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@Fandame posted:

If they're keeping Love in the loop and Rodgers hasn't had any conversations, they are trying to placate Love to keep him happy so he doesn't demand a trade.

Love and Rodgers have the same agent, there isn't any need to placate and there isn't any need for trade demands. If he had a different agent, then maybe

But mostly, that's just the idiot media making shit up .

Love hasn't said a word or made a demand and he won't. Because he doesn't need to. And there's zero upside for him in commenting on the topic.

Love is handling this like a real Pro and he will be duly rewarded.

The fact that Gute says he hasn't spoken directly with AR since the season ended really doesn't matter. I'm sure all sides had a pretty good idea of what AR's intentions are/were (and the Packers, for that matter) at the time of the extension.  So the business part of things is probably being handled through AR's agent, who just happens to be Love's agent.  The press, fans, pundits, etc. think because they don't know what's going on, then nothing is going on.

@Fandame posted:

Gute is probably trying to figure out the best way to dump Rodgers and get something for him rather than flat-out cutting him.

I think there is a huge difference in cap ramifications between trading and cutting Rodgers. For that reason, almost anything they get for Rodgers makes it worth trading him. This FO really screwed up not making a trade last season and this 3 headed management system needs to be scuttled.

@BuckPacker posted:

The front office is talking up Love as much as they can. Hoping it will rise his stock when they put him on the trade block. The Raider's 2nd round pick this April will probably do it. I wonder if Adams has had his brain picked about Love from the LVR's brain trust? Love would love playing for the silver and black

The local rag has the Raiders drafting a QB with the 7th pick in the draft, Anthony Richardson. I can't see them giving up a high draft pick for any QB especially after not having a #1 and #2 in the last draft. Trading draft capital will shorten McDaniel's leash. I'm sure he's against any draft trades.

@Pikes Peak posted:

Didn’t AR in either a PatMac appearance or in another interview indicate he has spoken with the team since the season ended?

The direct quote was "I haven't spoken much with Aaron since the season ended".

@PackLandVA posted:

Wish there was a function on this board that would allow everyone to see heads explode when AR is NOT traded by draft day and ends up being the Packers’ starting QB for the 2023 season.  It’s going to be delicious!

I’m fine either way at this point, not that my opinion matters.   I think AR’s demise has been overstated, but understand we are at now or never to try out Love.

more pissed about our defensive coordinator

@PackerRick posted:

I think there is a huge difference in cap ramifications between trading and cutting Rodgers. For that reason, almost anything they get for Rodgers makes it worth trading him. This FO really screwed up not making a trade last season and this 3 headed management system needs to be scuttled.

He can't be cut.  We wouldn't be able to field a team if they did.  Worst case, if AR tries to pull a Favre, they'd have to trade him to a team for no compensation, and AR is forced to retire.

But it won't come to that.  All signs point to either a legit trade that AR can live with, or Rodgers retiring.  Remember, AR said that if he doesn't think the team can win a SB there is no point in him playing.  He also said he wants his buddies back (they're all now gone).  Gute said AR's contract will need to be reworked if he wants to play for GB.

All of these things make GB less inviting for AR to even want to play for us again.  So if he wants to play and doesn't like any of the options of other teams, he would just retire.

@Satori posted:

No it doesn't. And some of the mal-adjusted are the result of their tough upbringing in tough places

I remember comments from Ask Vic - and he often talked about WHERE some of these young players come from. He noted that many of them came from brutal backgrounds, poverty and daily shootings.  They did not have certainty in their shelter or even access to steady meals. He went on to talk about how for many of these guys - football practice was the easiest and safest part of their day.

I believe my "not for the well adjusted" comment came directly from one of Vic's.

The burden on a trade lies on the Pack, the receiving team doesn’t get a horrible contract at all.  That seems to get overlooked and why I think a trade is more than reasonable

The burden on a trade lies on the Pack, the receiving team doesn’t get a horrible contract at all.  That seems to get overlooked and why I think a trade is more than reasonable

Good call

And the existing AR contract had but 1 purpose - as a placeholder that shifted the leverage to the player. Rodgers said it himself - That deal will get re-done, either as an accommodation to the Packers or an accommodation to his new team.

Rodgers isn't going to hamstring his 2023 team, he wants to win.

(sonofabitch, just realized I silent killered)

Another thing that may be overlooked, Rodgers and his ego being stroked is important to him.

Call that egotistical, so be it. I think it's very important for Rodgers to feel wanted. That can come in several different ways. It would mean GB bringing back most, if not all his BFF's. It would mean everyone from Gute to LaFluer to Murphy fawning over him, talking openly about how he is still an MVP level QB and that the Packers are a SB contender as long as he's here. It would mean his fellow teammates gushing over him and letting him know that he is still their best option to win a SB.

