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@BrainDed posted:

Barry isn't getting fired mid season.   The only hope is that MLF inserts himself and demands the play calling / approach becomes more aggressive.

I honestly believe that if we simply switch to more man press it will make a huge difference.   

Being that MLF is an offensive mind , shouldn't this be incredibly obvious to him?? It feels like he should have made this adjustment in week 1 and yet it is still a major issue. Sign the right players to play man coverage and then have them play soft zone. It doesn't make sense.

@FLPACKER posted:

Agree, he isn't going to fire Barry. Seems like it is more the play calls, which is correctable. Herman had a good observation on one of Jones' QB draws. Packers were showing double A gap blitz, would have negated the draw, however, the Giants appeared to know it was a "bluff", and when the 2 LBers sprinted back and out on the snap, Jones ran it.

Heard on radio this morning, going into yesterday Barry has called blitz the least in the league.

@YATittle posted:

If MLF didn't fire that OBVIOUS INCOMPETENT ST coach last year, what makes you think he or What Me Worry will do anything about Barry?

This was the biggest mistake MLF has made in his head coaching career. It still irritates me that during the pregame discussions with Aikman/Buck before the SF playoff game, that he told them that he new the special teams were terrible and that he hoped it didn't cost them the game.

If you were a CEO of a business and you knew that some part of it may end up causing catastrophic damage to it if you didn't prioritize fixing it, but you didn't and then it caused catastrophic damage that severely damaged your business, that CEO be gone immediately. MLF's attitude appeared to wait until the end of the season. That's just unacceptable. All the other stuff (scheming on offense and defense, personnel decisions) can be debated and there arguments for different approaches by intelligent people. There was no debate by anyone that the special teams were terrible all last year and they didn't appear to try to do anything to fix it. That's the time you make a change mid-season. There were high school special teams coaches on Twitter pointing out the problems. It was obvious to any person even vaguely familiar with special teams schemes. It was incompetence. As good as his record has been, you would think that a management mistake like that arguably cost you a trip to a Super Bowl (assuming they would have beaten the Rams) might get you run out of town.

Barry is a different situation. He's not incompetent. He's just decided that he is going to scheme to prevent his defense from giving up big plays and make the other team execute long drives. If your offense is like Buffalo's right now, that may be good enough. But this Packer offense is severely impaired in the passing game right now and isn't likely to put up 30+ points a game (the reasons for that can be debated, but the fact it is can not be). In that situation, your defense should try to win the game by forcing turnovers. You do that by bringing pressure and being aggressive. Barry's defense is the opposite of that. Any big pressures are just from R. Gary or Kenny Clark making a superstar play. The problem in terms of firing Barry is that there aren't a lot of egregious mistakes (other than when Amos was out which makes some sense). This isn't the Rollins/Randall Packers defense from the mid-2010s when even average receivers were running uncovered 20-30 yards down the field. Most of the problems with this Packers defense are related to letting the QB sit back in the pocket and wait for guys to find holes in soft zone. You have the best set of 5-deep DBs in football, a pair of very good coverage LBs, and a better than average pass rush - force the issue. But sitting back in soft zone provides Baryry better job security than blitzing the house and letting a DB get beat on a long play.

It worked for Fritz Shurmur and everyone thought he was a genius.

As good as R. Gary, Clark, and the others have been, they aren't Reggie White, Gilbert Brown, Santana Dotson, and Sean Jones.

At least not yet. They could be, but are not there today.

They are very talented on D, but it appears Barry isn't playing to their strengths.

Last edited by H5

This was the biggest mistake MLF has made in his head coaching career. It still irritates me that during the pregame discussions with Aikman/Buck before the SF playoff game, that he told them that he new the special teams were terrible and that he hoped it didn't cost them the game.

If you were a CEO of a business and you knew that some part of it may end up causing catastrophic damage to it if you didn't prioritize fixing it, but you didn't and then it caused catastrophic damage that severely damaged your business, that CEO be gone immediately. MLF's attitude appeared to wait until the end of the season. That's just unacceptable.

MLF's abject failure to take prompt action to rectify his mistake in hiring Drayton is absolutely acceptable ... in the Packer organization ... as it is currently run and as it has been run for the past 10+ years.

Remember, the current Packer Team President/CEO Murph publicly admitted that he had no clue Ted Thompson's health had deteriorated so drastically (and that it had been deteriorating for so long) when he finally decided to move on from Ted after the 2017 season.

That ignorance was cited by ol' Murph as the chief reason for implementing the new reporting structure that has him in control of everything including having the head coach & GM reporting to him directly.

This is the same Murph who, in the summer of 2017, declared; "As long as (Ted Thompson) wants to continue to work ... we want him to continue to be our general manager.”

