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Tagged With "Off season"


Re: Positives and negatives

The Heckler ·
I for one think that he can get this team up off the mat and turn things around. I am way in the minority on this one but I don't blame MM for this record. On offense I blame the complete lack of running game and nothing from the TE position. In the NFL they are going to figure out your offense really quickly if you cannot run the ball and make things balanced. Defensively, I am not as inclined to be as lenient about it. I think that Capers scheme has gotten stale and teams have figured out...

Re: Positives and negatives

phaedrus ·
Maynard: I don't believe for a second that Jordy, Cobb, Monty, and even Adams are not as good as Freeman, Brooks, and Rison. Lacy and Rip are likely as good as Bennett and Hendo. They are missing the catching threat out of the backfield with Levens, but Monty might fill that. Biggest weakness is TE, but Cook could provide that. OK, I'll stick to the 96 team which I admit may not be fair, but here goes. At receiver, Brooks is out (hurt against SF regular season game). Freeman was a #1 level...

Re: Positives and negatives

mrtundra ·
We are in third place in our division after this loss. If we had won, we'd be tied for first. HHCD gets two INTs in the first half and Indy goes to the locker room at half time up 2 TDs. Detroit beats MN at MN and we can't seemingly get pumped up for the chance to own a share of first place in the division. Eight games left in our season and I cannot hazard a guess at the outcomes of those games, or the make-up of this team after that.

Re: Playoffs

MichiganPacker ·
If they win out, they probably need one other thing to happen to get in. They were at #7 last week and Texas AM lost, so they should bump up to #6. If they win out that means that both OSU and Michigan will have lost, so the only other teams currently ranked above them are Alabama, Clemson, Washington, and Louisville. If all those teams win out, they would be out of the playoff. If Alabama, Clemson, and Washington lose once, they still might stay in front of a two loss Wisconsin team. There...

Re: Positives and negatives

Grave Digger ·
Saying McCarthy should be fired is easy. Offering a real solution is the difficult part. Who do you replace McCarthy with is a legit question? Go to perennially underachieving HC lIke Lovie Smith? Bring in an up and comer with no HC experience like Darrell Bevell? Or steal from the Belichick tree with Matt Patricia or retread Josh McDaniel? Yeah it's been 6 years since McCarthy won a SB, Bill Cowher went a decade after losing a SB before he even went to another. He kept his team in the hunt...

Re: Positives and negatives

Henry ·
There's something to be said about being hasty but 2 years (after this season) is pretty sizable sample of ****.

Re: Positives and negatives

Pakrz ·

Re: Positives and negatives

slowmo ·
Actually, I didn't ****** all over the hiring of MM, although I did prefer Sean Peyton, but feel free to project. Sherman needed to go because, after being dumped as GM, he was clearly feuding with TT and the two weren't on the same page. Kind of reverse of what happened when Sherman was hired, when he was given the GM job because the Packers didn't want to upset the apple cart and hire a new GM who would want his own guy and get rid of Sherman after he had only been head coach one year.

Re: Positives and negatives

"We"-Ka-Bong ·
Two weeks ago conservative killed us. Loss. This week a blitz burned us. Loss There is no compensation like overcompensation, I assume Dom will break out the 11 drop back in zone (10 on the perimeter, 1 shadowing the QB. He'll call it the inverted "U") defense next week. It will cause 7 turnovers and the Pack will win by 30. Dom commits to it because it works, defense will get crushed for the rest of the season. Side note, I think Fackrell will be a player for us. High BFI

Re: Positives and negatives

YATittle ·
Just wondering how many of the elderly season ticket holders just sell the tickets to scalpers.

Re: Positives and negatives

Floridarob ·
Positive-if this trend continues and the Packers miss the playoffs, the fans will get to see the packers pre-season and Ted on hard knocks. Negative-If this trend continutes and the Packers miss the playoffs, the fans will get to see the Packers preseason and Ted on hard knocks.

