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It has been proven now that TT puts ARs long term health over going to the playoffs this season,although AR can play and play well he risks a rebreak that just may require surgery and an offseason of healing and rehab and TT doesnt want that to happen so he sits him.I cant believe that given TTs cautious ways that even if they win today TT will play AR against Da Bears after a mere six days of extra healing time even if it means like today of not making the playoffs. if Flynn succeeds in getting them to the playoffs he deserves to be resigned to a four year hefty raise contract by TT,he certainly will have earned it.


Last edited by BILL H

I agree with your logic if it hadn't changed from a "medical" decision to an "organizational" decision.


MM said "organizational decision" 9 times in less than 5 minutes the other day.


I don't think there is some great big conspiracy going on, but it is not as simple as some people think either.


6-8 weeks also means it is quite possible AR was ready to play in the 6th week. 

Last edited by FreeSafety

Obviously it's in the Packers best interest to have Rodgers play. Ruling him out is not a decision that comes lightly, especially when the player himself clearly wants to go.


This is a decision that is being made for the longterm benefit of the franchise. The phrase describing Rodgers' situation this morning is "extraordinary risk" of significant injury if he plays. That tells me he's not playing against the Bears, regardless of what happens today against the Steelers. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that he's not playing even if they do manage to get into the playoffs.


As much as I got caught up in the hype after last week's improbable win against the Cowboys, I have full faith in McKenzie/Thompson/McCarthy(?) and their decision here. Let him heal up properly, and prepare to steamroll through the NFL in 2014.

Some say there is more going on here then meets the eye, actually there is less.  The guy is hurt, not healing as fast as some were lead to believe.  Or as fast as we hoped.


To quote Porky Pig.."that's all folks"




In the big scheme of things, he probably won't play next week. In the smaller, short-term fan-sided scheme of things in the interest of going to the playoffs, we want him to play. The fact that it's "organizational" means the big scheme of things is going to win. It's simple: they think he's too valuable to lose for several months if something goes wrong. 


Either that or the crystal ball TT is gazing into says we'll win today without him anyway.  

Last edited by Fandame

If he were to play against the Bears is there some sort of harness he could wear to help at all I wonder?  Something on his no throwing arm that wouldn't limit him but would provide some protection?  Maybe not.  

I don't think he plays next week.


If they lose today and are eliminated from the playoffs, there's definitely no way he plays.

And if they win, I guess I'm just skeptical that enough would change in a week that would convince "the organization" to play him. If he's that close, you'd think he'd be out there for what's a playoff game today. The pack showed their hand by holding him out. 

Packy, the way he fell on it is what injured him. It's not a "loose shoulder" or anything a harness to help keep it in place would help. It's a bone break, and if he were to fall on it again, it could easily snap if it's not fully healed. 


What has occured to me is that the crack in the bone must be near the end of the bone. Right now he doesn't need surgery but if it's in a bad spot such as near the joint, it might spell big range-of-motion limitations in the future if he were to more severly damage it. One would think that if it were in the middle of the bone and a "simple" crack, it would be worth the risk of him playing today. At the end where greater problems could occur? Then they're doing the right thing.

Free - as you noted previously, AR was ready to play the 2nd half of the Bears game.


McCarthy should have stuck with the "Not medically cleared" and be done with it. They need another Rubicon statement.

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

I agree with your logic if it hadn't changed from a "medical" decision to an "organizational" decision.


MM said "organizational decision" 9 times in less than 5 minutes the other day.


I don't think there is some great big conspiracy going on, but it is not as simple as some people think either.


6-8 weeks also means it is quite possible AR was ready to play in the 6th week. 

Free, I believe the Packers stated that the decision was an "organizational decision" to show a united front in order to take the pressure off the medical staff to do the right thing.

Esox, I wondered the same thing. AR is probably arguing to play, and this way MM makes it look like everyone is on the same page. My guess is if they happen to make the playoffs he would probably be ready to go since they haven't IR'd him. If he was truly done for the year, why not put him on IR and bring up someone else to see if that guy could play? 

Originally Posted by Fandame:

Esox, I wondered the same thing. AR is probably arguing to play, and this way MM makes it look like everyone is on the same page. My guess is if they happen to make the playoffs he would probably be ready to go since they haven't IR'd him. If he was truly done for the year, why not put him on IR and bring up someone else to see if that guy could play? 

I think they're run out of guys who they think can play. Didn't even bother to replace Jolly and Bostick on 53.

Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

I'd sure hope he'd play if the Packers make the playoffs.


That would be 9 weeks from what was supposed to be a mild clavicle fracture.


How often have we seen with this team where they report some injury to a player only to find out weeks later it was "more severe" than they thought


Just this year we heard Cobb suffered a fractured fibula and about 7 weeks later we find out it was actually the tibia that he fractured.

Originally Posted by YATittle:

There is such a thing as being too conservative. If this collarbone was on Arod's throwing arm, I could see the reasoning. Can't under these conditions.

Oh good, another person that knows better than the physician.

Nope. And Chris Mortonson article doesn't paint a very flattering picture of anyone connected with this save the doctor.

The whole Brett thing should have exorcised after winning the Superbowl. And MM going along with the charade could the impression he isn't sure himself. The Bears didn't bumble the message about Cutlers NFC championship injury this poorly.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Colored by media speculation is looks horrible.


Facts:  Fractured collarbone, not cleared by doctor.  


Who gives a **** about the PR spin.  Get over it.

No kidding.

Mark Tauscher on radio says he doesn't like it from what it is doing to the locker room. Something I didn't really think about.


Teammates see AR taking snaps, making plays, looking good. All signs point to him playing. Then ruled out late in the week. MT says it is deflating for the team. Players are even more invested in a playoff run that the fans are. He called for clear information. Says they are not deceiving opponents or gaining any advantage this way. 


Last edited by FreeSafety
Originally Posted by Henry:

Colored by media speculation is looks horrible.


Facts:  Fractured collarbone, not cleared by doctor.  


Who gives a **** about the PR spin.  Get over it.

The facts are all that were ever required. Nothing else. And I agree "Get over it". Brett is gone.



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