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If the Saints ever wind up in a 4th and 26th scenario with this dum dum, they're screwed.

Last edited by Rusty
Originally Posted by pkr_north:

what ever became of vic fangio after sf blew up? - i haven't heard his name anywhere...?

Except SF. Wouldn't be surprised to see him follow Harbaugh out to Michigan. However all the coaches under Harbaugh in SF still have 1 more year on their deal. SF needs to let them go or retain them (or give permission for interviews) before the coaches can move along.

Haven't posted on this but earlier in the week Philly's GM Howard Roseman abruptly fired the head of player personnel there in a rather transparent move to wrest personnel powers from Chip Kelly, who'd had final say before. Chip wasn't happy and all sorts of leaks started appearing to that effect and how he wanted to leave, now.


Owner Jeffrey Lurie had to step in, and voila, Chip wins.

@RapSheet: A day of debate leads the #Eagles into a new direction, which looks like where they were with Andy Reid.


@JasonLaCanfora: Chip Kelly will now bear the burden of coaching and being responsible for all personnel decisions (sans contract/cap). Lot for him to juggle.

From Adam Schefter (

Eagles' announcement: Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Lurie today announced a new structural change for the Philadelphia Eagles.

Howie Roseman will be elevated to the role of Executive Vice President of Football Operations and will continue directing contract negotiations, salary cap management, and NFL strategic matters, while overseeing the team’s medical staff, equipment staff and more.

Head coach Chip Kelly will now oversee the player personnel department. He will also lead efforts to hire a new personnel executive – a process that will begin immediately...

Last edited by ilcuqui

Its clear SF had no plan after Harbaugh. Concensus in No Cal is York is a silver spoon **** that wanted to prove hes a big boy capable of making football decisions and stuff. 


Mora (UCLA) is supposed to interview as well now. They're going to talk to everyone. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

Harbaugh's being forced out by management at the end of this season has been apparent for some time. For the same 49er management to be so ill-prepared at this stage speaks volumes. Add that disarray to the myriad reasons why that job isn't too attractive.


Continued thanks for being a Packer fan.

I saw where Del Rio is interviewing with Oakland. That's probably not that bad of a fit. I always felt like the Jaguars were always close to being a competitive team, but Del Rio could never find an OC that was worth a crap. Also they bungled the QB situation almost annually it seemed...Byron Leftwich was good until he started to suck and got hurt, then David Garrard was good until he started to suck and got hurt, and then it was just suck from then on. If he had found someone competent to run the O I think they would have been much better.

Originally Posted by Hungry5:

The Vikes have plenty of fans. Some of them are real nice people, and funny too.



I troll Rube chat all the time. Not only are they a funny lot, their game threads are up to 20 pages before the game even starts.

@azbobbymac: Az Cardinals coach Bruce Arians confirmed DC Todd Bowles has been formally contacted by the Bears, Jets and Falcons.



But Woody is too clueless.

This is interesting. McCloughan is the guy that drafted Patrick Willis. Could be good for Redskins

Mike Silver reporting on similar lines.

@MikeSilver: Scot McCloughan & the Redskins are in negotiations for him to become team's GM. Bruce Allen would be promoted to president.


@dcsportsbog: Congratulations to Bruce Allen on his pending promotion from President/General Manager to President.

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