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Originally posted by Boris:
That crap where the agents "leak" 'Packers are interested!' Is working wonders across the league.

The Packers never say a word, in fact all of the other news outlets announce Packer deals well before it comes out on the team site

They wait until the physical is passed, the paperwork approved by the league and the deal is totally done before saying anything. They are also exceedingly discreet in everything they do - so any agent can say "the Packers are interested" because he knows they will neither confirm nor deny anything.

The media are only too happy to repeat the agents' words because they know the rabid Packer fan base will click & read and "stay tuned after the commercial !'

Its kind of a ****ty thing to do to the Packer fan base, but its a dog eat dog world and we're wearing Milk Bone underwear.

Originally posted by Satori:
Originally posted by Boris:
That crap where the agents "leak" 'Packers are interested!' Is working wonders across the league.

The Packers never say a word, in fact all of the other news outlets announce Packer deals well before it comes out on the team site

They wait until the physical is passed, the paperwork approved by the league and the deal is totally done before saying anything. They are also exceedingly discreet in everything they do - so any agent can say "the Packers are interested" because he knows they will neither confirm nor deny anything.

The media are only too happy to repeat the agents' words because they know the rabid Packer fan base will click & read and "stay tuned after the commercial !'

Its kind of a ****ty thing to do to the Packer fan base, but its a dog eat dog world and we're wearing Milk Bone underwear.


Couldn't say it better.
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
Ted needs to be right in a big way on McMillian, Jennings, and Richardson given Huffs deal at $2 million per season. Or he has a Safety in mind in the draft.

I'm sorry. I don't get missing Huff at that price.

Couldn't agree more Chili. Brad Jones gets much more to likely be a situational player...Ted must not have been that high on Huff
Originally posted by Satori:
Originally posted by ChilliJon:

I'm sorry. I don't get missing Huff at that price.

Perhaps that price wasn't the issue...

Perhaps Mr Huff had no interest in GB at any price; it takes two to tango

Very possible. Also, there were numerous reports Thompson was interested in Huff at his UT pro-day back '06, then Thompson takes Hawk @5 while Huff goes 7th to OAK. Maybe Huff carries a grudge?
I think this has more to do with what they think they may have in McMillan and Richardson than what Huff can offer. McMillan was one of the more impressive rookies early on but got overshadowed by guys like Hayward. Richardson is a bigger question mark but he's a physical specimen and worth a look.

If you follow TTs draft history both in Seattle and Green Bay he has a keen eye for corners and safeties. He's not perfect (see Aaron Rouse) but a lot of his draft choices in those areas work out and some have become really good players.
It is soooo easy as a fan to get into the "keep up with the Joneses" mentality regarding free agency. It's difficult to see players get signed by other teams that we think might help our team, and we want our GM to pull the trigger on a deal. It's like being at an auction, rarely bidding and never buying.

I think one thing to keep in mind in free agency is that the days of the Reggie-type impact are extremely rare. TT could go out and get a player, but the odds are he would be an adequate starter/player and little more. So, is that type of player worth it? Or, should we plug in the young guy and develop him? I think it's obvious which tack TT has taken.
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) -- The Arizona Cardinals have acquired quarterback Carson Palmer from the Oakland Raiders.

The Cardinals gave up a conditional seventh-round 2014 draft pick and swapped one of their sixth-round picks this year for Oakland's seventh-round selection.

Great deal IMO. He is a big improvement to the clowns we have trotted out onto the field the last few years.

I like the fanspeak from Palmer: "Kurt was a phenomenal player, came here and just lit people up,'' Palmer said. ''I'd love to be compared to some of the things that he did here when it's my time to leave.''
Yeah last year was a tough one with OL injuries, and they weren't world beaters when healthy. Card fans generally think OL Coach Russ Grimm was the culprit, he's gone now. Bad coaching, injuries, old journeyman linemen, and a brittle QB spells disaster.

Hopefully many of those problems have been addressed this year; the biggest one was fixed when Whiz and crew left town. I can't tell you how many times last year I saw Larry wide open but no one could get him the ball. I am hoping the Cards use their first pick on an OL like Chance Warmack if he is still there.
RedDawn, you seem like a good guy so I wish you well, but Palmer just doesn't seem like the same guy he once was. The Bengals seemed to improve after parting with him, and the Raiders looked like a better team when Jason Campbell was their QB.

He still will flash a good game now and then, but he just seems to have a knack for making just enough mistakes to get you beaten. You'd think he'd just have to be an upgrade over what they've had in Arizona recently, but I'm not sure it will be enough make them into a winner.
You'd think he'd just have to be an upgrade over what they've had in Arizona recently.
Palmer at the very least can be average. From what I've seen of the Cards the past couple years it's a good place to start.

He just has to get the ball to Fitz. Last year it didn't seem like they were even trying in many games I watched. If you're a Cards fan you're hoping he gets some good chemistry going.

I think TJ Houshmandzadeh was the last guy to play with Carson that came close to Fitzgerald's playing style. They both like to work the same areas of the field. Kolb looked to me like he was scared to make some of the throws in areas Fitz likes best. Carson has fallen off a lot, but Fitz is much better than TJ and Palmer will try to get the ball to him. At the least it makes it interesting to watch.

(Warning: awful highlight music, turn the speakers down or even better, off)

Originally posted by fightphoe93:

He still will flash a good game now and then, but he just seems to have a knack for making just enough mistakes to get you beaten. You'd think he'd just have to be an upgrade over what they've had in Arizona recently, but I'm not sure it will be enough make them into a winner.

Fight, after last year I'd be thrilled at 8-8 in a rebuilding mode. I am already thrilled with a new coaching staff and GM, I like the direction they are going. Whiz and former GM Rod Graves really mismanaged the team, and not just at the QB position. We would have been 8-8 with an average QB last year, trouble is we couldn't even pull that off. As for Palmer, he is a stopgap that I will support until we can get a QBOF. I am hoping Palmer pulls off a magic year or two like Warner. We suck, but oddly we rarely suck bad enough to get the top pick in the draft. It will be tough, we have stood still for 3 years while the rest of our division has become forces to reckon with. We have some good players, hopefully our new coach will duplicate the Whiner's success after Samurai Mike was sent packing. I would have been happy with Flynn but I seem to be in the minority. I will still be chugging the Cardinal koolade until at least week 4, and I will watch every game unless the sellout streak ends and I get blacked out and decide not to go with the Ticket.

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