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the way I saw it was that he signed with Green Bay so quickly, he didn't give anyone else a chance to bid for his services.


I was shocked when he signed so quickly with Green I thought something was in the works behind the scenes already...


IF he allowed himself to be whored around the league more, I think common thought is that he could've gotten more money.  Of course, no one can prove that.


There were allegedly 8 teams that wanted his services and several of them had put numbers out there. He wanted to be in GB and told his agent to "get it done"5 minutes after meeting MM, TT and the crew at Lambeau.


We don't know who the others were, but its not a stretch to surmise that Ted wasn't the highest bidder.  


  Had Peppers wanted mo money, he wouldn't have come and gone without notice, he would have opened the bidding publicly. He chose the Packers and quietly inked the deal before anybody knew what was going on

Originally Posted by YooperPackfan:
Word has it that Carolina was making a push to re-aquire him

Yeah, that's the word going around.


If that's the case, what makes you think he chose GB over Carolina? After all, Carolina had a better record and went further into the playoffs last season than GB, and their defense on paper was already much better than GB's. I don't think it was Trgovac's presence in Green Bay, either. The thought of going back home to where it all started seems like it would be a logical choice, as well. Kind of like LeBron going back to Cleveland, admittedly with a lot less fanfare.


Ask yourself if you had one or two years left to try to win a championship, would you rather go to a team quarterbacked by Cam Newton, or Aaron Rodgers?


It's another example of how disproportionately important the QB position is in this league...and how blessed we are to have someone who one day may prove to be the best that's ever played the position. The stuff I've been seeing this season suggests to me that it may not be hyperbolic to say that. 

Last edited by Fond Du Arrigo

Per WSSP, since CMIII has slid to ILB, the double teams that CMIII was getting at OLB are now all going to Peppers side. Thus the reason you're seeing JP's disappearing act the last 3 games.


So either Peppers has to find a way to shed those or Perry or Neal gotta step up.


Plug one gaping hole at ILB (CMIII) and another hole gets created at the pass rush.



I had the same comments after seeing him in that first game flying around at ILB.  Will he hold up doing that?  This is the healthiest I think we have ever seen this team be and they're going to need to maintain that throughout the playoffs.

Buh-bye AJ and BJ in 2015.


Even if Barrington continues to get better, and he did some good things last night, GB needs to fill 2 positions at ILB next season. And since Peppers is getting no younger, Neal is what he is, another pass rushing OLB isn't exactly a wild idea either.

The old man is ramping it up at crunch time.


Look at the effort here. TD saving play.



Leadership too. The younger guys idolize him. From today's JSO:

... "He continues to get better and better and better," defensive end Mike Daniels said. "He's still doing awesome things, and he's the oldest guy on the field."...

... said linebacker Nick Perry. "Julius makes great plays in big games. That set the tone, really."

..."We don't really look at one player as the most valuable player on our team but he's a very key part of our defense," rookie linebacker Jayrone Elliott said. "Whenever he talks, everybody responds, even the offensive coaches."

..."He lives for these kind of moments," said defensive end Josh Boyd. "I just think he wanted it more than anybody. You hear it and see it in his preparation and the way he talks to us in practice. He's such a leader in how he handles things and how he rallies us up to get prepared. When you've got a guy who wants it like that it's kind of hard to stop."

..."He's a mentor, a leader, a big brother, he's been it all," Jones said. "Definitely getting us right day in and day out.

"He calls us up before practice making sure we understand the game plan and we're focused. Day in and day out.

"You wouldn't expect it because he's so quiet. But when he brings the team up it's, like, 'OK, it's time to go.'"

Linebacker Sam Barrington summed up the team's general opinion of Peppers: "I'm just glad he's on our team."

Thanks, Ted. And thanks, Julius, for not mailing it in and for giving this team the sort of veteran leadership it needs.

