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michiganjoe posted:

Is he one of the Samoan Sagapolu's and related to the Lofa Tatupu's and the Mosi Tatupu's or is he related to the Manu Tuiasosopo"s or is he related to the WWF AFFA and SEEKA Wild Samoan's? 



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oldschool posted:
michiganjoe posted:

I like it.

Yup....He's a regular Block of Granite...practicing in the rain and all.

A millenial kind of tough guy


WTF did you want him to say?

"LaFleur never considered moving practice indoors today with rain:"

Never could understand why a little rain or cold and GB immediately went indoors when there was a chance that’s what the weather was going to be wherever they played that week. Yes, there’s a slightly higher risk of injury, but at least guys also learn how to handle footing, ball security, focus, etc., in practice and not in a game. It’s football. 

DH13 posted:
oldschool posted:
michiganjoe posted:

I like it.

Yup....He's a regular Block of Granite...practicing in the rain and all.

A millenial kind of tough guy


WTF did you want him to say?

Something racist probably would get a nod of approval. 

lovepack posted:

Love that Jace is doing well so far! Need someone at that position to make a splash.

Oh the heartbreak of early camp love affairs...other than Davante the rest of the group kinda sucked last season.

Means less than nothing is all I am saying

Five Packers who are early standouts at training camp

Jimmy Graham
Davante Adams
Montravius Adams
Kevin King
PackerHawk posted:
DH13 posted:
oldschool posted:
michiganjoe posted:

I like it.

Yup....He's a regular Block of Granite...practicing in the rain and all.

A millenial kind of tough guy


WTF did you want him to say?

Something racist probably would get a nod of approval. 

As a minority in present day's impossible for me to be racist...god bless Nancy's lil heart for that gift. I can hate on whomever I wish and it's quite legal to beat on whitey in Portland...just sayin...I'm safe.

And as a matter of record...the racism on this forum is something I stay away from and do not comment on.

See the latest Raven Greene comments here as a perfect example..."not much between the ears" ect. 

You are barkin up the wrong tree there son.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming....GO PACK GO

Henry posted:

Is that the new schtick?

Maybe we can change the link in your post to "please like me" then you won't have to continue liking your own posts.

Says the guy with the oldest , tired and most thoroughly pathetic schtick here.

You are the crazy uncle...and this is your attic...we all know that.

But hey...I'd be pissed and bitter too if the only thing I was good at was replaced by uneducated, untrained, dirt poor illegal Mexicans.

Now do us a favor...and keep the comments to Packers stuff.

You actually have some occasional wit and value with that. 

Geronimo! or whom is your breakout WR this season ?


oldschool posted:
Henry posted:

Is that the new schtick?

Maybe we can change the link in your post to "please like me" then you won't have to continue liking your own posts.

Says the guy with the oldest , tired and most thoroughly pathetic schtick here.

You are the crazy uncle...and this is your attic...we all know that.

But hey...I'd be pissed and bitter too if the only thing I was good at was replaced by uneducated, untrained, dirt poor illegal Mexicans.

Now do us a favor...and keep the comments to Packers stuff.

You actually have some occasional wit and value with that. 

Geronimo! or whom is your breakout WR this season ?


Yet, you probably couldn't even do what they do because you're soft and scared.  VIVA LA MEXICO!  I prefer people with real life experiences where they understand freedom and democracy are a treasure, something to protect.  Real, hardworking individuals that do what they have to do for the betterment of themselves, their families and culture they live in.  I'll pull teats with a Mexican any day of the week.  Just get me some teats and an Mexican.

You anti-American creampuffs can continue to act like you actually know what work is.


You should apologize to whichever native nation you're pretending to be a part of.

Last edited by Henry
Henry posted:
oldschool posted:
Henry posted:

Is that the new schtick?

Maybe we can change the link in your post to "please like me" then you won't have to continue liking your own posts.

Says the guy with the oldest , tired and most thoroughly pathetic schtick here.

You are the crazy uncle...and this is your attic...we all know that.

But hey...I'd be pissed and bitter too if the only thing I was good at was replaced by uneducated, untrained, dirt poor illegal Mexicans.

Now do us a favor...and keep the comments to Packers stuff.

You actually have some occasional wit and value with that. 

Geronimo! or whom is your breakout WR this season ?


Yet, you probably couldn't even do what they do because you're soft and scared.  VIVA LA MEXICO!  I prefer people with real life experiences where they understand freedom and democracy are a treasure, something to protect.  Real, hardworking individuals that do what they have to do for the betterment of themselves, their families and culture they live in.  I'll pull teats with a Mexican any day of the week.  Just get me some teats and an Mexican.

You anti-American creampuffs can continue to act like you actually know what work is.


You should apologize to whichever native nation you're pretending to be a part of.

Member in good standing with a band of Lake Superior Chippewa my palefaced loser friend living on stolen ground.

Now get off of my damn lawn.

Go back to your Euro-trash roots and get off of my native lands...seriously. are living the life of a colonialist hypocrite.

I have the complete moral high ground here passed down by my indigenous ancestors.

I was Here first...leave or pay reparations.

By the way...I take Paypal or Beaver pelts. Doesn't matter to me.

Always kind of liked the Beaver...if you get my drift.

Now what about Geronimo? the slot? 

You keep trashing up a pretty good Packer forum.


ChilliJon posted:

Text from friend at camp today. 

Jordy Nelson just ran a perfect 20 yard back shoulder completion. Put his hands up last second and then tapped both feet in before stepping out of bounds. Great coverage. Total sideline control. A little depressed it was Kumerow not Jordy. For a minute it was 2010 again. Still impressive. 

I am still sick over Jordy being gone, but if good ol’ Kumerow can do that consistently I’ll be more then happy to buy his jersey.  I only own one other, A-12’s and had one made up for Max McGee as well, so my collection of three will be complete.    

After practice today MLF said something to the effect of β€œJake's a consistent guy that is extremely reliable. You can trust he's going to be where he's supposed to be within the timing of the playβ€œ

Basically calling him a white guy making the most of his limited athleticism. Jordy had filthy football speed and football IQ. 

But you give Rodgers Adams (Top 5 WR), MVS (nasty speed) and Kumerow (safety net) and you stress every level of a defense concerned about the running game  


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