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and some still act like he's inept.

Well, I don' see that anyone suggested this.

A bit of hyperbole that is kind'a myopic.

I just think better personnel decisions would have produced a better front 7 and (I am guessing) offensive line.

Better personnel decisions (in some cases) does not equal, "TT IS INEPT!!!"

Now, as far as support, is it OK to leave it at what folks think they see when they have watched the Packers play? Almost 300 RUSHING yards for a quarterback in a huge game? Rodger's being the sackiest QB in the entire league? A running game that nobody fears and for good reason?

Again, I give slack for the o-line, but also allow that those young injured players may not be anything special. Who knows?

For years, my own preference for prioritization has been offensive line. You can look back on the thread where I said "O-line, o-line, o-line. PROTECT THE FRANCHISE!!!"

And it has sucked, hasn't it?

Man, I am reminded of the Seahawk sack total in the first half - wow.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
I just think better personnel decisions would have produced a better front 7 and (I am guessing) offensive line.

But that's the point. I would love to have signed a guy like Paul Kruger to bolster the front 7, but the fact that we passed on him and Steven Jackson and whoever else doesn't mean we are worse off. The man has a plan. Some say this team is in decline or has gaping holes, but we hear that every year. Every year there is some dire need that TT MUST sign a free agent to fill, but he fills them. Last offseason we had a declining Woodson, an injured Tramon, a struggling Shields, and an unknown in House. Now we have a bright young star in Hayward, an on the rise Shields, a healthier Tramon, and an on the rise House. Weaknesses can turn into strengths really quickly. Who's to say Mike Neal can't turn the corner? Or Daniels can't step up? Or TT can't find a rookie DE who can be a game changer like Hayward? The DLine could turn into a strength overnight just like CB did. Could happen to the OLine. It happens every year.
Not intentionally.

My point is that I wish in retrospect the packers hadn't been embarrassed on national tv in the second Half of that game. Because, either the team quit OR they were severely outclassed, and I favor the latter. I would much rather have seen a team like DALLAS getting THAT level of butt-whooping.

Usually, if a team thinks they are just missing a piece or two of the puzzle after a game like that, they just retool (see Jackson and Gonzalez in atl). But TT is sending a different message, at least that's my interpretation, by letting wood/Jennings go in a team with multiple questions.

I do think TT believes he can fix things, but it may take more than a year to reach that elite level again. He needs a very strong draft (3-4 starters), luck with injuries, a consistent oline, & RB.

Think about the depth issue for a second. Still looking for the next Collins, and when Bishop when down in tc he was never replaced.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
I would argue it would be better to not make the postseason and have more draft ammunition (saints, bears, lions).
OK, you just lost me.

You have GOT to be kidding me! You actually think a football organization's strategy would include the above?

What is your problem! This is his opinion! It's sacrosanct that the one who comes only to whine and not stand behind his very own words must be shielded from those who would cast aspersions such as facts!

And on the third day, noiropuss arose from his knockoff Lazy Boy and proclaimed, "You must suck to not suck".

The angels rejoiced with a trip to Golden Corral.
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by noiropus:
Maybe TT is looking forward to better draft position & compensatory picks in 2014.

Exactly. Dude, I'm sorry you have to deal with all the TT ballwashing here. Please don't stop posting.

They've tried to run others off...sometimes have, sometimes haven't...please keep posting.

The truth isn't always easy to hear.

Good post Brak!
What's the point of being good enough to reach the playoffs, only to get embarrassed and surrender yards in historic numbers? I would argue it would be better to not make the postseason and have more draft ammunition (saints, bears, lions).

Are you for real?

They won the whole damn thing two years ago. Now all of a sudden the Packers are chopped liver?

Yes, I would have liked to see them perform better the last two years in the playoffs, but it happens (losing). What's ironic is that for all the SF and Seattle hype have they won a Superbowl recently?

By the way, WTF have the Saints or Bears or (gulp) Lions done recently?

This is the type of **** that gets you run and you deserve to get pounded. Stop the madness already

I'm sorry you have to deal with all the TT ballwashing here

As you wish.

Pack has 3 hof-caliber olinemen in the roster already.

Capers received divine intervention on how to defend the pistol. MM knows he can steamroll over giants, niners, redskins with current roster, and no game planning or outscheming is needed.

Starks will outplay ap next year. Hawk will start in the probowl, and no starter will miss time due to injury. TT drafts 7 probowl players.
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by noiropus:
Because, either the team quit OR they were severely outclassed, and I favor the latter.

Let's not let MM entirely off the hook, here.

Still looking for the next Collins, and when Bishop when down in tc he was never replaced.