Re: Playoffs

Goldie ·
Speight reportedly will be out for the remainder of the season with a broken collarbone, although he could potentially return for the team's bowl game, according to Mark Snyder of the Detroit Free Press later confirmed the report. However, that contradicts what head coach Jim Harbaugh said Monday, when he called Speight a game-time decision for Saturday's game against Indiana, per Snyder. "It's going to depend on how he feels," Harbaugh said. "Could be a [game-time decision]. We...

Re: Playoffs

mrtundra ·
Minnesota was leading our division this season, for a while. Do not take them lightly. If our defense comes to play and can put pressure on Leidner, we should be okay. Minnesota teams ALWAYS play Wisconsin teams tough, no matter what the sport. This game will be no different. I hope Chryst has the team prepared. GO BUCKY!!!

Re: Playoffs

Cavetoad ·
I think they would realize it'd be hard to ignore the B1G champion. Let's just go win that and see how the chips fall. Either way, it's going to be a special bowl season for Bucky. Nobody expected them to do so well with the coaching changes and everything. This season has been amazing and I am damn happy to have been able to watch. The rest upcoming is gravy to me as a fan.

Re: Playoffs

phaedrus ·
I think Ohio State is a lock, leaving two spots. Is it down to Clemson, Washington, and Wisconsin? What about Michigan? I think their two losses are too late in the season to give them any chance.

Re: Playoffs

H5 ·
Win or lose Saturday night, this has been a very successful season. If they don't make the playoff but win the B1G title, I won't be disappointed.

Re: Playoffs

FreeSafety ·
Washington also lost by two scores to a team ranked in the 20s... at home ... late in the season. If you are one of the top 4 teams in the take care of much lower ranked teams on your home field.

Re: Playoffs

Tschmack ·
I heard what might be the most logical argument so far on the Big Ten contenders, but it's not necessarily good for Wisconsin. If you were to rank the top 4 teams in the Big Ten (forget West v East) right now UW is 3rd. Even with a win v Penn State I'm not sure they leapfrog Michigan. Why? They've already beaten 3 top 10 teams including both UW and Penn State. The other factor is Michigan is just a better team and more equipped to handle an Alabama or Clemson or even Ohio State in the...

Re: Playoffs

Tschmack ·
That's about it isn't it? Things take care of themselves. Wisconsin has had an incredible season but they were not one of the 4 best teams. No signature wins and that matters at this point. Losing close games is still losing close games. They will likely get a decent bowl game and they need to end the season strong and win the damn thing as they are capable of doing to cap a really good year.

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

WolfPack ·
+ Spent the day at Disney World, missed the entire thing - score check showed 41-22 deficit.could not believe my eyes how far this group has fallen. Just caught PackersNews postgame live feed. They said McCarthy will not survive the season barring a miracle turnaround

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

GBP1 ·
Negative This season is heading down the drain and fast Plus This season is heading down the drain and fast...maybe we will see some much needed changes in office and on the sidelines.

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

Grave Digger ·
+Strong play from young players. I like the game and season Adams is having. He and Cobb seem to play hard throughout. Allison had a strong catch and run. Looks like he could be a player down the road! Elliot had a really nice game. Spriggs had a bad play, but overall I liked what he did especially against power rushers. -Our leaders who "lead by example" are setting a piss poor example. Reckless, playing with poor fundamentals, and not even being available. Sets a bad tone.

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

Diggr14 ·
You are right man, that just goes to show how bad our division is right now. If they can take care of business in division (win all 3 at the end of season) and win 3 of the next 4 games. They finish 10-6 and that would be good enough. 9-7 might be cutting it.. so 2-2 coupled with winning the last 3 might be good enough too... but they need to win those division games for certain.

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

Grave Digger ·
If AR is tuning out the coach and that attitude is spreading then he needs to be shown the door as well. That's a BS attitude from a supposed leader. I don't think he's tuning MM out though, I think only defensive players are at this point. Specifically I think the veterans defensive players are not playing the way they should. The offense has averaged 27 points over the last 4 weeks, that would be 5th best in the league over that span and is easily enough to win with. I have been critical...

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

packerboi ·
It's been pretty comical watching Julius Peppers literally jog through defensive series giving what looks like the most minimum effort possible just to make it to the next play while earning 10.5 million. Or seeing CMIII sitting on the sidelines being paid 14 mil and set to make 15 + next season while nursing yet another hamstring injury. These are among the leaders on defense and the message is pretty clear you can skate through on effort and/or milking injuries and keep collecting that...

