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I have always maintained that ESPN is clueless.  Now that they are saying good things about the Packers I don't know what to think.  I would rather they continue to underestimate this team. 

ESPN used to be a must watch for me every day especially sports center.

Now? I also haven't really watched them outside of live sports in probably close to 5 years now.  Their reporting seems lazy at times, they think everyone is a Cowboys, Yankees, etc. fan, and no offense to NBA fans but I just can't tolerate the all NBA all the time coverage. 

@The Heckler posted:

ESPN used to be a must watch for me every day especially sports center.

Now? I also haven't really watched them outside of live sports in probably close to 5 years now.  Their reporting seems lazy at times, they think everyone is a Cowboys, Yankees, etc. fan, and no offense to NBA fans but I just can't tolerate the all NBA all the time coverage.

I listen to the Dan Patrick radio show and he'll periodically talk about what the production meetings are like at ESPN (he appears to still be in contact with some employees from what he calls the "mother ship" and says this was starting to happen even when he was still there (he left in 2007). They are given lists of topics they have to work into the shows every day - regardless of whether they are newsworthy that day or not.

He says that in the production meetings they are given a list of the topics they are required to work into each telecast (even if it's not a highlight or have anything to do what with what's going on that day). Their research department probably does surveys to find out what people want to hear about. As often as possible you have to work in something about LeBron James, something about the Cowboys, Kyrie Irving, Aaron Rodgers, Kevin Durant, and the Yankees. I would guess Lionel Messi stuff will be on that list shortly. There will be nothing about the Bucks until Giannis turns down his extension this fall (it means nothing, he's better off waiting until the end of the season and extending as he'll get much more money). Then, rumors about Giannis' displeasure with the Bucks will be a trending topic.

I haven't watched Sportscenter more than 10 times in the last 15 years. I religiously watched it every night when it was Dan Patrick and Olbermann.

Love reminds me a bit of a kid we had at Fresno State named Paul Pinegar.

In 2002 he was a true freshman. It was the first year after the David Carr era, and the heir apparent, a kid named Jeff Grady who had all the brains to be an NFL QB, but none of the physical talent, got hurt in the opener vs Wisconsin. They threw Pinegar into the fire the next week and he beat a decent San Diego State team. The next week they played #13 Oregon on the road, and were not for two really bad calls, should have beaten the Ducks.

I remember going into the game, one of the staff members saying he thought Pinegar "may be a little retarded." He just never seemed to get too excited or worked up over anything. They thought maybe he didn't care. But that wasn't the case...kid had ice in his veins. There was never a moment that was too big for him. He just never got rattled. Ended up having a very nice career, but just didn't have the arm talent to get into an NFL camp.

Love comes across as a that kind of guy to me...stuff won't bother him.

@Benzene posted:

I have always maintained that ESPN is clueless.  Now that they are saying good things about the Packers I don't know what to think.  I would rather they continue to underestimate this team.

They are still clueless. They are basing this new found opinion on preseason games. Absolute losers!

I listen to the Dan Patrick radio show and he'll periodically talk about what the production meetings are like at ESPN (he appears to still be in contact with some employees from what he calls the "mother ship" and says this was starting to happen even when he was still there (he left in 2007). They are given lists of topics they have to work into the shows every day - regardless of whether they are newsworthy that day or not.

He says that in the production meetings they are given a list of the topics they are required to work into each telecast (even if it's not a highlight or have anything to do what with what's going on that day). Their research department probably does surveys to find out what people want to hear about. As often as possible you have to work in something about LeBron James, something about the Cowboys, Kyrie Irving, Aaron Rodgers, Kevin Durant, and the Yankees. I would guess Lionel Messi stuff will be on that list shortly. There will be nothing about the Bucks until Giannis turns down his extension this fall (it means nothing, he's better off waiting until the end of the season and extending as he'll get much more money). Then, rumors about Giannis' displeasure with the Bucks will be a trending topic.

I haven't watched Sportscenter more than 10 times in the last 15 years. I religiously watched it every night when it was Dan Patrick and Olbermann.

That is ironic that you mentioned that they have to work things in to a broadcast.  My friends and I wanted to have the LeBron drinking game when watching ESPN because we have a running joke that they are contractually obligated to mention him every 3 minutes.  We decided that we didn't want to be dead from drinking and didn't do it.

SC was at its peak when Patrick and Olberman were on there.  Truly a must watch and they were so good and genuinely funny. 

Kid is humble and kid is a worker. He embraces everything Clements teaches him.

Story about last year’s disastrous season opener. Clements is trying to tell 12 what went wrong on the play, but 12 is more interested in ranting than listening(probably busy blaming someone else). Clements quits talking when he realizes 12 is ignoring him. Then he notices 10 has leaned in and is absorbing every word Clements was speaking. Clements turned around and gave the explanation to 10 instead.

@The Heckler posted:

That is ironic that you mentioned that they have to work things in to a broadcast.  My friends and I wanted to have the LeBron drinking game when watching ESPN because we have a running joke that they are contractually obligated to mention him every 3 minutes.  We decided that we didn't want to be dead from drinking and didn't do it.

SC was at its peak when Patrick and Olberman were on there.  Truly a must watch and they were so good and genuinely funny.

This was also a peak moment (1995). Steve Levy on with Olberman and he mispronounces "bulging disc." I was watching this live and was laughing so hard by the end of this I had tears in my eyes. It wasn't so much the blooper it was the fact that Levy and Olberman couldn't hold it together.

@Goalline posted:

They are still clueless. They are basing this new found opinion on preseason games. Absolute losers!

