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Originally Posted by Herschel:

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
Lynch benefits from the ZBS. He looks better than he is for the same reason that Denver RBs consistently failed when they left Denver. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I will take Lacy. There's a reason Lynch was available for a 5th round pick.

Just checking out those Brandon Jackson stats. After all, all it takes is some zone blocking.

Didn't say Lynch wasn't good, just that he looks better than he is. There's a reason Clinton Portis looked like a superstar in Denver and an average RB in Washington. Lynch is a slightly above average RB who gets to look like a superstar in that O.

Well. The players can vent. But McCarthy isn't going to do it publicly. There were some pointed questions in his presser and he deftly deflected all of them with coach speak. It frustrates fans and probably the media but he's consistent.


Example from the M-JS:After Morgan Burnett's pick, then that flat drive with Lacy. What happened to the 4 minute offense? "We felt good about coming up here to run the football. I thought Bennett played extremely well for them. Michael Bennett No. 72. His penetration was a factor. And, yes we have done that well in the past. Every week is a new week. That was definitely the toughest point in the game to run the football. Their run defense was better."

Bostik and the fake FG the Seahawks installed Thursday because they saw how over aggressive the Packers are on the edge should be the final straw for Slocum.  It's long past time MM swallows his pride and shows him the door.  His stubborn ass won't do it.  Loyal to a fault and it cost them a trip to the SB.        

Last edited by titmfatied
Originally Posted by michiganjoe:

MM went back to playing scared just like he did the entire first game. There's needs to be a top-to-bottom evaluation after such a historic collapse and that includes MM doing some serious soul-searching as to where he came up short.

Why should MM  do that soul searching thing now that he has a new deal? He has had a pattern of this in the past, last year against the Niners and they needed to get a TD, they settled for the FG, and lost.


But as many have said, it is the way they lost, not the loss.

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
Didn't say Lynch wasn't good, just that he looks better than he is. There's a reason Clinton Portis looked like a superstar in Denver and an average RB in Washington. Lynch is a slightly above average RB who gets to look like a superstar in that O.

I have more respect for your opinion than almost anyone on the board but this is ludicrous, imo.  He's the best RB in the game by my eyes. 

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
Originally Posted by Herschel:

Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
Lynch benefits from the ZBS. He looks better than he is for the same reason that Denver RBs consistently failed when they left Denver. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I will take Lacy. There's a reason Lynch was available for a 5th round pick.

Just checking out those Brandon Jackson stats. After all, all it takes is some zone blocking.

Didn't say Lynch wasn't good, just that he looks better than he is. There's a reason Clinton Portis looked like a superstar in Denver and an average RB in Washington. Lynch is a slightly above average RB who gets to look like a superstar in that O.

Yeah, James Starks made that nice catch down the sideline, just like Lynch. Oh, wait......


Lynch is damned good. He's a knucklehead, but he's a stud.

Originally Posted by MichiganPacker:

McCarthy is getting crucified on social media right now. Bill Simmons tweeted that MM was so bad we will be telling our grand kids about it.

Simmons is just relieved his beloved Patriots don't have to face the Packers now.


Simmons deserves credit for founding and running Grantland which IMO is the best sports and culture site out there. Unfortunately his contributions are about the lamest there.


Oh yeah, 30 For 30 is excellent too.

Last edited by ilcuqui
Originally Posted by titmfatied:
Originally Posted by Herschel:
Yeah, James Starks made that nice catch down the sideline, just like Lynch. Oh, wait......

That's because the defender clearly pulled Starks' left arm down before the ball got there.  It was a missed pass interference call.

I rewound the play a few times and didn't see it that way at all. I'd look at it again but I can't stand the thought of the crazy ass bull**** I'd have to wade through to find it, I'll take your word for it.

Last edited by LarseeBear
Originally Posted by turnip blood:

Please the defense lost this game in the last 5 minutes of the game. The fix is easy fire Capers. The defense has sucked ever since he got the job of defensive coordinator.


The Seahawks are challenged offensively.  Heck, the Rams held them to 0 points just a few weeks ago.  The bottom line is that the defense needed to make just one stop in the Seahawks last 3 possessions...and instead allowed 3 touchdowns.

