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@michiganjoe posted:

Only? Organization needs to look at everything, including the role of the GM and head coach in the continuing failures.  MLF acknowledged he came up short in his focus on ST.

I was stating Mayo's only option, since he doesn't control personnel, is to replace Drayton.

Decades long futility you noted would seem the FO isn't so concerned.

Last edited by Henry
@ilcuqui posted:

@TomSilverstein: One thing the #Packers have going for them in the pursuit of Rich Bisaccia as ST coach is that Bisaccia is very tight with defensive coordinator Joe Barry, a source said. They worked together in TB and Barry is Rod Marinelli's son-in-law. Marinelli and Bisaccia are best friends.

Who said NFL is a good ol boys club?

FO failure on ST:  Keeping Vernon Scott on the roster, not moving him to PS.  He was passed up by Henry Black and did absolutely NOTHING throughout the year.  Must mean they love his "potential".  Isn't the whole idea that some guys at the bottom of the roster make the team because of their ability to contribute to ST?  He did nothing at all.  Nothing.

Just another fucking example of "build for the future" when you need to be focusing on players who get you to a championship now.  Pick. A. Fucking. Lane.

Coaching failure:  Not playing the most capable players on ST even if they are starters or rotational guys.  Lazard and MVS?  Why not?  Big guys that have speed or excellent blocking ability.

Since it's obvious Mayo doesn't have full control of his coaching hires, the FO also shoulders the failure of a shit ST coach.

Hire a competent coach who has a proven record working with young, raw guys.  Play the guys that are good on ST and quit wasting fucking roster spots on a scrub UDFA whose potential you like but does shit for the team trying to win now.

You're either trying to win it all or you're making bullshit excuses.  The Packers organization has become stale in its approach and at this point there's just too many half ass fixes that always come too late.

Matthew Stafford is in the Super Bowl.  If that example doesn't scream organizational priorities I don't know what does.

Last edited by Henry
@ilcuqui posted:

@TomSilverstein: One thing the #Packers have going for them in the pursuit of Rich Bisaccia as ST coach is that Bisaccia is very tight with defensive coordinator Joe Barry, a source said. They worked together in TB and Barry is Rod Marinelli's son-in-law. Marinelli and Bisaccia are best friends.

Give him what he wants in terms of salary...good ST coaches don't come around often. You fucked around the last decade with this...I don't care if it's 12 or 10 under center, ST cannot be a liability any more. You lost your right to spend on a budget. That time has passed.

Georgia ST coach makes $800k

LSU makes $700k

If you're not north of a million for Bisaccia, you're not doing it right.

Fuck-Fuck time is over.

Special teams coaching priorities:

1. If we have a very good punter keep him. If he is shit as a holder get a new holder.  Don't care if it is a WR, 2nd QB, reserve RB, whoever.

2. Teach maintaining tackle lanes.

3. Don't make blocks in the back. That penalty ruins more good returns than any other.

4. Work work work the place kickers in camp.  If Mason is still the best keep him.  If he isn't, well thanks bud, you've been great. 

5. Understand the clock situation. If you need to take a few seconds off the clock don't kick it in the endzone. Make them return it.  (Bills in their game with Chiefs.)

6. Coach your punt protectors to be aware as to what is going on with the line blockers.  Fuck the return, don't let the punt get blocked.

Be more than a competent coach. In the game against SF, GB had 12 ST plays on offense (KO receiving, PR receiving, P, FGs, XPs). ST screwups cost GB 10 direct points with the punt block and FG block. On the defensive side of STs, Samuel returns the second-half KO to midfield which led to a FG, and of course, the last 10-man FG play. Pitiful.

There has to be more emphasis on STs when they are about one-fifth of all plays in every game. Do what needs to be done to be better: coach, coaching, players.

@Henry posted:

FO failure on ST:  Keeping Vernon Scott on the roster, not moving him to PS.  He was passed up by Henry Black and did absolutely NOTHING throughout the year.  Must mean they love his "potential".  Isn't the whole idea that some guys at the bottom of the roster make the team because of their ability to contribute to ST?  He did nothing at all.  Nothing.