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

Jelly ·
We were at Animal Kingdom decked out in our gear and saw many packers fans Sunday. Never thought I would be sitting behind someone wearing a Titans jersey on a bus in the Serengeti watching gazelles not feeling proud of my team.

Re: Since No One Else Has The Stomach For It....Pos/Neg

WolfPack ·
very cool. we're staying at AKL. spent sunday afternoon at Typhoon Lagoon and saw 2 guys with Packer hats. after the score popped up on my phone, I didnt even feel like engaging with the other poor chaps. zero energy or excitement throughout the whole organization and fans. just a stale operation that needs a shake-up and much cutting of dead weight

Re: #9 Wisconsin @ #22 Crieghton

MichiganPacker ·
Tough early season game, but the fact there is very little offense other than Koenig and Hayes is cause for concern. Creighton clearly was not going to let Happ beat them in the post and they have a 7 footer to guard him.

Re: #9 Wisconsin @ #22 Crieghton

chickenboy ·
This game reminded me a lot of early season last year. Getting stagnant with ball movement and jacking threes. I have always believed that the Bucky offense is best when initiated thru the post (Happ or Nigel). The three's definitely occur more within a flow and also those low post guys don't end up drifting out. The more I think about it, that was a very disappointing loss.

Re: Interesting Post From an ND Football Board

MichiganPacker ·
Brian Kelly would also have to be fired. In 2015, Brian Kelly's ND went 10-3 and ended up #11 in the final poll. They lost by 2 points at Clemson (#2 in final poll), by 2 points at Stanford (#3), and to Ohio State in the bowl game (#4). Yes. Notre Dame is down this year, but I can't imagine them firing him less than a year removed from an outstanding season.

Re: Interesting Post From an ND Football Board

Timpranillo ·
And he killed a kid in 2010.

Re: Interesting Post From an ND Football Board

RochNyFan ·
Brian Kelly is much like MM....very stubborn, overly loyal to terrible assistant coaches, can't commit to the run game, and is not able to adjust during a game. Just watch tape of the game they played in near hurricane conditions a few weeks ago at North Carolina State (a game that should have never been played) and explain why Kelly was compelled to stick to a shotgun formation, empty backfield and continue to throw the ball. Then he threw the center under the bus after the game for some...

Re: 2 years ago...

Thunderbird ·
I washed my lucky jersey after the 2014 season. I am so sorry.

Re: Interesting Post From an ND Football Board

Ghost of Lambeau ·
If a coach has a 10 year life expectancy with a team Saban should be available next off season too. I'd love to tell my wife "No - I am not going to pain the walls - we are only going to be here for ten years - 2 maybe if I don't win". Probably a good way to get divorced.

Re: Interesting Post From an ND Football Board

Music City ·
It's a decent thought though. He's a good coach, and they need one. Of course, gotta be able to recruit. That's the name of the game in college. But he can tun 11 personnel all damn day and it'll work with the right guys. But I'm pretty convinced that McCarthy is coaching his final season, and we'll all look back at the 2015 NFC Championship game as the delineation when it all started to go wrong. They don't appear to have ever recovered from it.

Re: TNF Football: Pantera vs. Orleans

Brak ·
Panthers win. Step one in righting this season.

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

Timmy! ·
The good: Once again, a lot of individual players having good performances that amount to nothing in the end. Spriggs was probably the nicest surprise. The bad: Anything and everyone that has any connection to our current defense. To say that we have been decimated by injury would be an understatement. And we have guys playing hurt who have no business being on the field, but they are put out there to trot around the best they can simply because there's nobody else available. Our veterans,...

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

DH13 ·
On the blight side, I mean bright side...they finally got Cook involved and he looks like a guy that can definitely make a difference in this offense. He had some mental lapses that hopefully are attributed to rust but what would the offense look like last night without the plays he made. His feet aren't particularly quick but his legs are so long that he has good speed even when he looks like he's slow. Did I see RR put a move on a guy and make him miss a tackle last night or did I doze off...