Short of that? Not bringing back his BFF's? Not clamoring over him? I honestly don't think Rodgers wants to be on a team that isn't doing that. Or worse, he's hearing over and over how Love is ready to be a starter and God forbid, Love looks even better than him in TC.

If he continues to play, teams like NY, Vegas, and dare I say it, the 49ers would give him all of that plus mass media attention. Plus no young, talented QB staring right behind him in the rear-view mirror.

@Fandame posted:

I realize Love is under contract and he doesn't have a lot of leverage, but a) the FO needs to rebuild its image among players as taking care of players and keeping them in the loop, and b) you don't want to set off Love so that he plays to the end of his contract and hits FA because of how he felt over this.

I'd argue the front office needs to get back to focusing on acquiring and paying talent instead of placating and managing their drama storm QB. 12 had them over the barrel based on his performance and enjoyed every disgruntled second of airing all his grievances. The front office made some mistakes as do most.

It's a hard business and it's time to get back to business. Players play, coaches coach and managers manage. The reality is almost all these guys are in the league for a very short window with a chance at one or two contracts. You play well you get paid well. Done and done. If Love is good enough to win a Super Bowl and be a top ten all time QB he might end up being a pain in the ass or not, but at least he'll have earned it.

@D J posted:

Maybe Gute is building up Love in hopes of trading him and not AR, then drafting AR's replacement in this draft.

Love to the Bears for the chance to draft Rodgers' replacement. The replacement is figured to start year 2. Pull the trigger or keep Love?

@titmfatied posted:

I'd argue the front office needs to get back to focusing on acquiring and paying talent instead of placating and managing their drama storm QB. 12 had them over the barrel based on his performance and enjoyed every disgruntled second of airing all his grievances. The front office made some mistakes as do most.

Someone only has you over a barrel if you let them.

Gutey had the model of what a strong GM looks like with the way TT handled #4. But TT was the only perhaps it's not entirely Gutey's fault.

But I legitimately think they were not convinced 10 was good enough to be QB1 last year...or maybe they felt it was too soon and didn't want to rush him and risk him getting hurt physically or psychologically beyond repair.

Whoever signed off the the massive guarantee up front, and my gut says it's President Smow Hill, is the one who needs to be held to account. His desire to salve the wounds of the "complicated fella," put the team behind the 8-ball.

But maybe all the silos were in agreement that their best show to win a title was bringing 12 back...they didn't count on bad OL play (injuries) in the first half of the season, or awful D play in year 2 of the system, or that 12 would break his thumb.

Last edited by Chongo
@Shadow posted:

Love to the Bears for the chance to draft Rodgers' replacement. The replacement is figured to start year 2. Pull the trigger or keep Love?

So you're saying we took a QB in the first round, spent 3 years developing him, are wanting to dump him to a division rival, and Bears are going to think "oh yeah the Packers must think he's really good, let's give them the 1st overall pick for him!".

@vitaflo posted:

So you're saying we took a QB in the first round, spent 3 years developing him, are wanting to dump him to a division rival, and Bears are going to think "oh yeah the Packers must think he's really good, let's give them the 1st overall pick for him!".

It's a gut question. Is Love the guy or not? If you aren't willing to give him to the Bears then he's the guy.

@Chongo posted:
But I legitimately think they were not convinced 10 was good enough to be QB1 last year...or maybe they felt it was too soon and didn't want to rush him and risk him getting hurt physically or psychologically beyond repair.

We should also remember that Love's first season he was only 21 and his first year he not only didn't play because there was no preseason, he wasn't even the backup, he never suited up.

We should also remember that when the 2020 draft happened there was talk about how there may not even be a college season because of the pandemic.  There may be no college tape on QB's for the 2021 draft.  Players may have had to sit a year, screwing with the eligibility and growth as players.  It would have really screwed up QB prospects for a couple years.

So I think Gute took Love early for those reasons, knowing he wasn't ready, but that if the worst happened with the pandemic, he'd at least have someone who they could let grow into the position who had the full college experience and showed enough there to be drafted.  They needed a succession plan for Rodgers and he wasn't willing to wait until 2022 or later to find a QB if covid screwed everything up.  He was planning ahead.

As such 2020 just ended up being Love's redshirt year with the Pack.  2021 was closer to his actual rookie season and I agree that they probably weren't sure he was ready to be the starter after 2021.  But I think during the 2022 season they knew.  I also think Rodgers knows.  AR continuing to play with a broken thumb and busted ribs says as much.  He didn't want Love to go on a run while he sat on the bench.  Nothing would have hurt his ego more than his replacement playing better than he did while he was still on the team.

