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@PackerRick posted:

The market is a lot different than it was 15 years ago. Wilson and Stafford changed that.  I'm sure the Packers already named their price and Woody flew to CA knowing that.  I see the #1 pick this year and then a couple conditional picks next season, somewhere between 2-4 round, if Rodgers plays 2024 which he is under contract to do.

The Stafford deal included Goff and his massive contract. That’s why the Lions got so much from LA. They literally paid for it.

@DH13 posted:

No, you compared the fact he "took the team to the NFCCG" and therefore was higher value than AR is now.

No I meant that he took us to the NFCCG and all we got was a 4th out of it.  So why do we expect a 1st plus extra for AR?  We def deserve way more than a 4th for sure, but I just don't see the Jets giving up a 1st for a 40 year old QB who will probably only play one year.  Or at least, I'm certainly not counting on it like some people seem to be.

Last edited by vitaflo
@PackerRick posted:

Getting Goff was a huge plus. He's already been a competent starter for two years and Stafford was probably just as pricey. Two #1s, a #3, and a starting QB? I'd take that all day everyday.

100% in hindsight, the Lions fleeced LA.  At the time it just felt like they paid for the picks though.  Nobody really thought Goff was going to do anything more than Drew Lock did in Seattle from the Wilson trade.

@vitaflo posted:

100% in hindsight, the Lions fleeced LA.  At the time it just felt like they paid for the picks though.  Nobody really thought Goff was going to do anything more than Drew Lock did in Seattle from the Wilson trade.

The Rams would do that trade over again in a heartbeat. They won a Super Bowl with Stafford. That doesn't happen with Goff. Goff was and is a Ryan Tannehill type. He's at the Geno Smith/Danny Jones/Jimmy G/Purdy level.  If you sit back in the Joe Barry soft zone all are are capable of beating you. None (maybe except Jones) has the arm strength to make some of the throws Stafford could against tight coverage.

@PackerRick posted:

Not hindsight. I wouldn't be surprised if DET demanded Goff in return. He was 27 years old and the former #1 pick. He had some really good years for the Rams but threw too many picks. That can, and was, coached out of him.

It wasn't so much the picks. Some part of it was that he was really badly affected by Belichick exposing him in the Super Bowl. The Patriots picked up on film that Goff was almost incapable of functioning in the offense if they made sure not to dictate their defensive scheme until the play clock went under 15 seconds (when the helmet connection with the coach turns off). He looked like he had no idea how to read a defense without McVay telling him what he do. He clearly improved in that area (or Campbell has more confidence in him to do it).

I think Rodgers is going to go to the Jets, have a good year, get them to the playoffs, and get bounced in the wildcard or divisional round. Good for him if he does that, but the Jets are not a Super Bowl threat.

If Rodgers plays with the Packers, I think he's likely to have a better year than last year. Maybe the Packers win 10-11 games, get into the playoffs, and get bounced in the wildcard round, but I don't think they are a Super Bowl threat, even in the NFC. I think Rodgers still gives you a better chance to win the most games in 2023, but I'd rather get 8-9 wins with Love and build toward the future, than win 10-11 with Rodgers and still be in a holding pattern.

If you don't think you can win a Super Bowl with him (and for the first time in 3 years, I don't think the front office thinks that's the case), you take what you can get for him and start building for the next realistic shots you may have for a title. Maybe that's Jordan Love in 2-3 years, maybe that's a QB you end up drafting in 2025 when Love shows he isn't "next."

Favre got traded at the beginning of training camp, not the beginning of free agency. If the Jets have plans for this year they can't move the first pawn until putting the king on the board. For the next few days the Packers can stand firm and force the Jets best offer. If I'm Gute agreeing to trade their 1st was what let them fly out to California and sell Rodgers on joining the Jets for the start of the league year. Once the Jets see a little jiggle and get excited about closing then you negotiate the conditional pick or two that elevates on success or Rodgers returning for a second season. I would imagine those talks are happening right now so this thing can be brought to a quick conclusion once Aaron makes his decision.