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

IL_Pack_Fan ·
Exactly. Saying the philosophy failed because of the results is like saying democracy doesn't work because you don't like the outcome of an election. (For analogy purposes only - please no politics.) As others have mentioned, TT coming up essentially empty on the last three drafts and making some questionable personnel moves along the way brought this on. Keeping Pep, letting Hayward walk, making the league's 12th best kicker it's 3rd highest paid and the timing of the Sitton move were all...

Re: The Invisible Man known as Ted Thompson

FinnLander ·
Do dumbarse reporters actually ask the Head Coach these types of questions? If so, I hope MM gives a quick "you'll have to ask Ted" or at least a "no comment". For the record, I see no value in having TT do press conferences during the season.

Re: The Invisible Man known as Ted Thompson

H5 ·
Do other team's GMs talk during the season?

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

DocBenni ·
I hate to say it, but this team would be better off if they lost the rest of their games this season. If they somehow squeek into the playoffs there is no way they could beat Dallas/Seattle. We need at least one year of picking early in the rounds. It's akin to 2013 when they would have been better off not making the playoffs. I'm in favor of moving on from the entire front office, but we still have a lot of holes to fill and drafting early won't hurt. Unfortunately, after this season, it is...

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

packerboi ·
Even if TT struck gold in 2017 and found the 2.0 versions of say Jordy Nelson, Nick Collins, JerMichael Finley, etc all of those guys took 3-4 years to become those marquee players. This year, it appears finally Adams is developing into the WR many hoped for. But we're sitting here mid-way through season 3 to see that. We're still waiting for HHCD to "break out", has yet to happen and he's also in season 3. Same with Datone Jones. Same with Nick Perry. Rookie 1st round pick Kenny Clark is...

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

The Heckler ·
I do think this division could be won at 9-7 or even 8-8. The Vikings are floundering a bit and their OL is a disaster and the Lions? well you just never know they are the Lions. I for one never ever blame injuries but this team is just absolutely devastated right now. On offense Cook has missed almost the whole year, the OL is banged up, they had to start a WR at RB, Phat Eddie has been gone for what 4-5 weeks now? Shields has missed the whole season, Starks missed quite a few games, Jordy...

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

Satori ·
Eliot Wolf, Brian Gutekunst, Alonzo Highsmith, Russ Ball and others are part of that front office that you just kicked to the curb Doc. Hippocrates posted : First, do no harm I'm pretty sure there are at least a couple of steps in between doing nothing and genocide.

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

Grave Digger ·
Injuries aren't anyone's fault, that is just bad luck. TT gambles annually that they can sustain injuries and young guys can step up, sometimes it works (2010) and sometimes it fails (2016). It's a risk/reward scenario, the reward is that you get to essentially redshirt young talent like Gunter and Trevor Davis which is beneficial down the road. Normally I'm okay with the strategy, but he gambled in some very odd ways in 2016: -Keeping 7 WRs and only 2 RBs. I'm okay with 6 WRs, but RB is a...

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

Grave Digger ·
This is the weirdest logic, someone else said this in the game thread. Why would a fan ever want their team to lose? I don't care what it means in terms of draft position or personnel changes, win the fukking games. Period.

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

Grave Digger ·
Yeah I actually have very few complaints with the OL. The complaint is actually with Campen. Why the F has Spriggs not been playing Guard in place of Lang from the moment he was injured? Sure he doesn't fit the "prototype" Guard, he's tall and lean, but he was clearly better than Barclay from the his first snap at RG. He moved better, he was smarter, quicker, and held up better against the bull rush. I don't have to see practice to know who is the better OL. Put your best 5 out their dummy.

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

Pikes Peak ·
I say this with all due respect, when GD, possibly the last Green and Gold kool ade drinker on the site starts to see what others have been pointing out for a while it says volumes. GD is a Packer fan extraordinaire and knows his team and football.

Re: The Ugly, The Bad ...and the Good?

BrainDed ·
It's like wanting your loved one who is a drug addict to hit rock bottom. It sucks watching it but you know it needs to happen for them to get better, Drink up, Mike.