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@Pakrz posted:

Is it possible that Love didn't get the ball out on time which caused Watson to slow down?  Seems to me that was an easy 6 if that ball is thrown earlier.  I would expect a quality NFL QB to hit Watson in stride.

Maybe you should look at the video. Any other Packer WR and it's not an INT and probably at TD. Love led Watson exactly at the speed he was running and he didn't even make a play on the ball. At 6'4 he should have easily high pointed the ball. Instead he tries to catch the ball falling backwards and ending up on the ground.

@Pakrz posted:

Is it possible that Love didn't get the ball out on time which caused Watson to slow down?  Seems to me that was an easy 6 if that ball is thrown earlier.  I would expect a quality NFL QB to hit Watson in stride.

I suggest you watch the video. No way you make that comment seeing the route Watson ran, the effort when the ball arrived, and how Love was flushed out of the pocket. If Watson runs hard the ball might have been able to come out before the pass rush.

I did watch the video....  I do agree that Love getting flushed out of the pocket played a role with timing.  Also agree that it was a piss poor effort by Watson at the end of the play.  None of that changes the fact that Love basically threw a ball up for grabs when it wasn't necessary.  His best play at that moment was to throw the ball out of the end zone.  

Decision making.

Last edited by Pakrz
@Pakrz posted:

I did watch the video....  I do agree that Love getting flushed out of the pocket played a role with timing.  Also agree that it was a piss poor effort by Watson at the end of the play.  None of that changes the fact that Love basically threw a ball up for grabs when it wasn't necessary.  His best play at that moment was to throw the ball out of the end zone.  

Decision making.

He put the ball right where Watson was running to. The guy is jogging at the 20 yard line. If he runs there's no way that DB gets back into the play. And other Packer WR and that is not an INT, probably a TD that route was so bad. Watson looks like a #4 WR at best, a one trick pony. Every route he ran that game was lame except for the one with the blown coverage which anybody could have ran.

@Goalline posted:

Well, he definitely slowed down because he was running out of real estate. Other than the pathetic attempt to defend the pass, I am not sure that INT wasn’t just the type of thing that happens when two players are trying learn each other’s traits.

This. I thought if Watson would have run at full speed the entire route he'd be in Whitney, Nevada by the time Love was ready to throw the ball.

Love was flushed and threw off his right foot. He had nothing on that ball. It defies physics that Watson running faster means the pass is completed. The int happened in front of Watson as his momentum carried him toward the back of the end zone. Love had to clear the rush and by that point the throw was late and not nearly deep enough to clear the defender. Maybe Watson's effort wasn't great. But I think at best he might break up the int. He wasn't coming down with that ball.

As slow as Watson was running he could have done a cartwheel and had time to make a play on the ball, which was thrown to the spot. If Watson runs up to speed the ball drops in the corner of the endzone and the DB is beat by 5 yards. Watson is jogging at the 20 yard line. If Love throws that ball any deeper than he did it will be an overthrow. Love has plenty of arm to get it there even rolling to his left. Watson should not be starting.

@Boris posted:

Watson himself said..."I have to be better and break up that INT."

No issue with him owning that. He should make a better effort. But the ball was severely underthrown and there was no way Watson's coming down in bounds with that ball. For any positive outcome on that play, it requires a deeper throw and Love having the platform to make the throw. While Watson was jogging downfield, Love was navigating the rush and getting to a spot. Right idea, but he pulled the trigger a tick too late. It happens.

Once he couldn't  pull the trigger to Watson, 2 better options were available for Love. He could have picked up at least 5 yards by running, or he had Touree open at the 10 yard line in area cleared by Watson. Reminded me of high school baseball play where kid makes a good fielding play, bobbles the ball when going to throw, everybody then knows he has no chance to get the runner but he throws anyway, the ball goes over the first baseman's head and the runner from second scores to end the game.

@PackerRick posted:

Do you really think that's as far as Love could throw that pass?

The fact that he shorted the target doesn't mean he's not capable of getting it there. The throw was similar to any that Mahomes makes every week. Off platform, off the wrong foot, on the run. I think Love saw a split second window and knew he had to pull the trigger quickly. It just happened to be a hair late. And for whatever reason he wasn't able to lay it out there high and deep for a jump ball situation.

I don't blame him based on what he saw. He thought it was an opportunity to make a play. He had Toure flashing open, but it's hard to tell what Love was seeing in that regard. All things considered, he probably should have tucked it and run. But I'm not going to fault the fact that he saw a play in the end zone. Had Watson run full speed he would have been in the tunnel by the time Love let go of the ball. I'm not following the logic that Love "could" have thrown it earlier to a spot he thought Watson should be. He was busy avoiding a pass rush.

Good analysis, love JT's show. Can't help but feel like the biggest issue with the offense is preparation. So many mental mistakes, such a lack of understanding of what the game is, and so little confidence in young talent. I'm not a "fire all the coaches" kind of guy, but take away all pro's like Rodgers, Adams, and A. Jones, it's hard to think that our QB, WR, and RB coach are effective at their jobs. No they've not been given ferraris, but the mistakes aren't with's all mental. It's all basics. Butkus and Steno are the only ones I really see excelling with what they're given, they're getting the most out of what they've been given, but should really be evaluated.

I think another part of it is how Rodgers would push the other players during practice. Not to be better but to be PERFECT. He was a very demanding person and the guys knew if they didn't have their shit down pat during practice they were going to be ignored during games. Yes, it drove us all nuts but it made the other guys step their game up.

Love doesn't command that kind of attention to detail right now but as the years go by hopefully he will.

@PackerHawk posted:

I think another part of it is how Rodgers would push the other players during practice. Not to be better but to be PERFECT. He was a very demanding person and the guys knew if they didn't have their shit down pat during practice they were going to be ignored during games. Yes, it drove us all nuts but it made the other guys step their game up.

Love doesn't command that kind of attention to detail right now but as the years go by hopefully he will.

I think he will as he matures and the young players do as well.

IMHO right now they are still in the learning phase offensively because not many of them have really played a ton in the NFL.  We also need to remember that Love hasn't even started a half of a season yet so he is probably trying to figure out what all the details are at this point. 

@Goldie posted:

“Love doesn't command that kind of attention to detail right now but as the years go by hopefully he will.”    Hope so, #12 was a perfect freak from day oneâ€Ķâ€ĶI don’t really think it’s a trait you learn, I think ya got it or ya don’t, JMHO.  

It takes time to build up that kind of currency within the locker room. It comes naturally when you're an All-Pro QB

@Goldie posted:

“Love doesn't command that kind of attention to detail right now but as the years go by hopefully he will.”    Hope so, #12 was a perfect freak from day oneâ€Ķâ€ĶI don’t really think it’s a trait you learn, I think ya got it or ya don’t, JMHO.  

That’s true, but there are successful leadership traits that don’t involve nitpicking. We’ll see if Love can motivate his guys to give their best with his style of leadership.

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