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@PackerRick posted:

They really tried to put a negative spin on something positive he said. Love has his head on straight and isn't going to give any raw meat to the media. I find Fanside as another that puts out stupid articles.

Thank you. I will make sure to avoid Fanside.

Well at least the Love era is making games ultra affordable. Tickets to the Rams and Buccs, among others, are already selling on Ticketmaster for at least $50 under face value with $129 seats going between $65-$75.

The only games selling above face value are for teams with a premiere player on their roster (Chiefs/Chargers) or teams that travel well (Bandwagon Franchise/Bears/Lions).

The home crowd does not appear to want to watch the show. Gonna be a lot of opposing colors this season.

Love is clearly an idiot.

What else explains him calling Bears fans his "Daddy" while producing a 0-0 record against them?

Week one will be an absolute beat down.

Packers 13

Bears 34

The Bears couldn't score 34 points if they were the only team on the field. You don't attain the #1 overall pick because you have a good team.

Week one will be an absolute beat down.

Packers 13

Bears 34

You call yourself objective?  You have no idea what injuries may happen in camp or during the game.  You also have no idea on turnovers,  poor coaching decisions or blown ref calls.  You should be FOOLISHBEARSFAN187 because that is what you all are anyway.

So many haters and so many doubters. Some of the haters even think they are Packers' fans! Yet, they doubt that Love has the ability to lead this team. Nothing but dismal, doom and gloom bs since Rodgers left. Same crowd didn't want Favre to leave GB, even after all of his histrionics, either.  As Ammo said, let's see what kind of injuries occur, in camp, if any, before we write off the Packers. I say the Packers beat the Bares, 28-10, in week one.

Love is clearly an idiot.

What else explains him calling Bears fans his "Daddy" while producing a 0-0 record against them?

Week one will be an absolute beat down.

Packers 13

Bears 34

The idiot is the one drawing conclusions that Love was attempting to trash talk the bears. He wasn’t. A Bears fan asked him to wish bears fans a happy Father’s Day which he did because he really is a nice kid. To see bears fans lose their shit over this because he is not trash talking properly is evidence of the PTSD you all have from the last 30 years. BOO! Sorry, did I make you jump?

Last edited by Goalline
@NumberThree posted:

Well at least the Love era is making games ultra affordable. Tickets to the Rams and Buccs, among others, are already selling on Ticketmaster for at least $50 under face value with $129 seats going between $65-$75.

The only games selling above face value are for teams with a premiere player on their roster (Chiefs/Chargers) or teams that travel well (Bandwagon Franchise/Bears/Lions).

The home crowd does not appear to want to watch the show. Gonna be a lot of opposing colors this season.

Obviously the fault of the Gold Package ticket holders.

I have a suspicion the Love is far more popular with his teammates than Rodgers was the last few seasons. Continually blowing that MVP horn, when your teammates are actually a big reason why it was won, probably didn't sit that well.

Agreed, PackerRick. It's sounding from several players like they're wanting to win for Love, not just play with him. They know he's in a tough spot and they're saying the right things about wanting to help him out (both offensive and defensive players, most recently P. Smith). Love provides a great chance for the team to have something/someone to rally around.

The Packers, as a team, and Love, as a player, are in a great position, IMHO.

They are a young team, and these guys are very excited about what lies ahead of them. That energy permeates the locker room, and even the older guys are feeling good. They're also very team-orientated, and realize they will grow better and faster together rather than depending on any one particular player.

There's enough veterans in key spots to promote the development of these young guys, and the team by extension.
It may not be long before 4th-year guys will be looked at to be leaders of the team, and Love is ahead of the curve on that.

I think the Love led Packers will also be out to prove that the team wasn't just successful because of Rodgers. They have the unique opportunity to make Packers fans forget about Rodgers as quickly as Rodgers made Packer fans forget about Favre.

I think you're probably right with all of the youth at WR and TE. But 2024 could be something special as those guys jell and we have two #1 picks. Bakhtiari and one RB are maybe the only prominent players on offense that don't return in 2024.

@NumberThree posted:

Well at least the Love era is making games ultra affordable. Tickets to the Rams and Buccs, among others, are already selling on Ticketmaster for at least $50 under face value with $129 seats going between $65-$75.

The only games selling above face value are for teams with a premiere player on their roster (Chiefs/Chargers) or teams that travel well (Bandwagon Franchise/Bears/Lions).

