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Originally posted by Grave Digger:
I don't think it will piss Ted off. I get the impression Ted makes an offer and there isn't much wiggle room. He's not going to panic or change his offer just because the player pressures him with going elsewhere.

I think Jennings is looking for the best deal...just checking out his options. He has the SB ring, he's had a lot of success, now he wants to squeeze as much money out of the NFL as possible. I have a hunch he will re-sign with GB unless Minnesota blows their wad to get him. If the money is the same, GB is the best fit overall.

That's how I see it happening. If the money is close enough, he'll stay in GB. Vikes need to outbid GB by quite a bit if they want him.
I think it says a lot about Jennings that Philbin could have had him for much less money than Wallace but wasn't interested. He's worth more to the Packers than anyone else because he's not a hall of fame level player like Calvin Johnson or Larry Fitzgerald. He's a guy who is not going to take over a game but he will help you win games in the right system. In other words he's like Robert Brooks, Donald Driver, or Antonio Freeman. He wanted Wallace money. He's worth more like Welker money, maybe a bit more. 4 years and about 32 million is about right. Hopefully his sister can survive on that.
I think the deal in Miami was more about Miami wanting/needing to infuse some youth. They did some much needed purging of that roster. If they're going to spend 40 million (or whatever Wallace got), do they want the younger, more explosive player or the older player that they know? They went for young and explosive and I don't blame them. I don't think it was an indictment of Jennings talent because Mike Wallace is not a player that takes over a game.
I think it says a lot about Jennings that Philbin could have had him for much less money than Wallace but wasn't interested.

I'm only playing devil's advocate, but it could also say a lot about Philbin.
Originally posted by CAPackfan: He brought in Charles Woodson, who is pretty clearly the teams 2nd best FA pickup behind Reggie and had a similar impact.

Since the one time he did sign a "name" FA and it worked out so great, one would think he would try it again.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
I must admit, it was kind of painful listening to the KFAN crew openly wooing Jennings this morning.

So you're the one guy who still listens to KFAN.

If he signs with MN he goes from 1200+ and 10 TDs to something like 800 yds and 6 TDs. You'd have to believe those national endorsement deals wouldn't be around long either.

I thought he'd have done well signing in NE or Denver.

I'd really like the Packers to keep him but if he does leave that's the way it goes.

The guy I'd really like to see them sign would be Ed Reed but it sounds like he's going to Houston.
the difference between Woodson and REggie White is that nobody else wanted Woodson. Ted did not have to go up against other teams to bring him in. Tampa wanted him but did not have the money at the time. I think Ted is a great GM but if a REggie White was on the market and had 10 suitors chasing him, I would bet the house that Ted would not get involved.
one would think he would try it again.

not all shiny objects are worth putting in the bucket. you seem to be of the notion that FAs are THE remedy to any situation. it gets old.
Originally posted by Floridarob:
the difference between Woodson and REggie White is that nobody else wanted Woodson. Ted did not have to go up against other teams to bring him in. Tampa wanted him but did not have the money at the time. I think Ted is a great GM but if a REggie White was on the market and had 10 suitors chasing him, I would bet the house that Ted would not get involved.

I have a hunch he will re-sign with GB unless Minnesota blows their wad to get him.

That doesn't sound like something Minnesota would do... Eeker

Minnesota's history of taking on Packer retreads is well-known. Plus, the Vikings are a wide receiver desperate team. I would expect that Minnesota will offer Jennings a better contract than the Packers.

I agree with others that said TT has his price and there's probably little wiggle room. He's in a good spot with Nelson, Cobb and Jones on the roster plus a few young guys that have upside.
When the best player to ever play his position is available, you can bet TT would be "involved". Go ahead and name me the best to ever play their position players that are currently available.

That's what I thought.
Originally posted by Tdog:
one would think he would try it again.

not all shiny objects are worth putting in the bucket. you seem to be of the notion that FAs are THE remedy to any situation. it gets old.

If you can find a post where I have stated I have wanted all free agents and that I think that is the "remedy," knock yourself out.

I do know you can find many posts that are advocates to using free agency and trades to supplement an already good team and a very good scouting department.
Originally posted by Pakrz: I would expect that Minnesota will offer Jennings a better contract than the Packers.

I would sure hope they would. If TT is going to let guys like Avril (who plays a position of need) sign two years deals with one of the conference's elite and you overpay by even a dollar for a guy in a position of strength would not seem to fit the "plan" I keep hearing about.
Avril wasn't really a good signing by Seattle. Not a bad one considering the contract/cost, but he certainly isn't going to help their pass rush woes much...and he gives them another DE who can't play the run

don't really get the appeal. I'd like to see GB nab one of the safeties on the market, personally
Originally posted by chickenboy:
I would sure hope they would. If TT is going to let guys like Avril (who plays a position of need) sign two years deals with one of the conference's elite and you overpay by even a dollar for a guy in a position of strength would not seem to fit the "plan" I keep hearing about.

