying it’s a done deal.  

Yet, I don’t recall Aaron Rodgers or Gute or even Murphy saying the same thing.  Specific to 12, his “intentions” don’t mean the same as “I will be” in terms of joining the Jets.

Even more reason for the Packers to hold the line.   The Jets having been taking victory laps for weeks now whereas the Packers have been very measured - notwithstanding Murphy’s brain fart at the girls b-ball tournament early on.

Wonder if a deal is in place with a caveat from the Jets. Suppose Douglas has given a list of a handful of players, that if any fell to 13, the Jets keep the pick and select that player.  In doing so, maybe the Packers would then get a different compensation. Maybe two 2s, or a 1 next year (in addition to other picks in the trade). If none from the list are available at 13, the commish announces the Packers are on the clock and the trade goes down. So trade is agreed upon, in principal, but can’t actually be announced until Draft Day.

@Satori posted:

For some reason, your contribution to this thread reminds me of these guys

For some reason, your contribution to this post reminds me of these gals.



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  • E094706C-1F05-4ACA-96DB-7A85E37F0CF5

That dude on the couch has a stache and coif to kill for.   Homeboy with cane has some nice shades.  

Although, legacy Dorfman and his clip on tie are absent.  Bummer.

Last edited by Tschmack
@PackerRick posted:

Douglas looks quite happy for a guy that could lose his job if there is any truth to the Niner rumors.

IMO, if the Niners truly get involved in the Rodgers "sweepstakes" Good old Woody will be telling Douglas what to give the Packers for comp. Aka.....stop fucking around and get this done Joe.

@H5 posted:

Jets can't stop yappin', and yet we hear nada from SF or GB.

Gutekunst learned well from the steely-eyed assassin.

There is no news to tell and even if there was, Gute wouldn't tell you.

Last edited by Gsands

Jets podcasters suggested these guys might be part of the package - not based on any inside info about the trade - but based on year- end comments from team in terms of roster building, depth chart, cap space.

1st up was TE Tyler Conklin - Jets drafted Jeremy Ruckert last year to take his spot. In 2022 Conklin had 58 catches/ 585 yds / 3 TDs.  5 year vet.

Next guy they mentioned was DL  John Franklin Myers -
He'd be a Lowry replacement and EDGE player. More of a 4-3 DE than OLB, but he can play the 5-Tech snaps that Lowry had last year ( about 400 snaps)

Adding either of those vets as part of the deal would make Gute's job easier during the draft.


Would love to see the Jets lose out on Rodgers. Not sure why they'd wait until the 2nd day of the draft unless it's a done deal and the NFL is holding it back for suspense and to keep the traction the story has maintained in the offseason going.

Only reason as someone else pointed out is they have a deal in principle and are waiting to see how the draft falls then make the trade on draft day.

Swap firsts & (2) 2nd rounders plus contingent pick in 2024. Gotta be something like that

@michiganjoe posted:


LOL Signed by the Ravens.

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