@Chongo posted:

Someone only has you over a barrel if you let them.

From busted balls to internet tough guy in only 48 hours.

Quite Impressive 

The extra Cookie Icing must be working, congrats.

@titmfatied posted:

I'd argue the front office needs to get back to focusing on acquiring and paying talent instead of placating and managing their drama storm QB.

The Packers have acquired and paid tons of players over the last 2 seasons. Probably more than 100. They're a mulit-million dollar procurement organization staffed with some very talented people on both the scouting and cap side.

Are you  suggesting that all of them stopped what they were doing because of the QB discussions ?  Are you suggesting they are incapable of handling more than one player at a time ?

The Packers continued to scout, assess, acquire and pay talent at every position group. Same as they always do.

Here's a link to the Packers transaction page so you can assure yourself the Packers world is still spinning on its axis.

@Shadow posted:

Love to the Bears for the chance to draft Rodgers' replacement. The replacement is figured to start year 2. Pull the trigger or keep Love?

The Bears are trading up to draft Mitch Trubisky 2.

Let the circus begin..

Podcast premieres tomorrow. Did Marshall get a preview?

@PackerRick posted:

The Jets are getting nervous waiting on Rodgers and what his decision will be. They want Rodgers but don't want to end up with nothing.

Then the Jets should call the Packers and say we'll give you x,y and z. If its acceptable tell Rodgers to shit or get off the pot. If he wants to stay, say fine we'll restructure. If he ok's the trade you trade and if he decides to retire the deal is off and everyone moves on.

@Satori posted:

Are you  suggesting that all of them stopped what they were doing because of the QB discussions

I'm suggesting I'm ready for Packers football to be about the entire organization from the coaches to the management to the rest of the players all working together towards success instead of constantly answering questions about the undermining malcontent and parsing statements so he doesn't get offended.  I'm cold hearted about it as well. I think his best is behind him and if it wasn't I'd want them to pull their bullshit boots back on and walk through it all over again to bring him back. I think his cap hit is a detriment for his level of play and it only gets worse moving forward. I think we're not at the beginning of the end for 12 anymore, we're at the end of the end. The all ins are in and the last dances are danced. They came up empty.

He apparently still isn't sure if he even wants to play football anymore? Nothing indicates he's committed or communicated a decision to the organization yet. Could it be he's just playing games and delaying his announcement so Gute had to answer question after question about it today? I feel pretty sure we can set our clocks for another inbound round of passive aggressive innuendo from the eternally aggreived QB.

@Pikes Peak posted:

They can get Carr for free, give up no picks.  Why not.

I think Carr is looking for about $40 mil a season. If I'm the Jets I'd rather pay Rodgers that kind of money for a couple years and have a serious chance of winning the SB. Adams was wrong, Carr is not a HOF QB. LOL.

Who the fuck is Aubrey Marcus and why the hell do we care?

What is he a prepper or anti vaxxer?  A wannabee shaman with a podcast?

That preview is hard to listen to as Rodgers basically comes across sounding like a mix between a cult leader and crazy homeless person.  I mean, WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT!?!!  He’s about as sensible as the guy talking to and carrying on a conversation with himself on the back of the city bus.

At this point, just retire dude.  You are acting and sounding like a nut job.  Or release him.  I don’t give a shit.  It’s time to move on.  This guy is destroying your brand, Green Bay Packers.  If you don’t take control now, well, shame on you.

Last edited by Tschmack
@Chongo posted:

Someone only has you over a barrel if you let them.

But maybe all the silos were in agreement that their best show to win a title was bringing 12 back...

QBs in the NFL are franchises within franchises, imo. So long as they perform they're almost untouchable. 12 playing as well as he has for as long as he has creates revenues for a lot of people in social circles who have influence in GB.  12 has cachet in GB that gives him access to the favors people of that level pass to each other. Murphy is in that circuit as well. For us it's trying to win a championship. For them it's events and achievements, influence and relationships. The QB in GB is fawned over by the people who matter to the people who want to matter and at that level the dumbest things matter. Imo him having them over a barrel has more to do with everything outside the building than inside.

From a football standpoint he needs a foot in the ass. With 4 there was a chance his dad would get involved . 12 cut that angle out of the playbook.  Put a pile of money anywhere and the most devious, delightful, charming, and cunning people will circle it. That Aubrey fella has his hooks in 12 telling him everything he wants to hear.

Murphy is Cinderella and it's almost midnight.  The most important decision for us is who replaces him, imo. Harland was a once in a century find. He genuinely approached it as service instead of management.

Last edited by titmfatied
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