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@Chongo posted:

Hot take...shockingly a quiet, unassuming kid like 10 will end up being another highly controversial figure in franchise history (through no fault of his own).

I've never seen such a division of people rooting so hard for a player to succeed on one side, and people rooting hard for his failure on the other.

And here I sit, on the fence, waiting for more data before I make a call...

I'm not seeing the people rooting hard for Love's failure.  Anybody with that type of mindset isn't a Packer fan.  They're an AR fan first and foremost.  

Love deserves his chance and will certainly get it in GB.  He's in a great spot right now with a few years under his belt, a stable of young playmakers to grow with, a good HC and a QB coach that has a ton of experience.  

That said, I'm not sure where guys like GL are coming from with their anointment of greatness from what they have seen so far.  I'm not there yet.  

@titmfatied posted:

I don't have any issues with players making mistakes early so long as everyone owns them and corrects for the next time the situation presents itself.

Have to admit I'm a little on guard for MLF having too much patience with the young guys this season, though. Patience is good, but a foot up someone's *** every now and again to command respect isn't a bad thing either. Holmgren could be mean in the good way and it got results. Make the standard attainable and clear, but don't lower expectations with 'they're young guys, they'll figure it out' platitudes if there's repeated mistakes. That won't fly.

Wilde is on a kick about Love's leadership style not being about getting after his team mates for mistakes in the way 12 would. I'm less interested in that than I am with MLF's approach to his staff. There's countless stories about how Holmgren could be a pri** and would get after his assistants if the players weren't performing up to expectations. It formed a bond between the players and their position coaches to produce results to keep the angry walrus at bay.

MLF seems to have a more collaborative, supportive approach.  That may have been best when 12 was around demanding the team meet his standard, but I'm hoping MLF is a lot more assertive this year in what he expects from everyone up and down the food chain. He won't have 12 to get everyone in line anymore and it's best if 10 can concentrate on developing his own game without policing the effort of the other 52 players. Expectations should be high for the more veteran Oline, RB, and CB groups. The coaching should be hard for them and they should welcome it to set the tone for the rest of the team.

I'm also not interested in any last day of OTA field trips for team building this year. Let the players decide if they want to go bowling, shoot clays, or shoot each other with paint balls on their own. There's more work than time and they need to maximize as much on field and meeting room practice as the rules allow.

I know it's better for the overall health of the players the way practices are limited now, but I miss the old training camps with two-a-days. I might be remembering through rose colored glasses, but it seemed like back then players had the opportunity to make more progress in their development over the course of a camp and the coaches got a better gauge for each player's consistency.

Players could have a bad morning and make up for it in the afternoon.  The players were fatigued, but there was also value in learning who could perform despite the exhaustion. Perseverance is an important trait to discover in a young player for the grind of an NFL season. Lower round picks had more time to display their desperation to keep their football dreams alive and more often than not it pushed the higher draft picks to perform to hold them off. The roster battles seemed better and would sometimes swing back and forth over the course of camp.

I would like to see MLF take a stronger leadership role here and be a little more direct as well but he hasn't shown a tendency to do so and I just don't know that he has it in him.

@Pakrz posted:

I'm not seeing the people rooting hard for Love's failure.  Anybody with that type of mindset isn't a Packer fan.  They're an AR fan first and foremost.  

Love deserves his chance and will certainly get it in GB.  He's in a great spot right now with a few years under his belt, a stable of young playmakers to grow with, a good HC and a QB coach that has a ton of experience.  

That said, I'm not sure where guys like GL are coming from with their anointment of greatness from what they have seen so far.  I'm not there yet.  

I'm definitely rooting for Love but see people with opinions all of the place on him. Some claiming him to be the next great HOF QB and some saying he will suck. He will probably be somewhere in between, but we won't know that for quite a while. Hopefully we see continuous improvement.

@13X posted:

I would like to see MLF take a stronger leadership role here and be a little more direct as well but he hasn't shown a tendency to do so and I just don't know that he has it in him.

We honestly don't know what MLF is like behind the scenes, in meeting rooms. etc.  None of us know for sure but IMHO for MLF to win as much as he has in the NFL you cannot be doing it as a weak leader.  I would bet good money that dude can chew some ass when he needs to.  

Do ya think #12 handled MLF????  ❤️ has only known MLF right??  I bet MLF will be a better “coach” to him then he could ever have been to #12 just because 12 had other coaches, and may-be 12 thought he knew more about “coaching” just because of those others.  *shrug*.   I think ❤️ will be just fine now that 12 is gone.......and I for one will NEVER, EVER give him grief, at least this first year eh???  😂 🤣 😂

@Pakrz posted:

I'm not seeing the people rooting hard for Love's failure.  Anybody with that type of mindset isn't a Packer fan.  They're an AR fan first and foremost.  

Love deserves his chance and will certainly get it in GB.  He's in a great spot right now with a few years under his belt, a stable of young playmakers to grow with, a good HC and a QB coach that has a ton of experience.  

That said, I'm not sure where guys like GL are coming from with their anointment of greatness from what they have seen so far.  I'm not there yet.  

He’ll be the greatest QB in NFL history. Mark it down!!! 😊

Honestly, becoming a great QB is not a simple matter. There is so much involved. No one knows.

But to deny his arm talent is to admit you haven’t watched him play. Hell, that pass to Aaron Jones in the Eagles game should have opened your eyes. 12 does that and we are talking about his greatness for years to come… if Jones hadn’t dropped it.