Can you imagine a CEO of a billion dollar corporation admitting to not knowing that the individual in charge of procuring talent to operate the corporation was not medically competent to perform his duties for likely multiple years, and then having the CEO not only keep his job but amassing even greater power within the corporation after making such a damning admission?

I can, because I follow the Green Bay Packers.

Looking forward to the playoffs when as currently shown, the defense will allow any team they face to run all over the defense or pass at will when they need to get a 1st down. Kaperpunk ran for 250 yards in the playoffs against Capers defense, San fran ran for 300 yards against Petine defense, and who knows what will happen against this defense come January, if they are lucky enough to get there.

@H5 posted:

Heard on radio this morning, going into yesterday Barry has called blitz the least in the league.

Thats not surprising and I'm actually okay with that.  It's not that I'm opposed to blitzing, it's that we have the boys up front that can get home with 4.   

The problem is the QB can get the ball out on time against our pathetic zone.   If we were to get a jam and knock the WR off their route, perhaps the QB has to hold the ball for another second.   Then our boys unleash hell on the QB.

@BrainDed posted:

Thats not surprising and I'm actually okay with that.  It's not that I'm opposed to blitzing, it's that we have the boys up front that can get home with 4.   

The problem is the QB can get the ball out on time against our pathetic zone.   If we were to get a jam and knock the WR off their route, perhaps the QB has to hold the ball for another second.   Then our boys unleash hell on the QB.

Agree to a point .... just envious seeing other teams scheme free rushers to disrupt plays and get offenses out of rhythm.  

@FLPACKER posted:

Agree, he isn't going to fire Barry. Seems like it is more the play calls, which is correctable. Herman had a good observation on one of Jones' QB draws. Packers were showing double A gap blitz, would have negated the draw, however, the Giants appeared to know it was a "bluff", and when the 2 LBers sprinted back and out on the snap, Jones ran it.

That is because the whole purpose of this defense is have guys running backwards as fast as possible into a zone.

@BrainDed posted:

Thats not surprising and I'm actually okay with that.  It's not that I'm opposed to blitzing, it's that we have the boys up front that can get home with 4.   

The problem is the QB can get the ball out on time against our pathetic zone.   If we were to get a jam and knock the WR off their route, perhaps the QB has to hold the ball for another second.   Then our boys unleash hell on the QB.

On several occasions the QB got the ball out a split second before the hit.

Great point by Solak ... MLF can say all he wants when asked about blitzing "we send 5 guys a lot", but when we go "Bear Front" (3 interior d-lineman and Gary / Preston on the edges), the offense knows exactly where everyone is coming from. This puts enormous pressure on the ILBers to get in the passing lanes quickly and be "right" every time. Much of this is because Preston & Gary are not the type of OLBers that can drop into coverage, which other teams who use the Bear Front do to disguise who is rushing and who is dropping. I guess a solution to this is to replace one of the interior lineman with a DB and blitz the ILBers more, both run and pass blitz?

Pettine came under so much criticism for not being aggressive enough and he didn't have anywhere near the talent the defense has now . In addition, Pettine had top 5 defenses in both Buffalo & NYJ ....the guy just didn't "forget" how to coach when he came here. So you fire a guy who has a track record of being top notch, hire a guy who has a track record of not being top notch, and then you get him more talent. As I kept trying to remind myself when all of us wanted Pettine gone careful what you wish for.

Found on the internet:

Here's an interesting stat for you: the Packers have only 7 passes defended the entire season, by far the last in the league; the next closest teams have 14. So if you're rarely in a position to defend the pass, it stands to reason that you're not going be getting a lot of interceptions.

Barry is simply not being logical about his game planning and the way he is using his personnel in the secondary. If Douglas is at his best on the outside, then that's where you play him!

@D J posted:
Packers currently 29th in deep pass DVOA so they’re not preventing big plays either
#Packers D pass game coordinator Jerry Gray said the priority is not giving up deep balls and that the safety has to play that first before attacking the crossing route. He said he'll keep working with DBs on how to play those. "We'll right the ship," Gray said.

From his lips to God’s ears…

The second half defense has been just awful.

Packers defense in 1st halves this season:

12th in EPA/play

8th in EPA/dropback

5th in dropback success rate

Packers defense in 2nd halves:

22nd EPA/Play

18th EPA/dropback

19th dropback SR

And if we throw out the wonky Week 1, the numbers are even more stark. First half:

8th in EPA/play

13th in success rate 5th in EPA/dropback

4th in dropback SR

Second half:

26th in EPA/play (!!)

31st in success rate (!!) 23rd in EPA/dropback

26th in dropback SR(!!)

Last edited by D J
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