Just another fucking example of "build for the future" when you need to be focusing on players who get you to a championship now.  Pick. A. Fucking. Lane.

Coaching failure:  Not playing the most capable players on ST even if they are starters or rotational guys.  Lazard and MVS?  Why not?  Big guys that have speed or excellent blocking ability.

Since it's obvious Mayo doesn't have full control of his coaching hires, the FO also shoulders the failure of a shit ST coach.

Hire a competent coach who has a proven record working with young, raw guys.  Play the guys that are good on ST and quit wasting fucking roster spots on a scrub UDFA whose potential you like but does shit for the team trying to win now.

You're either trying to win it all or you're making bullshit excuses.  The Packers organization has become stale in its approach and at this point there's just too many half ass fixes that always come too late.

Matthew Stafford is in the Super Bowl.  If that example doesn't scream organizational priorities I don't know what does.


So what will the excuse be if the Packers mortgage the cap to fit in Rodgers and Adams and pay a real ST coach and 12 pisses his pants in the postseason again?

Yes the STs sucked.  But Rodgers got outplayed by Jimmy fucking G.  How about last year?   1st and goal from the 8 and you shit the bed.

Looking back at the year they won it all, it was the defense that bailed his ass out against Chitcago to make it to the Super Bowl.

Move on already.  Rodgers is a brilliant regular season QB when the pressure is off.  He’s mediocre at best in the playoffs.  But hey, let’s point the finger and rationalize his shitty play because it’s easy and convenient to do so.

Everyone is accountable it seems but 12.  Blame the FO, blame MM and MLF, blame the defense and STs.  We all know at critical moments the last decade he hasn’t delivered either.  He’s the NFL version of Clayton Kershaw.

As for Stafford, if Rodgers wants to come back for 23M I’m sure they will take him back in a heartbeat.  But he won’t.  No different than Brady taking less money for the greater good.  12 is owed 46M.  Any indication he’s willing to take less?  I didn’t think so.

Last edited by Tschmack
@Tschmack posted:

So what will the excuse be if the Packers mortgage the cap to fit in Rodgers and Adams and pay a real ST coach and 12 pisses his pants in the postseason again?

Yes the STs sucked.  But Rodgers got outplayed by Jimmy fucking G.  How about last year?   1st and goal from the 8 and you shit the bed.

Looking back at the year they won it all, it was the defense that bailed his ass out against Chitcago to make it to the Super Bowl.

Move on already.  Rodgers is a brilliant regular season QB when the pressure is off.  He’s mediocre at best in the playoffs.  But hey, let’s point the finger and rationalize his shitty play because it’s easy and convenient to do so.

Everyone is accountable it seems but 12.  Blame the FO, blame MM and MLF, blame the defense and STs.  We all know at critical moments the last decade he hasn’t delivered either.  He’s the NFL version of Clayton Kershaw.

As for Stafford, if Rodgers wants to come back for 23M I’m sure they will take him back in a heartbeat.  But he won’t.  No different than Brady taking less money for the greater good.  12 is owed 46M.  Any indication he’s willing to take less?  I didn’t think so.

What excuse?  You mean from the FO?  Because continuing to try and win a fucking Super Bowl has nothing to do with fan sentiments.  They shit the bed again they still didn't do what they needed to do and it's time of a paradigm shift in Packer land.

Because I know you weren't talking about "excuses" when it comes to fans telling the fucking FO to put together a complete team.

Save your fucking horseshit "everyone is accountable but 12".  You fuckers only piss and moan about Rodgers and NEVER look at the big picture.  Fuck, you've got people defending fucking Drayton.  Put together a complete TEAM and quit with the fucking "let Rodgers do it until I can piss and moan about it".

Stafford is in the Super Bowl.  Organizational priorites.  Don't for one fucking second tell me Stafford is a better QB.  He has a complete team around him.  You think Rodgers sucks?  Then treat him like Stafford and make up for his suckiness.

