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Just to summarize and regurgitate the past---

Rodgers lied about getting vaccinated and then publicly modeled and spewed  absurd and dangerous ideas about treatment of Covid...This was not heard by a couple of people on a chat board but by  tens of  millions. Again he is not Lucious Johnson,  he is an iconic figure that the likes of State Farm pay lots of money to as a trusted spokesperson/influencer. And...after this..blames the dark forces of evil --those dreaded woke mobsters and cancel culturists--

He doesn't have to look any further than that guy he hands the ball off to--his veteran father is right there above the ball placement--he might have survived service, but not covid...I have enough personal stories of covid loss to get an eye roll from everyone here---I'm guessing we all is serious stuff and to think you are above it, which is the vibe that #12 gives....isn't a good thing

And with that said--the bastard is the best QB that ever played and deserves the MVP

Last edited by Johnson

It’s stupid logic by Hub.  It’s Most Valuable Player, not Most Valued Person.  It’s a performance based award, not a humanitarian award.

Even so, I don’t think he’s a “bad guy” despite the fact I think he can be testy and arrogant and a bit of a goof.   He’s not Ray Rice or even Terrell Owens.  

If he wasn’t a Bears fan I doubt we’d even hear about this.

Last edited by Tschmack
@Johnson posted:

And with that said--the bastard is the best QB that ever played and deserves the MVP


I think Rodgers is woefully misinformed and uninformed about Covid, how vaccines work, are developed, etc.

But none of that matters regarding the MVP. When you get your performance evaluation at work, no employer considers whether you are a shitty tipper at a restaurant, whether you are not the best parent or spouse, or whether you are a lousy neighbor. You are evaluated based on your performance AT WORK.

This is no different.

Hub is an old, non-relevant Bears fan who's letting his personal views of Rodgers personality get in the way of what should be an objective assessment of the MVP.

As former Packer Casey Hayward pointed out, none of these clowns should be voting on this. Hub never stepped on the field as a player and never threw a pass as a QB. It's ridiculous a clown like this gets a vote.         

@skully posted:

Hub, is 100 percent a Chicago guy who hates the Packers.

Yep, all he has to answer to is Bears fans. What better way to suck up to them than to stick it to their most hated player.

This is absolutely all about "I OWN YOU!! I STILL OWN YOU!!"

Arkush receiving a tremendous amount of blowback for his stupid comments.

@Floridarob posted:

Family dynamics are strange and you never know what caused what. Could be money, could be women, could be a multitude of reasons. I was estranged from my older brother for over 30 years until we reconciled a few weeks ago. Shit happens in families. Why is Aaron the one that gets blamed?

Totally agree.  I don't have the first clue about #12s family and what the situation is but that stuff happens in families.  I honestly had probably the picture perfect Wisconsin childhood but over the years but over time it has turned in to an absolute shit show that only recently is half way there to being fixed. Each family that has issues is a different situation so I will never pass any judgement on family dynamics.

All I will say besides that is it is hard to argue that no player in the NFL besides Brady lifts his team up like #12 does.  To me he is the no brainer MVP but IMHO it will be a very close vote.

I listen to WTMJ on games days. They are on 2 hours + before kickoff. Called Packer preview. Dennis Krause, James Jones, Wes hokowitz (spelling) and Gabe Neitzel. Anyways, there is a segment with Hub Arkush.

I tweeted the hosts of the show to grill Hub on his rational for his vote. Anyone here think they will? Im not holding out hope.

@PackerHawk posted:

Yep, all he has to answer to is Bears fans. What better way to suck up to them than to stick it to their most hated player.

This is absolutely all about "I OWN YOU!! I STILL OWN YOU!!"


Arod presser....Aaron Rodgers on Hub Arkush: “He’s a bum … an absolute bum.” Rodgers thinks he should be excluded for voting for MVP because of his predisposition about him as a person. “His problem is I’m not vaccinated” and added if that’s the case then make it “the most vaccinated player””

Rob Demovsky

@Floridarob posted:

better person? The guy just sent over a million of his own money to help the people affected by the wild fires. He assisted the BarStool owner in helping people affected by the fires. He fought for things in the off season the front office should have already done and looks like he was right.  Seems like Rodgers is a pretty good guy on his own right. The fact he made a choice on the vaccine I did not make doesnt make him a bad guy. A lot of people I know chose differently than I did but they are not bad people. If that is the bar to deciding who is bad or not then this place will not ever resolve their issues.

Getting in pissing matches with the Hubs, the stupid bookshelf thing, the vaccine lies, etc. are all shitty optics for a guy who had carefully cultivated an image. Favre was always the image of the lovable schmuck, which is/was much easier to maintain.

@Herschel posted:

Getting in pissing matches with the Hubs, the stupid bookshelf thing, the vaccine lies, etc. are all shitty optics for a guy who had carefully cultivated an image. Favre was always the image of the lovable schmuck, which is/was much easier to maintain.

Not sure if that was sarcasm about Favre always being the image of the lovable schmuck.  Images that come to my mind are diva, being an asshole to Rodgers, being a traitor to his team and fans by joining the Viqueens, and being a pervert sending dick pics to someone who was young enough to be his daughter.  I still love what he did for the Packers, but he was far from a lovable schmuck at the end of his time with the Packers.

I just realized how good Rich Eisen is…I’ll need to add him to my daily routine (if I give up kicking orphans and puppies) What platforms is he on?

@skully posted:

Arod presser....Aaron Rodgers on Hub Arkush: “He’s a bum … an absolute bum.” Rodgers thinks he should be excluded for voting for MVP because of his predisposition about him as a person. “His problem is I’m not vaccinated” and added if that’s the case then make it “the most vaccinated player””

Rob Demovsky

There  is one thing I think we all can agree on is if you tick him off or give him a chip on his shoulder he will play ever better just to show him

I don't make any kind of predictions but IF the Packers win the Super Bowl it might be because of the ass clown Arkush.

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