I thought the same thing. I don't think he's been close to what he's going to be, he's even thrown a few balls he shouldn't have. I don't see why they are excited in preseason when they all downplayed the Eagles game performance. It's almost like now they don't want to be the last guy on the Love bandwagon.

This was also a peak moment (1995). Steve Levy on with Olberman and he mispronounces "bulging disc." I was watching this live and was laughing so hard by the end of this I had tears in my eyes. It wasn't so much the blooper it was the fact that Levy and Olberman couldn't hold it together.

Not ESPN, but it reminds me of Theismann's "Woodcock" flub.

@Chongo posted:.

Love comes across as a that kind of guy to me...stuff won't bother him.

Except Love has an NFL arm.

Our boy looked like 2009 - 2010 Aaron Rodgers vs. the Pats. Yes I know it's pre-season but those were the 1's he was against not some bros bagging groceries in September.

I'm fairly certain sitting behind a HoF'r for 3 years taught Love how to handle shit ON the field as well as OFF like press conferences.

He's definitely got that Joe Montana "cool" 😎 vibe to him right now.

Looking forward to seeing some adversity and how he responds.

@Timmy! posted:

I don't know if it was Olberman or Patrick (or even ESPN, for that matter), but I think one of them came up with the line about somebody "pulled a groin... his own we hope".

One one the best stories about Olberman and Patrick was that they started to call the Sportscenter they were on the "Big Show." The ESPN brass called them in and ordered them to stop calling it that - that they should only call it Sports Center.

So, for the next few weeks, they opened the show with an sarcastic exaggerated sign on saying "THIIIIIIISSS IIIIIIISSSS SPORTCENTER." That style stuck for years after them.

Last edited by MichiganPacker
@PackerRick posted:

I thought the same thing. I don't think he's been close to what he's going to be, he's even thrown a few balls he shouldn't have. I don't see why they are excited in preseason when they all downplayed the Eagles game performance. It's almost like now they don't want to be the last guy on the Love bandwagon.

They're killing time. As much as I want to see Love's progress, the clickbait pendulum shifts from hour to hour now. Even good reviews like Orlovsky's should come under some scrutiny as well. The good part is none of the incessant yammering matters when this team gets on the field. And 1265 is still treated like some arctic outpost in terms of being insulated from the salaciousness of 24 hour news. Love at this point seems grounded enough to filter all that garbage out of his work, but it can't be easy for any of these guys.

I remember going into the game, one of the staff members saying he thought Pinegar "may be a little retarded." He just never seemed to get too excited or worked up over anything. They thought maybe he didn't care.

Jay Cutler didn't care, either.

@Boris posted:

He's definitely got that Joe Montana "cool" 😎 vibe to him right now.

Wilde has been riding a talking point that he wants to see the 25 year old Love show Rodger's ability to get after guys when need be and ironically enough Roger's boyhood idle Montana is always the name I think of that didn't do it that way from what I remember. Montana was pointing out John Candy in the stands instead of panicking before going on the game winning drive when the 49ers were down on the scoreboard in the Super Bowl. Love seems closer to a Bart Starr personality than either of our last two great ones.

Rodgers has a hall of fame way of doing things, but he's not the only guy with a hall of fame career. Every leader is going to have their own gravity that draws people to follow them. Their personalities evolve over time. Wilde has conveniently forgotten how much flak Rodgers took early in his career for his bad body language after an unsuccessful play.

Holmgren has recounted demanding Steve Young socialize with his teammates because he knew his aloofness would be an issue in the caldron of the season. I don't know if he can manage a game let alone a season or career, but Love has a presence that so far other players gravitate towards.

Even that dumb 'happy father's day' to the Bear's fans social media post was handled in the most calm way. Like water off a duck's back. This kid is real easy to root for. He seems to have confidence devoid of arrogance. Maybe that's not the best thing in the long run, but I get a sense his team mates like him as much as the fans do.

I think it's Love's demeanor that has the national media all of a sudden believing in him. Everyone saw the arm strength but they seemed to believe he'd be easily rattled under pressure on the field. Now they look at the big picture, seeing how relaxed he is on the field, with his interviews, and realize how he handled an unenviable position over the last few seasons without saying a negative word.

@titmfatied posted:

Montana was pointing out John Candy in the stands instead of panicking before going on the game winning drive when the 49ers were down on the scoreboard in the Super Bowl. Love seems closer to a Bart Starr personality than either of our last two great ones.

Or calling his wife from the sideline.

@Boris posted:

The ESPN video. Last 90 seconds is friggin hilarious. 😆

Some.good comments about Love, Pickett and Tua.

Thanks for the heads up. I'd have to dig for a reason to ever watch ESPN, but that ending was worth it. Those off the cuff moments used to be the reason to watch Sportscenter.

The running theme about Packer fans for years now is how spoiled we've been when it comes to hof qbs. I don't really buy it, mainly because spoiled involves some degree of taking it for granted. What I will say, though, is that we have definitely been graced often with a catbird seat view and proximity to paper champs in July and August. Viking fans have been adorable many times over the years. Bears fans have adorned us with a few kickstart thrills as well. This year, the Lions are the anointed ones.

But this Jets sideshow has the makings of one for the ages. At this point, I'm not even rooting against them. I think AR is juiced to play well. They have a good roster. But even moreso than Queens fans, if anybody is capable of willing disappointment on their franchise, it's Jet fans like Greenie and Eisen. No one can say this will 100% be the case. But if it does crash and burn, it ranks up there with anything we've enjoyed inside the NFC North in quite some time.

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