@The Heckler posted:

We honestly don't know what MLF is like behind the scenes, in meeting rooms. etc.  None of us know for sure but IMHO for MLF to win as much as he has in the NFL you cannot be doing it as a weak leader.  I would bet good money that dude can chew some ass when he needs to. 

I would bet a lot of money he's one of the nicest guys around (of course we don't know for sure per your point). The kind of guy that you would want to be your neighbor. He couldn't have possibly handled the Drayton situation any worse and keeping his buddy Barry on the payroll is beyond questionable. It would appear that he doesn't hold people accountable. Remember some of the defensive players had to call a meeting with Barry to basically tell him to get his head out of his ass. Shouldn't MLF have addressed that before it got to that point?  And the winning occurred with Rodgers at QB. I know everyone says that it was the Rodgers way the last few years and I agree, but we may have been much less successful going the MLF way. The true test will be if he can win without Rodgers and quit hiring horrible assistants.

@The Heckler posted:

We honestly don't know what MLF is like behind the scenes, in meeting rooms. etc.  None of us know for sure but IMHO for MLF to win as much as he has in the NFL you cannot be doing it as a weak leader.  I would bet good money that dude can chew some ass when he needs to. 

His handling, or non-handling, of a pathetic Special Teams coach in a year when we had the personnel to win the Super Bowl is quite telling.

@Goalline posted:

He’ll be the greatest QB in NFL history. Mark it down!!! 😊

Honestly, becoming a great QB is not a simple matter. There is so much involved. No one knows.

But to deny his arm talent is to admit you haven’t watched him play. Hell, that pass to Aaron Jones in the Eagles game should have opened your eyes. 12 does that and we are talking about his greatness for years to come… if Jones hadn’t dropped it.

Great pass.  One time.  I'm certain Tim Tebow threw a great pass once as well.  Let's pump the brakes a bit.  That's all I'm saying.

Most of you old farts don’t even know where your car keys are at this moment, so I take your pronouncements about Love’s success or failure with less than a grain of salt.

@Pakrz posted:

Great pass.  One time.  I'm certain Tim Tebow threw a great pass once as well.  Let's pump the brakes a bit.  That's all I'm saying.

If you can show me one video of Tim Tebow throwing a deep out on the money and intentionally away from the coverage the way Love did on that play I will eat my words. Most NFL QBs don’t come close to hitting that throw.

He made the same throw in the Saints preseason game the year before. When does it stop being a fluke, because I pretty sure he hit that in college too.

Last edited by Goalline
@Blair Kiel posted:

Most of you old farts don’t even know where your car keys are at this moment, so I take your pronouncements about Love’s success or failure with less than a grain of salt.

I know where my keys are, dammit. I put it in the same spot every time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have a clue.😊

@Goalline posted:

If you can show me one video of Tim Tebow throwing a deep out on the money and intentionally away from the coverage the way Love did on that play I will eat my words. Most NFL QBs don’t come close to hitting that throw.

He made the same throw in the Saints preseason game the year before. When does it stop being a fluke, because I pretty sure he hit that in college too.

I don’t care enough tbh to do research on Tim Tebow. I’m just saying you might want to chill a bit.

Or not.

@Pakrz posted:

I don’t care enough tbh to do research on Tim Tebow. I’m just saying you might want to chill a bit.

Or not.

You shouldn’t bother. Tim Tebow can’t throw that pass. And I need to chill a whole lot.😂

@PackLandVA posted:

Who is exactly is rooting against Love??? I must have looked past all the posts wishing Love be unsuccessful.

You can be a fan of Love and AR, right?

There has been a few posts here about Love not being the next great QB in Green Bay and a bad draft pick ,me included, but I have come around since the Eagle game and some pre-season games.  I HAVE though seen a bunch of crap about Love on Face Book etc. Probably Bear and Viking trolls though. I hope they have to eat their crap this season.   

I remember having similar reservations about AR before he took over. Other than the Dallas game when he took over for an injured Favre  he did not look that great.. hope Love has similar results the 1st year. I read  that AR had similar stats last year to what he had his 1st year as starter. The 1st year we were excited, last year we were frustrated with his play. We are more than spoiled

@Pakrz posted:

I don’t care enough tbh to do research on Tim Tebow. I’m just saying you might want to chill a bit.

Tim Tebow could run the ball to that spot and hand it off like a champ!

Throw it like Love on that play? Not on his best day with zero rush in his face.

What's a car key? I use the app on my phone

Last edited by Boris
@Boris posted:

Tim Tebow could run the ball to that spot and hand it off like a champ!

Throw it like Love on that play? Not on his best day with zero rush in his face.

What's a car key? I use the app on my phone

How do you insert a whole phone into your car’s ignition, young whippersnapper?

Boris’ first attempt to start his car


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Last edited by Goalline
@michiganjoe posted:

Think some people who never liked the pick to begin with desire to see their opinion validated.

Welcome to America in the 21st century - rather be right and unhappy than wrong and happy. 

I'll be critical of draft picks and free agent signings.  But as soon as they put on the Packer jersey, I'm their biggest fan until they prove otherwise.  I didn't like the Gary pick but am so stoked for how that turned out.  I didn't like the Love pick either and still question the rationale of picking a QB over a WR but I'm 100% on the bandwagon now.  Why? Because experiencing 1996 and 2010 again is going to way too much fun. 

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