Last edited by ilcuqui

Watch Hawk on that play. He spots the right gap to shoot but is too slow to get there. Get's caught up in the wash. Starts running down field and then looks like a guy trying to stomp out a campfire with flip flops on after the fumble. He doesn't even look kind of athletic at this point. 

Well, that's the thing I loved about Emery.....really. How's the Peppers and Jared Allen moves looking Chicago ??


Watch Hawk on that play. While Barrington gets fooled by Murray's counter-step the Dallas TE does a nice job sealing  him. But Hawk is totally inept. Unblocked, poor angle, clueless.


Please show this to all HS linebackers ... "This is how NOT to scrape". ****ing unblocked !!


thanks Julius !!

Last edited by Packdog

And I say bull that it would have been a sure TD. There was a Packer safety with no blocker in sight.  There is no guarantee that Murray scores. Sometimes we make a great open field tackle.  

While we're piling on...


It also looks like Hawk pulls up the moment Murray is parallel to him, then wakes up after the ball is loose.  WTF?


Burnett took a really curious angle too.  He saw DM and where he was going but decided to run straight at the blocker to DM's right.  That's fine if you're a LB and you know you have somebody right behind you to make the tackle but Burnett was kind of the last guy until the deep deep Dix 20yrds down field.  Yes I just said that.


DH13- The guess is that it's Burnett's job in that defense to make sure the play is pushed back inside because that's where the help theoretically should be.


In terms of Barrington and Hawk - it's possible that Hawk is in the correct gap and Barrington is not, but at least Barrington makes someone block him.


Barrington didn't play against Seattle in Week 1. He should have a punchers chance stopping Lynch. Hawk did make 8 tackles in that game, but I would guess most of them were at least 4-5 yards downfield while being dragged. The NFL should just invent a new stat for this type of tackle and call it an "AJ Hawk"

from the internet:


"After playing 76.3 percent the snaps in the first 14 games of the season, Peppers has played just 65.3 percent of snaps in the past three games. The rest might have helped. He played perhaps his best game of the season on Sunday with 1.5 sacks and two forced fumbles..." 


Perry and Neal took some of his snaps at OLB

Matthews was in for 55 snaps, Peppers for 33

Maybe Burnett's assignment was to engage the outside blocker but when you have that free a shot at the RB, I think he should take it. If Burnett fills that hole, that play is stopped. Burnett takes himself out of the play by going after the blocker rather than taking his shot at the RB. Could the blocker adjust and take Burnett out? Yes, but then he also would have slowed Murray until the cavalry could arrive. Or Hawk's taxi finally arrives...

Burnett's job is to force Murray back inside to the pursuit. He can't let Murray bounce it outside. Hawk and Barrington running to the same gap shows the hot mess this team is at ILB right now. But at least they have Moss to coach them up before Seattle. 


AJ Hawk sucks. 

Can't ewe aholes go one thread without bitching about Hawk? Or did he seriously rape the wives/girlfriends of every poster here?


I'd rather hear more about [catts]' cankles at this point.

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Watch Hawk on that play. He spots the right gap to shoot but is too slow to get there. Get's caught up in the wash. Starts running down field and then looks like a guy trying to stomp out a campfire with flip flops on after the fumble. He doesn't even look kind of athletic at this point. 

Heck, he was even a step slow in falling for the counter step fake, he had no chance of being anywhere near the right gap in a timely fashion.

The guy who was "blocking" Peppers on that play made All-Pro as a rookie....

and Peppers will be celebrating a birthday on Sunday in Seattle.


We should get him something nice, a unique gift of some sorts. Hmmmm

Last edited by Satori
In Reflection and going back in time:
When they talk about what Peppers has meant, when you see how he is rising to the moments, when you see that AR wants HIM to talk, when you JPeppers accepting the leadership into the biggest battles ....
Can't help but get a little tear in the eye and think of Reggie White ...
Vincespeed to you Julius, lead the Pack to the promised land big fella ...
Go frickin Pack Go !!!!!

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