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In fairness to Emery as a personnel guy, that cupboard was absolutely bare when he took over. The defense was decrepit, as was the offensive line. The only real difference between them and the Raiders was the Bears weren't in cap hell and "had a quarterback" already.

Originally Posted by Henry:


It just amazes me that Adam Gase continues to be a hot candidate.  Manning damn near runs the offense himself and is surrounded with solid talent as well.  If I'm a GM with any damn brains I pass on the stuffed shirt OC on a John Fox coaching staff and just offer Manning a coaching job when he retires.

With that said, here's hoping he's the Bears guy
Originally Posted by Herschel:

In fairness to Emery as a personnel guy, that cupboard was absolutely bare when he took over. The defense was decrepit, as was the offensive line. The only real difference between them and the Raiders was the Bears weren't in cap hell and "had a quarterback" already.

Well, if you sign the likes of Ryan Mundy and MD Jennings to bolster your back 7, you aren't upgrading your D.  His moves on the Defensive side were terrible.

Originally Posted by 50k Club:
Originally Posted by Herschel:

In fairness to Emery as a personnel guy, that cupboard was absolutely bare when he took over. The defense was decrepit, as was the offensive line. The only real difference between them and the Raiders was the Bears weren't in cap hell and "had a quarterback" already.

Well, if you sign the likes of Ryan Mundy and MD Jennings to bolster your back 7, you aren't upgrading your D.  His moves on the Defensive side were terrible.

I'll take Marquand Manuel for $500, Alex. Rebuilding roster chum.

Originally Posted by Henry:

It just amazes me that Adam Gase continues to be a hot candidate.  Manning damn near runs the offense himself and is surrounded with solid talent as well.  If I'm a GM with any damn brains I pass on the stuffed shirt OC on a John Fox coaching staff and just offer Manning a coaching job when he retires.

For all we know Gase might be the next Bill Walsh, but I agree, it sure looks like Manning runs that offense.


Same thing with Josh McDaniels. Unless he brings Belichick and Brady with him, I ain't interested.

There is talk out here in the mountains that if Foxy does not win it he could be gone AND if so they MAY bring in Sexy Rexy to be the head man and run the D and give to O to Peyton who is actually running it now.   Also Jack Del Rio was seen talking to the Raiders owner on the field befor Sunday's game, not a quick hello but for about 15 minutes.

Originally Posted by heyward:

I think the Raiders are 5 minutes away from bringing Mike Sherman in for an interview.

I think the Raiders should embrace their outlaw past. Get Rex Ryan as a coach, sign Suh to anchor their DL (They have the cap space); trade for Adrian Peterson. That's what Al Davis would have done before he became senile about 15 years ago.




Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
Rex Ryan almost made to a SB twice with Mark Sanchez as his QB. He could get Denver over the hump IMO with Manning running the offense...if Mannings arm still has any juice.

And if he stays away from the offense.

Let's go for max lulz here.


Josh McDaniel to SF (Because Belichick coaching tree hires have worked out flawlessly!)


Eric Mangini to Oakland (Eric Mangini is the greatest hire in the history of sports)


Mike Shanahan to Chicago (He's old, he doesn't care, and he loves Smokin Jay)


Inanimate Carbon Rod to Atlanta (like it effing matters who is coaching the Falcons!)


Darrel Bevell to the Jets (I think because of Favre, but I loathe him for some reason, and I want to see him fail hard, and I think he's a **** Offensive Coordinator that has ridden coattails since he started coaching) 


Rex Ryan replaces some dip**** on CBS pregame and trolls the internet weekly by dropping references to feet every week in his analysis.  


@JasonLaCanfora: Reported on Sunday Rex Ryan was very intrigued by the possibility of coaching the Falcons. They will be interviewing him for their vacancy.

That could be a good match if they can get a decent OC. IMO Rex learned a lot from the cauldron in New York and if he works his way with the defense the Falcons could be good, especially in that division.

Originally Posted by Boris:
<script charset="utf-8" src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>




How about his other dickhead son Brian?

BREAKING: and defensive coordinator Jim Haslett have mutually agreed to part ways.

Terrible, terrible coach. Plus he helped backstab Mike Shanahan out of his HC job in Washington. Ultimate crony hire by Jay Gruden and Bruce Allen.


Please, MM, don't feel sorry for your bud and bring him to GB. He's nothing but a cancer now.


EDIT: Classic tweet here by Wash Post columnist. Referring to end of season presser later today by Bruce Allen, Redskins' head of nostalgia and alumni affairs and titular GM:

  Serve up Haz right before presser equivalent of blowing up a bridge to draw cops away from bank robbery.

Last edited by ilcuqui

Ian Rapoport

The  no doubt saw the Marrone news coming. They interviewed assistant Anthony Lynn today, fulfilling the Rooney Rule. They can hire.


We'll at least that doesn't make the Rooney Rule seem like a nuisance. 

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Thought we'd be hearing from you any time now. He opted out of his contract. Shefter reporting he's option #1 for the Jets. 

Yup, no other websites had updated yet and i was fixing my front door so I didn't have the chance to read much more other than what I saw on my phone, but yeah he's quitting. It now puts the Bills in an interesting spot, as a lot of folks will want Jim Schwartz to stick around, but will the new HC want him? And he'll probably want to interview too...kind of reminds me of the Jim Bates deal ten years ago.


EDIT: I'm also seeing he asked the Pegulas (new Bills owners) for contract extensions for both him and his assistants, and both requests were quickly denied.


One HC candidate who's been somewhat popular this offseason is Chargers OC Frank Reich, who was a former Bills QB way back when. Being that he was mostly the Bills' backup QB, he was instantly the fans' favorite player on the squad.

Last edited by Rusty

LaCanfora with this gem:

@JasonLaCanfora: Bill Polian will be taking over as Bills team president/football czar but move may not be announced til late Jan, due to his commitments.

Link no worky, Fedya?


That season when Reich was replacing Kelly, he was on fire for quite a few games, as I recall. I thought the Bills made a mistake starting Kelly when his injury was healed as he couldn't sustain the momentum that Reich had.

Originally Posted by Packiderm:
Originally Posted by Rusty:

 i was fixing my front door icing cookies

I hope Red Green didn't show you how to do it! 

FTFY Rusty.  Saves you the embarrassment of not knowing duct tape.



I don't know how a square brackets got in place of a round open parenthesis, Timmy:

The Comeback

Must be x4 doing it, though, because I copied the URL straight from the browser and pasted it, and had the same problem again.

I missed the game because I was on a bus heading back to college, and when I got in the taxi at the bus station, I asked the driver if he knew the score.  When he told me Houston was up 35-3 I couldn't be bothered to watch the rest of the second half. 
Last edited by Fedya

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