Bloviating endlessly about the fucking cap and Rodgers failures doesn't change the fact this team is being run like shit.  Take Rodgers out of the equation and say Love becomes a competent QB.  Do you think the Packers will ever sniff a championship as long as this front office so wisely continues to fucking hamstring the immediate talent they have so they can acquire the talent that can't contribute now only to hamstring them in the future?

You have a player on the roster that did absolutely fucking NOTHING all season.  POTENTIAL!

This strategy is like letting a bunch of fucking draft weinies run the show.  So happy to sniff their own farts around the draft but think the actual product on the field is secondary.

Oh and NBA something. Christ.

Last edited by Henry
@Pikes Peak posted:

Agree,  a goat needs to get more than 10 points at home.  No matter how much others stink he needed to be better, this and last year.

Agree. He was handed HFA for the NFC two years in a row. They got lucky on a couple of D pickups in Campbell and Rasul, drafted Stokes, got a +13 in TOs, an average of 5 minutes TOP over opponents, scored 26.5 ppg vs 21.8, and a defense that held SF to six points in the championship game.

Rodgers was handed everything he wanted this year, and he still couldn't get it done. I don't know if Love is the solution, but I think it's time we find a different answer. Of course, if Rodgers stays, I hope to eat crow, but it's looking more and more like Rodgers' time has flown by.

Another thing, what fucking game were you watching?  Jimmy G outplayed Rodgers?  No, the 9ers piss pounded our ST and wore down the defense with the run game.  Rodgers sucking ass does not equate to Jimmy being some stud QB all of sudden.

Mayo got outcoached, Rodgers choked, ST directly lost the game while the defense collapsed at the most critical moment.

STFU about Rodgers and Rodgers only.  There is one immutable fact whether any of you like it or not.  If the Packers are actually interested in trying to get to, if not maybe try to win, a Super Bowl, Rodgers is the guy.  That's it.  That's all that's to it.  That's what you've got and if you think Stafford or Tannehill or Garrapolo are better you're full of shit.  They are "better" because they play on a better team overall.

Oh yeah, Deebo Samuels.  Who the fuck needs to draft quality skill players anyways?

Last edited by Henry
@Fandame posted:

Rodgers was handed everything he wanted this year, and he still couldn't get it done. I don't know if Love is the solution, but I think it's time we find a different answer. Of course, if Rodgers stays,

I have advocated for moving on from Rodge to see if it was worthwhile for Gutey to use his 2020 1st and 4th round picks on a QB for the future instead of adding talent that could have helped the Packers compete for SBs in 2020 and 2021.

I also think Rodgers played poorly in the loss to the 49ers and deserves all the criticism he is getting for his part in the loss.

But if someone watched that loss to SF -- which featured a team that been bad at Special Teams all season return multiple kickoffs near or to midfield, block a FG with such ease it looked like a 10 year old Pop Warner game, and score its only TD when it blocked a punt with a 5-man rush -- and came away thinking that the QB of the losing team had EVERYTHING HE WANTED THIS YEAR, then that individual is either (a) a member of Mo Drayton's family, (b) the biggest apologist for Packer FRONT OFFICE/COACHING ineptitude that 1265 could ever hope for, or (c) needs to start spending more time watching bowling or some other sport because no rational fan with a modicum of football knowledge could possibly claim that a team that made no effort to do anything about the worst STs unit in the NFL "handed its QB everything he wanted."

Oh, and if Rogers stays, it cannot be disputed that MLF, Murph, Gute, and Russ B have all gone on the record begging him to return.

Thus, if Rodge returns and next year results in yet another glorious NFC North Title and nothing more, then maybe, just maybe, some of the loyal FRONT OFFICE fans might start wondering whether the Packer organization is truly committed to winning SBs or perfectly satisfied dominating a pathetic division.

Surely a FRONT OFFICE that refused to pony up $ to hire a competent STs coach in Darren Rizzi and has instead employed clowns like Slocum, Zook, Mennenga, and Drayton cannot be considered to have gone all in to win a SB.

Can it?