The home crowd does not appear to want to watch the show. Gonna be a lot of opposing colors this season.

I warned of this exact thing when we learned AR would likely be gone this offseason.  Lots of opposing teams fans at Lambeau.  This won't change until they start winning again.  But boy howdy does that speak ill of our ticket holders, all because AR is gone.  Aren't they supposed to be the most die hard?

These tickets have been passed down through the generations and with the rising cost of tickets plus the PSL these 3rd generation Packers fans aren't nearly as rabid. They look for an opportunity to get their money back while going to a few select games. It's too bad those types got their hands on those ticket that serious Packer fans would love to own.

the price of a season ticket package when Lambeau was dominated by rabid Packers fans was affordable to the common man.  not so much anymore.  times have changed, Lambeau's a destination and it will be sold as such

@Timmy! posted:

The Packers, as a team, and Love, as a player, are in a great position, IMHO.

They are a young team, and these guys are very excited about what lies ahead of them. That energy permeates the locker room, and even the older guys are feeling good. They're also very team-orientated, and realize they will grow better and faster together rather than depending on any one particular player.

There's enough veterans in key spots to promote the development of these young guys, and the team by extension.
It may not be long before 4th-year guys will be looked at to be leaders of the team, and Love is ahead of the curve on that.

It is funny to me that many talking heads in the media such as Cowturd and others saying that the Packers will be horrendous this year. I believe this team is very talented and like you said I think there are enough veterans to provide leadership.

I don't think this team is a Super Bowl contender but I do think they will surprise people.  I just have this feeling that the team will really rally behind Love and in some ways I bet they are relieved that the Rodgers circus is over and they can just play as a team.

Last edited by The Heckler

This coming season is a perfect example of why it serves a franchise well to develop- tradition, winning attitude, high expectations. No one knows if Love will be the guy. Packer fans want to believe he will, everyone else has judged the guy like people judge everything else these days- prematurely.

Priority 1 is learning how to win games. After Rodgers. Maybe they stumble out of the gate, maybe they don't. Odds are they will have a good share of adversity. But oddly enough, I'd venture to say JLove learned quite a bit about it the past 3 years, both by the parallels between his and Rodgers early years, and also from Rodgers himself in terms of digging out of a self-dug hole. As disappointing as last season was, the 4 wins to get back into wc position were important for this team. That will help such a young bunch as they figure out who they are.

This is such a refreshing feeling heading into '23, not unlike how it felt once Favre established himself, or Rodgers for that matter. GB finished 6-10 in 2008 with quite a few close losses. But we also learned there was life beyond Brett. It's gonna be a blast rooting for this team. The icing on the cake is Bores fans already riled up like Love dissed them somehow. It makes me wonder, in all their psychosis in the past 30 years, how much of it was self-inflicted to the point where they made it easy for AR to own their ass. Imagine the suicide hotline in Chitown if/when Love stamps his mark on the Green Bay Packers.

The first reason Gary gave for expecting great things from Love was that he has the respect of his teammates. Take that any way you want but I still think there was resentment for Rodgers in the locker room. It only took getting rid of a handful of his buddies for the Packers to completely clear the locker room of any Rodgers influence. These guys have been getting overshadowed and are going to bust their asses for Love and the Packer's success to chisel their own identities.

@PackerRick posted:

The first reason Gary gave for expecting great things from Love was that he has the respect of his teammates. Take that any way you want but I still think there was resentment for Rodgers in the locker room. It only took getting rid of a handful of his buddies for the Packers to completely clear the locker room of any Rodgers influence. These guys have been getting overshadowed and are going to bust their asses for Love and the Packer's success to chisel their own identities.

Nobody wants to win shit "for Love", but every one of them hope he can be the guy, as do most of us fans.

If he turns out to not be QB1 material they'll actually want him gone, unlike your  belief with Rodgers. These guys want to play with the other guys who give them the best chance to win. It's their job, and while winning is also fun, winning means they get bonuses, bigger contracts and longer careers.

#12 played last year like he really didn’t give a shit and his numbers showed it………  3,695 Yrds:  TD’s  26:  INT 12:  QBR 39.3.     Oh yah, those are MVP numbers.  NOT.   12 INT’s that’s the stat that jumps out.   I still feel kinda bad he’s gone, but then I look at these numbers and am feeling better at him being outta Green Bay.

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