No excuse not replacing Collins by now.

Yeah, All Pro safeties grow on trees. Just like money, fairy dust, and unicorns.

Jezus H. Cryst, this isn't fantasy league.
Only 3 teams have won a SB in the past 3 NFL seasons. Thompson's method works, there is no denying that. Can it be frustrating that we (fans) don't know how he thinks? Not for me. Results is all that matters.

8 seasons. A winning record. 5 playoff seasons. 2 NFC-C games. 1 SB 'W'. A lot of fans would blow their wad regularly for this type of success.

Henry - no, it ain't over yet.
Originally posted by noiropus:
As you wish.

Pack has 3 hof-caliber olinemen in the roster already.

Capers received divine intervention on how to defend the pistol. MM knows he can steamroll over giants, niners, redskins with current roster, and no game planning or outscheming is needed.

Starks will outplay ap next year. Hawk will start in the probowl, and no starter will miss time due to injury. TT drafts 7 probowl players.

Or you could take a reasonable approach and see FA isn't over. The draft is upcoming. They're getting back some big picks/contributors from injury and are clearing cap room on guys that were costing too much for what they provided. MM and TT make mistakes but for the most part seem to learn from them and adjust while still having a very solid nucleus of a team.

If you said retooling I would have agreed with you. You instead went on a derp bender.
Originally posted by Tschmack:

Brak needs to stick with, I don't know. Transgender issues, classic movies, weird ass avatars

Yeah, OK. And you need to stick with, I don't know...idiotic takes.

Originally posted by Tschmack:
Not sure about the Dunta Robinson signing though. He's an above average corner that's never lived up to the hype. Plus he's got a major attitude. We'll see I guess.

Major attitude. Lord loves a Googler.
Originally posted by Brak:
Originally posted by noiropus:
Maybe TT is looking forward to better draft position & compensatory picks in 2014.

Exactly. Dude, I'm sorry you have to deal with all the TT ballwashing here. Please don't stop posting.

They've tried to run others off...sometimes have, sometimes haven't...please keep posting.

The truth isn't always easy to hear.

yes, please stay. chickenfukr and brak need someone to join their circle jerks.
Last edited by beef
I've thought about it a little bit and want to make one clarification because I didn't spend any time explaining my allusion. The "I Walk the Line" approach refers directly to the discipline approach that TT takes. This is my plan, I adhere to it, it works, here's my effin' SB trophy to prove it. The other is the $hithouse rat crazy approach whose proponent thinks that anything they can find to bitch about leads to the "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald".
The TT system does work. Though as a fan, its tough to see the likes of Woodson, Jennings, Crabtree, and Driver hit the exit. There are promising leaders in the ranks expected to rise up, but its tough to see this much experience hit the doors in one off-season.

Locking up studs Arod, ClayMaker, and Raji, and a typical TT Draft will make the roses smell, well rosy, again.
Originally posted by gbIdaho:
The TT system does work. Though as a fan, its tough to see the likes of Woodson, Jennings, Crabtree, and Driver hit the exit. There are promising leaders in the ranks expected to rise up, but its tough to see this much experience hit the doors in one off-season.

Locking up studs Arod, ClayMaker, and Raji, and a typical TT Draft will make the roses smell, well rosy, again.

I'll admit, the free agency time of year can be incredibly frustrating as a Packers fan. The headlines are constantly filled with teams filling holes with "must-have" difference makers. Meanwhile we sit around and watch TT do next to nothing...and next to nothing usually means losing guys we thought we needed.

But we're two years removed from the title. TT has a plan and it's proven. When was the last time Pete Carrol won a SB? Paper champions, just like the Eagles two years ago.

It's good to be a Packers fan.
It's easy to understand how quickly panic can grow when one is thinking of real or perceived 'needs' on the team. It might start with "we still need a stud opposite Matthews; ZOMG! Is Perry going to be available, much less be that guy?"...and it builds.
The same applies to every position, and the panic spirals until TT is an idot, why does he let somebody walk over a measly $xxx, everybody is leaving and nobody is replacing them...and the team is suddenly on the verge of imploding.
That's a little extreme, but not by much in some cases it seems.
The truth of the matter is managing players, roster, salary cap, draft, and the like is a 24/7/365 business. It surely requires thinking years ahead, just not current issues. And, on top of that, there are variables that can never be predicted, primarily injury, but even things like game conditions or getting jobbed by the refs that can wreck all that careful planning.
It's best just to relax and keep an even keel.
We're still a good team with good coaching and management. We're likely to have even more competition for the Conference title this year, as well as playoff contention, but we need just a little luck to go along with our players and new acquisitions to be that much better ourselves.

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