Here are the starting QBs in the SB since 2011: Brady (6), Mahomes (2), Garappolo, Goff, Foles, Newton, P. Manning (at the very crippled end of his career), Wilson (2), Flacco, Kaepernick, Eli Manning. This year you've got Burrow and "Pad" Stafford, as he was commonly known here. There are a lot of flawed QBs on that list with nowhere near the skill of Rodgers, yet they managed to drag their teams into the Super Bowl. Are there a lot of factors in play, yes. But I would argue that Rodgers deserves the criticism he's getting as well.

@D J posted:

So Leftwich was in the running for Jags HC and took himself out of it. I don't get that. The Jags have a young, talented QB.

Buccaneers OC Byron Leftwich is expected to remove himself from consideration for the Jaguars HC job per


Removing yourself from consideration happens when you know you are not getting the gig. It saves a shred...A SHRED of dignity but everyone knows why guys do that. It gives the glimmer you had control of the situtation.

From JSO:

But if the Packers are willing to reset the market for special teams coaches and offer Bisaccia around $2 million per year, it could tip the scales their way. It would be a complete reversal of the way the franchise has approached special teams, preferring not to invest a lot of money in coaching contracts.

If the Packers were to pay him $2 million per year, he would be the highest-paid special teams coordinator in the NFL, according to a NFL source. The Packers were paying far less than that to Drayton and his predecessor, Shawn Mennenga.

Working in the Packers’ favor in their recruiting is that Bisaccia has ties to the coaching staff.

Defensive coordinator Joe Barry is the son-in-law of Bisaccia’s best friend, Rod Marinelli, who is the defensive line coach in Las Vegas. a source noted, and Barry and Bisaccia coached together for five seasons with Tampa Bay. Bisaccia has not coached with LaFleur, but the Barry connection might turn out to be a big plus.

The $1.2M Rizzi was asking for doesn't seem too bad now does it?


@Fandame posted:

Here are the starting QBs in the SB since 2011: Brady (6), Mahomes (2), Garappolo, Goff, Foles, Newton, P. Manning (at the very crippled end of his career), Wilson (2), Flacco, Kaepernick, Eli Manning. This year you've got Burrow and "Pad" Stafford, as he was commonly known here. There are a lot of flawed QBs on that list with nowhere near the skill of Rodgers, yet they managed to drag their teams into the Super Bowl. Are there a lot of factors in play, yes. But I would argue that Rodgers deserves the criticism he's getting as well.

If Goff had been able to do anything but shit himself, the Rams wouldn't have lost. Brady basically made one deep pass to Gronk that had to be adjusted greatly for, and having a great TE sure helped.

Flacco was on the (by far) hottest streak of his career and played light-out in the playoffs.

Eli's two hottest streaks were in those playoffs and it's not like he was a slouch.

Cam got bitched by shitty OT play against a great pass rush. Sound familiar?

Foles shows why you need a competent backup QB, something else the Packers FO has fucked up for over a decade. It still gave them a puncher's chance and they won it all.

Twelve of the 18 starters were guys with good shots at the Hall of Fame, and were the winning QBs for all but, what, two of them.

Last edited by Herschel
@Chongo posted:

From JSO:

But if the Packers are willing to reset the market for special teams coaches and offer Bisaccia around $2 million per year, it could tip the scales their way. It would be a complete reversal of the way the franchise has approached special teams, preferring not to invest a lot of money in coaching contracts.

If the Packers were to pay him $2 million per year, he would be the highest-paid special teams coordinator in the NFL, according to a NFL source. The Packers were paying far less than that to Drayton and his predecessor, Shawn Mennenga.

Working in the Packers’ favor in their recruiting is that Bisaccia has ties to the coaching staff.

Defensive coordinator Joe Barry is the son-in-law of Bisaccia’s best friend, Rod Marinelli, who is the defensive line coach in Las Vegas. a source noted, and Barry and Bisaccia coached together for five seasons with Tampa Bay. Bisaccia has not coached with LaFleur, but the Barry connection might turn out to be a big plus.

The $1.2M Rizzi was asking for doesn't seem too bad now does it?


The kicker is Rizzi is a better ST coach.  Players love Bisaccia apparently but it's not like he was an over the top ST coach.  He'd be light years better than anything the Packers have had but they could've had a legit, top tier ST coach for less and pissed it away.

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