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Podcast: The Ringer NFL Show

Skip to 22:15 to get right to the Love segment. Steven Ruiz from The Ringer was in Green Bay working on a Jordan Love feature and spoke to a lot of the coaches and players. Really good discussion with some insight into 10. Can't recommend it enough.

Last edited by titmfatied
@artis posted:

Thanks for the heads up. I'd have to dig for a reason to ever watch ESPN, but that ending was worth it. Those off the cuff moments used to be the reason to watch Sportscenter.

The running theme about Packer fans for years now is how spoiled we've been when it comes to hof qbs. I don't really buy it, mainly because spoiled involves some degree of taking it for granted. What I will say, though, is that we have definitely been graced often with a catbird seat view and proximity to paper champs in July and August. Viking fans have been adorable many times over the years. Bears fans have adorned us with a few kickstart thrills as well. This year, the Lions are the anointed ones.

But this Jets sideshow has the makings of one for the ages. At this point, I'm not even rooting against them. I think AR is juiced to play well. They have a good roster. But even moreso than Queens fans, if anybody is capable of willing disappointment on their franchise, it's Jet fans like Greenie and Eisen. No one can say this will 100% be the case. But if it does crash and burn, it ranks up there with anything we've enjoyed inside the NFC North in quite some time.


@titmfatied posted:

Podcast: The Ringer NFL Show

Skip to 22:15 to get right to the Love segment. Steven Ruiz from The Ringer was in Green Bay working on a Jordan Love feature and spoke to a lot of the coaches and players. Really good discussion with some insight into 10. Can't recommend it enough.

Awesome listen. Thanks for posting. Loved the criticism of Joe Barry too.

Last edited by Goalline

Check out the date on this tweet

They can say wonderful things and so can we, but it was still preseason with vanilla defenses and mostly second-line or below players. I just hope Love can keep it up with faster, quicker players running exotic schemes. I am quietly hopeful, but want to keep it real, too. 

I think most observers were impressed with Love's composure. I don't think anybody was ever concerned about his ability. He's going to go through some trial and error but his teammates love him and team morale appears better than ever. I think the performance of Rodgers and the team last season lowers the bar and takes a lot of pressure off of him. A lot of things are trending his way.

From what I saw I thought his decision making looked good.  He seemed to go through his progressions and pick the right targets.  He also seemed very well composed.  Never saw him get anxious.  He seemed very calm and collected.

The only negative that I can think of is that he didn’t always set his feet before throwing.  Hopefully that doesn’t become a habit.  I think it can hurt his accuracy.

@PackerRick posted:

He's going to go through some trial and error but his teammates love him and team morale appears better than ever.

I think this is key.  Seems like his teammates (especially the younger ones) want him to succeed and they want to play for him… that to last year when players were called out or ignored by the Almighty AR if they dared make a mistake or drop a pass.

Love and his WRs this preseason remind me of AR with Jordy, Gerg, Driver and Jones several years ago.

This team is going to play loose energetic ball this season and it’s going to be fun to watch. Hopefully the growing pains won’t last too long and they’ll be a solid team by the end of the season, regardless if they make the playoffs or not.  I’ll be more than happy if they can pull off a season like the Lions had last year.

Exclusive: Aaron Rodgers Details Advice to Jordan Love

Sports Illustrated

By Bill Huber


Pressure? Yes, there will be pressure, but the pressure should be about performing well for himself and his teammates and winning games. It should not be about the man he’s replacing.

“It’s only as big as you make it in your mind,” Rodgers told Sports Illustrated’s Packer Central on Thursday. “A lot of that stuff is just fodder for articles and it never really feels that way inside the facility. It really doesn’t.

“You feel the enormity of how the expectations are in Titletown, but it never feels like this incredible weight. Especially on a young team. Not a lot of those guys played with me for a lot of years. It’s a really young team. So, there’s not like this deep-seated group of four or five guys that were with me for so long. That’s the nature of the NFL. There’s so much turnover. So, it’s never going to feel like this overwhelming sense of, ‘How do I fill this guy’s shoes? What do I have to do?’ I promise you, I know he feels the same way... continue

Can't recommend turning off JavaScript enough when clicking the link. Sports Illustrated is obnoxious with the ads

Last edited by titmfatied
@Goalline posted:

Rodgers after 2011 was the same. Didn't always set his feet. I wish Love would get his fundamentals down before he started mimicking AR's bad habits.

AR up to 2011 was a living textbook for QB mechanics.  Once he hit his groove and he started riffing more on the play calls, he started doing a lot more of the off-platform stuff and throwing from odd angles.

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