Originally Posted by emak:

- The pansy-assed attempt at offense after Burnett's pick. One 1st down and it's all but over. MVP QB. Let him make a play and march on, rather than whatever that was.




And Burnett - run another 10 yards!   another example of how the whole team thought it was over with 6-7 mins left - on the road in a loud raucous stadium.


Originally Posted by LarseeBear:

The SOB drags 5 guys behind him for extra yards ALL THE TIME and he's over-rated??????????????? Gezus H. kryst, what the hell kind of football are you watching????



And with virtually no running game and a makeshift OLine Marshawn gouges us for 157.


I guess some  folks have to downgrade Lynch to make TT's refusal to trade the pick he used to select Alex Green look better.



Originally Posted by slowmo:
Originally Posted by titmfatied:

Rodgers: "This one's going to hurt for a while. We gave it away."


Bostick said it was his job to block on onside kick. 'I feel like I let everyone down.'


#Packers' Jordy Nelson yells at teammate Brandon Bostick after Bostick dropped an onside kick against


Why would anybody think he could execute his assignment...the reason he isn't playing on offense is he doesn't know his assignments.



If Jordy makes the catch in Buffalo, the game is in Lambeau.   


Jordy was a non-factor himself.  

In terms of a Packer game of high importance where they had the game in the bag and totally dominated the opposing team for so long and the need for numerous plays to go the wrong way in order to be able to lose...


This is the absolute worst loss in the history of the franchise.


That's what I witnessed.

Last edited by phaedrus
Originally Posted by 4 Favre:

Between the stakes, giving up a fake field goal touchdown pass to our ex-punter, and the sheer implausibility of what happened starting the second Burnett picked that ball, it's at least a candidate for worst loss in NFL history right?

I think its the front runner. The number of implausible things the Packers had to do wrong, without even getting into the play calling, is staggering.

As LarseeBear said, it was like watching 4th and 26 about 10 different times in the 2nd half.


I genuinely feel bad for Brandon Bostick even though that was the biggest blunder of the game.  I suspect his Packers career may be over after that.  The guys I'd like to see never donning Packers gear again other than Bostick would be Slocum, Hawk, B. Jones, Quarless, and Boykin.  Ginger Masthay needs some competition next year as he really has declined.


I hope Aaron Rodgers can take an honest look at himself and realize that even as great as he is, he's got 2 things to get a little bit better at, screen/touch passes in the short passing game and red zone throws.   That injury did him no favors, but I thought those were things he needed a little work on before the injury.   Rodgers' play was far down on the list as to why the Pack didn't win, but he didn't necessarily play as well as I would have hoped for.

Originally Posted by Longlive Pack:

I will offer a Plus.  We showed up.  I believed and hoped, but prepared for the worst.  Its going to take awhile to get " what ifs out of my head.   With all the young talents proving themselves this season, I have no doubt we will have a better outcome come next season. Till then....I need to figure out a way to console my self....  Wow... this ones gonna be a tough one.

Well stated.  

Originally Posted by LarseeBear:
Originally Posted by titmfatied:
Originally Posted by Herschel:
Yeah, James Starks made that nice catch down the sideline, just like Lynch. Oh, wait......

That's because the defender clearly pulled Starks' left arm down before the ball got there.  It was a missed pass interference call.

I rewound the play a few times and didn't see it that way at all. I'd look at it again but I can't stand the thought of the crazy ass bull**** I'd have to wade through to find it, I'll take your word for it.

Just re-watched it and titm is right. 


Starks didn't whine to the refs over it may have been the problem.  Nowadays it seems like the refs wait for it.


Same thing on the Quarless drop.  Looked like the defender hit him early.

Originally Posted by phaedrus:

In terms of a Packer game of high importance where they had the game in the bag and totally dominated the opposing team for so long and the need for numerous plays to go the wrong way in order to be able to lose...


This is the absolute worst loss in the history of the franchise.


That's what I witnessed.

Pretty much sums it up. 

Seattle sucks

I thought it at the beginning of the year after we lost, think it tonight after we lost.


0-3 against these posers all in their house when we should have been 2-1.  Hearing about their dominance of the recent rivalry will only add insult to injury.


My hatred for the hawks has now surpassed my hatred for the 49ers.  What a sad passing of the guard.

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