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Cue the people calling the Packers cheap. Want to know an interesting fact for this FA period so far?

The NFL has spent $707 million – $297 million guaranteed — on the “Top 25 FA”. Those 25 FAs have a combined SIX Pro Bowls.

I for one envy the Packers front office. They don’t waste their money on free agents that rarely pan out. They have a great scouting department that keeps talent flowing in from the draft, and saves their money for their own players that they know already perform in their system.

If I recall, I hear Rodgers is going to require double his salary. I know Clay Matthews’ extension is coming up. And I know they’ll give it to those guys. You know why? They’ve shown in the past that they open their checkbooks and take care of their own. Ask Charles Woodson, Aaron Rodgers, Jermichael Finley, Jordy Nelson, Nick Collins, or Ryan Pickett if they got taken care of in the past.
Originally posted by Boris:
I think Ponder is a weaker armed Jay Cutler. Cassel is a weaker armed Matt Ryan

We're just fine in Green Bay, thank you.
Ponder has never shown anything that would suggest he has Jay Cutler's piss poor attitude. Ponder's a sucky QB, but Jay Cutler's problems are mostly rooted in his attitude, not a lack of talent.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
So the entire offensive line, D front 7 and RB are bad? Do I have that right? Sitton, Lang, Buluga, Matthews, Raji, Pickett, Perry, all suck balls? Is that the gist you're running with? Because the word "enormous" was used by the person you are defending and that's why it was brought into the discussion.

I never said it was bad. I just think there are a number of teams of whom they have better.

When you say "suck balls," you sound like you are admitting defeat, not to mention quite binary thought. My guess is out RB's are average, front seven at best slightly above average, and offensive line slightly above average.

So in the context of the post you're defending you really just decided to flap your gums for contrarian sake.
This team is unfortunately in serious decline. In just 2+ years, down Collins, Woodson, Bishop injured, Greg Jennings, Driver, post-injury Finley/Sherrod/Bulaga/tramon/Starks, OL in shambles among others.

Too bad, really the playoff run was great. Got one championship out of it. Where has the depth gone?

It will take about 2y. I think TT realized this after SF and is rebuilding. They just need to rebuild the online as first priority and protect the franchise.

Which leaves you with a head scratcher - why not release Hawk? There must be a free agent or young stud (like Bishop originally) who deserves to be developed in his place (at much lower cost).

In TT we trust?
Originally posted by :
This team is unfortunately in serious decline. In just 2+ years, down Collins, Woodson, Bishop injured, Greg Jennings, Driver, post-injury Finley/Sherrod/Bulaga/tramon/Starks, OL in shambles among others.

Too bad, really the playoff run was great. Got one championship out of it. Where has the depth gone?

It will take about 2y. I think TT realized this after SF and is rebuilding. They just need to rebuild the online as first priority and protect the franchise.

Which leaves you with a head scratcher - why not release Hawk? There must be a free agent or young stud (like Bishop originally) who deserves to be developed in his place (at much lower cost).

In TT we trust?
tis the season

Not serious decline by any stretch. Just need some young bucks to become leaders. In the past two years the locker room has lost Collins, Woodson, driver, Jenkins and now Craig Jennings. It's a lot of years/wars/achievements out the door.

Time for new leaders to step forward.
Originally posted by noiropus:
This team is unfortunately in serious decline. In just 2+ years, down Collins, Woodson, Bishop injured, Greg Jennings, Driver, post-injury Finley/Sherrod/Bulaga/tramon/Starks, OL in shambles among others.

Too bad, really the playoff run was great. Got one championship out of it. Where has the depth gone?

It will take about 2y. I think TT realized this after SF and is rebuilding. They just need to rebuild the online as first priority and protect the franchise.

Which leaves you with a head scratcher - why not release Hawk? There must be a free agent or young stud (like Bishop originally) who deserves to be developed in his place (at much lower cost).

In TT we trust?

i will cherish this post for years to come.

thank you.
The ****ing stupid in this place never ceases to be any less than astounding. It's actually a good thing, as it reminds me that I'm glad that none of you ****ing worthless turds are in my life.

Go **** in a bag and smell it 14 times a day. ****ing idiot 'fans' dating all the way back to 1992 or 93.
Originally posted by noiropus:
This team is unfortunately in serious decline. In just 2+ years, down Collins, Woodson, Bishop injured, Greg Jennings, Driver, post-injury Finley/Sherrod/Bulaga/tramon/Starks, OL in shambles among others.

Too bad, really the playoff run was great. Got one championship out of it. Where has the depth gone?

It will take about 2y. I think TT realized this after SF and is rebuilding. They just need to rebuild the online as first priority and protect the franchise.

Which leaves you with a head scratcher - why not release Hawk? There must be a free agent or young stud (like Bishop originally) who deserves to be developed in his place (at much lower cost).

In TT we trust?

Originally posted by noiropus:
This team is unfortunately in serious decline. In just 2+ years, down Collins, Woodson, Bishop injured, Greg Jennings, Driver, post-injury Finley/Sherrod/Bulaga/tramon/Starks, OL in shambles among others.

Too bad, really the playoff run was great. Got one championship out of it. Where has the depth gone?

It will take about 2y. I think TT realized this after SF and is rebuilding. They just need to rebuild the online as first priority and protect the franchise.

Which leaves you with a head scratcher - why not release Hawk? There must be a free agent or young stud (like Bishop originally) who deserves to be developed in his place (at much lower cost).

In TT we trust?

tlc is that you?
This team is unfortunately in serious decline.