After 8 years, almost 80 wins, a SB win, 3 conference championship appearances, and only 2 losing season you still cannot give Thompson the benefit of the doubt? I don't follow the guy blindly, but heck with those kind of results don't you think "the plan" is working? No team wins the SB every year, the Patriots haven't won one since what, 2003? And to my knowledge, "the plans" of signing big name FAs that teams like Seattle, San Fran, Cleveland, etc. follow hasn't yielded a SB win yet. Meanwhile teams that follow similar plans to Ted's (i.e. draft and develop, spend wisely in FA) like the Ravens, Giants, Steelers, and Saints have won all the SB's recently. So with all that into consideration, you still can't give him the benefit of the doubt?
Originally posted by FreeSafety:

Didn't they sack Rogers 8 times in the 1st half of the game?

Yes they sure did, and how many sacks did they get in the 2nd half of that game ?


The Seahawks had the advantage of Flynn's inside knowledge and knew the snap counts, the line calls, the playbook and the players. MM got outcoached. But once adjustments were made, the tsunami of sacks was over for Seattle. Then they lost 1-2 DL to injury / FA last year.

They finished the season with only 36 sacks or about 1.8 per game in contests where they didn't have the Flynn advantage
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Pass rush woes?

Didn't they sack Rogers 8 times in the 1st half of the game?

1 game does not a season make. They really struggled at getting to the QB at the end of the year and into the playoffs. Add in that Clemons likely won't be ready for the start of the season after tearing his ACL in the playoff game @ Was
Originally posted by Satori:
Originally posted by FreeSafety:

Didn't they sack Rogers 8 times in the 1st half of the game?

Yes they sure did, and how many sacks did they get in the 2nd half of that game ?


The Seahawks had the advantage of Flynn's inside knowledge and knew the snap counts, the line calls, the playbook and the players. MM got outcoached. But once adjustments were made, the tsunami of sacks was over for Seattle. Then they lost 1-2 DL to injury / FA last year.

They finished the season with only 36 sacks or about 1.8 per game in contests where they didn't have the Flynn advantage

It's posts like this that counteract all the excessive whining and panty bunching certain babbling morons vomit up in here.

Thank you Satori.
Jennings can walk for all I care. The Packers offered him 10 million a year. His free agency dance should have ended there. I really don't think he appreciates how unique of a place Green Bay is. He has played with Favre and Rodgers at QB. I can't wait to see what he does with a mediocre QB. I'm just sick of his game, especially the comments by him during the season. I always liked Jennings, but my opinion has changed this year.
What I don't think Jennings realized, was how cool the waters would be from teams pursuing him. He's got interest from 2 teams. One of them being his own. And Ponder is no Rodgers.

Jennings and his agent whiffed majorly on how the market would be for him.
How could they know how cool the waters would be though?

There was a lot of stupid money thrown around on day 1. Why wouldn't GJ think he could have a chance at getting in on that?
I admit I thought Jennings also would get more action. When a team like the Patriot's would rather take a WR (Amendola) who's been hurt 3 of 4 years, his best season he accumulated about 690 yards receiving, he's missed 16 games in 2 years, and he's built like a 17 year old...

I don't know how Jennings doesn't get frustrated by that. I also think he was hoping the Dolphin's would get into the mix on day 1 and at least bring him in if nothing else to drive Wallace's price down. Perhaps the rumors that Philbin didn't think that highly of GJ was true.
Originally posted by The GBP Rules:

The guy I'd really like to see them sign would be Ed Reed but it sounds like he's going to Houston.

35 and been showing evidence of slowing. If they were going to do this, why not just bring Woodson back instead?
Originally posted by beef:
I'll take that every 4 years.

Agree! During Ted Thompson's tenure in GB, the Lions have averaged 4 wins, went 0-16, have 1 embarrassing playoff loss, and are on their 2nd head coach. Yet somehow their strategy of blowing tons of money on free agents is the correct one.
Originally posted by chickenboy:
Originally posted by Fandame: I'll take poker-face Ted any day rather than some of those knee-jerk reactors.

Signing a free agent in the first couple days does not need to be classified as "knee-jerk."

Actually, it is very rare that this action is NOT a knee jerk reaction, because signing a free agent during the first couple of days requires a team to over pay that player. How is overpaying for anything not considered a knee jerk reaction?
Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.

This means you have to win Free Agency too.
Originally posted by beef:
Originally posted by chickenboy:
In the last four years, the Pack has a title and 3 embarrassing playoff losses.

I'll take that every 4 years.


....and over the last 4 years, chickenboys favorite team (the Vikings) has had 1 playoff win & 2 embarrassing playoff losses & 0 titles

I'll also take that every 4 years for them
Yeah Packdog, some loser came up with that. Everytime free agency starts I look to see who is signing the "name" free agents. Never fails. It is always the teams who have drafted poorly the last few years.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
If you continuously "shore up weaknesses with free agents"...

Find where I ever said continuously. Everyone lauds the Woodson signing from years ago. He could afford add another every now and then. And no, Ryan Pickett, although a wonderful pickup, doesn't fit the narrative currently rolling on this thread.
Originally posted by Goalline: Everytime free agency starts I look to see who is signing the "name" free agents. Never fails. It is always the teams who have drafted poorly the last few years.

Like Seattle?

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