Haven't you noticed- the Packers have been in decline for about 20 years now Roll Eyes

Can't fix stoopid, and sometimes there's a whole lot of that going on in x4
What is inconceivable after all these years is the crappy oline. Particularly when McCarthy wanted to run more last year.

They should take a page from the saints and pats. Bree's and Brady have generally had much better protection. Just think about that awful run blocking on 3rd and short, all the drive killers, and the first half at Seattle. Ugly.

Yet Campen is still with the team.
Originally posted by noiropus:
This team is unfortunately in serious decline. In just 2+ years, down Collins, Woodson, Bishop injured, Greg Jennings, Driver, post-injury Finley/Sherrod/Bulaga/tramon/Starks, OL in shambles among others.

Too bad, really the playoff run was great. Got one championship out of it. Where has the depth gone?

It will take about 2y. I think TT realized this after SF and is rebuilding. They just need to rebuild the online as first priority and protect the franchise.

Which leaves you with a head scratcher - why not release Hawk? There must be a free agent or young stud (like Bishop originally) who deserves to be developed in his place (at much lower cost).

In TT we trust?

Kworst, is that you?

we need a Proper Use of Adjectives class for some posters.
"enormous holes" "serious decline" "inconceivable after all these year"
cheesenrice, quit watching talking head sports TV - I'll leave out the Princess Bride quote.
this ain't the freaking Dallass Cowpokes we're talking about.
this is football not global warming.
The GBP have a plan, they stick to it, it works.
sales of Depends must be through the roof...
Originally posted by titmfatied:
That he tweets that about Crabtree and not a peep about Jennings is really interesting, if not intentional. Rodgers is cold and calculated when he feels the need.
Yep...kind of what I thought.

I give it about ten passes into the first OTA until Shaquinequa Jennings has a meltdown on twitter over Sister Chrisitan and doorMatt Cassell.

I give it about three passes til Craig feels the same way.
This team will be competitive due to ar. But there is no denying the fact that the talent level at many positions is not elite.

WR was the core strength until last year. Depth there has suffered without immediate Proven replacements except undrafted pickups. Lb, oline, RB, dl, safety are all in question. The pack are drafting near the bottom of each round.

McCarthy already said they were targeting sf. Anyone with non-colored glasses could see they have better oline, RB, te, lb, dline, safeties. And with kaepernick the advantage at qb is lessened. Throw in boldin and our loss of Jennings and their wideouts may also be better. Then, consider their 14 draft picks! So I would say that there was already a talent gap in favor of sf, and it seems to be widening in the wrong direction.

Seattle also appears very strong and solid.

What ARE the areas of strength in this team other than qb?

To me, this looks like rebuilding, much like NE several years ago.
Originally posted by noiropus:
This team will be competitive due to ar. But there is no denying the fact that the talent level at many positions is not elite.

Same could be said for Brady and the Pats, Manning and the Broncs, Brees and the Saints...
Originally posted by noiropus:

What ARE the areas of strength in this team other than qb?

Wide receiver for sure. James Jones, the NFL leader in TD receptions last year, and Jordy Nelson, second in the NFL in touchdown catches in 2011. And a young stud in Randall Cobb.

I also think the secondary is a strength. The young guys really impressed last year, and with more game experience, they will get even better.

Believe it or not, linebacker. Getting Desmond Bishop back and healthy will be a huge boost. We need another inside linebacker, as Hawk is clearly a depth roster spot now. But Bishop, Matthews and Perry are a heck of a good start.

Punter. Masthay has a leg. Ginger power!

Originally posted by noiropus:

Seattle also appears very strong and solid.

Yes, they do. And let's remember that the only reason they beat us, in a game where they sacked Aaron Rodgers seven times in the first half (in Seattle, no less) is because the replacement refs completely screwed us with the touchdown call at the end of the game.

A little perspective. We played arguably our worst offensive game of the season, and they needed a Hail Mary to beat us.
Originally posted by Hungry5:

Same could be said for Brady and the Pats

/inserts snipet about Tom Brady blowing his stack after learning Wes Welker signed with Denver.

And in turn, ol' Tom Terrific gets Danny Amendola...before Tom learns how to pronounce his last name properly, Danny Boy will get hurt again.

I can't wait to see the steam blowing from under Belicheat's hoodie.
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
A little perspective. We played arguably our worst offensive game of the season, and they needed a Hail Mary to beat us.

I can agree with that. But one could also argue that Seattle wasn't the team then (week 3) that they were at the end of the year. Wilson was still playing with a conservative playbook and finding his way. That team was a borderline juggernaut at the end of the year (offense and defense). And have only improved so far this offseason.
Originally posted by Iowacheese:
Originally posted by titmfatied:
That he tweets that about Crabtree and not a peep about Jennings is really interesting, if not intentional. Rodgers is cold and calculated when he feels the need.
Yep...kind of what I thought.

I give it about ten passes into the first OTA until Shaquinequa Jennings has a meltdown on twitter over Sister Chrisitan and doorMatt Cassell.

I give it about three passes til Craig feels the same way.

Shaquineua will be too busy spending Craig's money at the Mall of America to notice for a while.
Originally posted by noiropus:
What is inconceivable after all these years is the crappy oline. Particularly when McCarthy wanted to run more last year.

They should take a page from the saints and pats. Bree's and Brady have generally had much better protection. Just think about that awful run blocking on 3rd and short, all the drive killers, and the first half at Seattle. Ugly.

Yet Campen is still with the team.

Let's not forget the bad luck with all the injuries to the O-line. TT has addressed the O-line in the draft.

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