I think Rodgers is going to go to the Jets, have a good year, get them to the playoffs, and get bounced in the wildcard or divisional round. Good for him if he does that, but the Jets are not a Super Bowl threat.

I think they've done a study of all the age 39 QB seasons in league history. I bet it isn't good. It's an extra 60 snaps now with the 17th game, too. Old guys get hurt and take longer to recuperate. I think Brady seems like the kind of guy that would be comfortable with a pharmaceutical assist to extend his playing window. I don't get the same feeling about Rodgers. He's stubborn as a mule and easily as tough as Favre was, but 39 is 39 and it's a long season. I think they knew how much 17 was helping to carry his water and now it's time to get while the getting is good.

@titmfatied posted:

I think they've done a study of all the age 39 QB seasons in league history. I bet it isn't good. It's an extra 60 snaps now with the 17th game, too. Old guys get hurt and take longer to recuperate. I think Brady seems like the kind of guy that would be comfortable with a pharmaceutical assist to extend his playing window. I don't get the same feeling about Rodgers. He's stubborn as a mule and easily as tough as Favre was, but 39 is 39 and it's a long season. I think they knew how much 17 was helping to carry his water and now it's time to get while the getting is good.

There have only been 15 QB's in NFL history that have played after they turned 40.  Rodgers will be the 16th this year.  Of them, only two had any success, Favre in 1 year with the Vikings, and obviously Brady.

In fact, there are only 4 QB's that have played more than half a season after turning 40, Favre, Brady, Vinny Testeverde and Warren Moon. The later two were washed up shells of their former selves at this point.

While it's certainly easier to be a QB now than it has in the past, it's very very rare to do it past 40 for more than even a few games if history is anything to go by.

Last edited by vitaflo

We all want great compensation for Rodgers but the real issue is getting rid of that contract and the cap ramifications that it presents. With a trade we take our lumps this year with the cap hit and it's behind us. Taking that into consideration, a #2 pick this year and a #2 pick next year looks pretty good. We could actually be a player in free agency next offseason.

Not sure where this 4th rounder talk for Favre is based.  This is from jsonline:

In the trade with the Jets, the Packers acquired a conditional draft pick, one that would have been a first rounder if the Jets had made the playoffs in the 2008 season. They did not, and so the Packers received a third-round pick (83rd overall).

That pick, along with another third and second-round pick, were dealt to the New England Patriots for a first-rounder and fifth-rounder. The Packers, who had drafted BJ Raji with the ninth overall pick in the 2009 draft, used that second first-round pick on Clay Matthews.

@SteveLuke posted:

So Tommy's job for decades has been to cover the Packers and as of March 8, 2023, he declares he possesses as much information about who made the decision to bestow a new contract on Rodgers last offseason as the guys sitting in their basements throughout the state of Wisconsin. Crack reporter that spoon.

And, presumably, none of Tommy's close group of cronies who "cover" the team have a clue either ... or at least they aren't saying to protect the guilty.

What could possibly be so difficult about asking (A) Murph or (B) Gute or (C) both Murph and Gute if they approved of/signed off on the Rodgers' K extension?

I mean, other than maybe making their sourc ... err I mean the subjects they are supposedly covering squirm a bit, how is it not journalistic malpractice to not have uncovered which individuals within the Packer organization signed off on that ridiculous extension?

Silverstein is one of, if not the best, Packer beat reporters. Your continuing implication that the media has been carrying the organization's water and not (intentionally) doing their job has always struck me as both absurd and cynical beyond belief.

@Darryl Hand posted:

Not sure where this 4th rounder talk for Favre is based.  This is from jsonline:

In the trade with the Jets, the Packers acquired a conditional draft pick, one that would have been a first rounder if the Jets had made the playoffs in the 2008 season. They did not, and so the Packers received a third-round pick (83rd overall).

That pick, along with another third and second-round pick, were dealt to the New England Patriots for a first-rounder and fifth-rounder. The Packers, who had drafted BJ Raji with the ninth overall pick in the 2009 draft, used that second first-round pick on Clay Matthews.

It was a conditional 4th that could turn into a 1st.  Favre did well enough to turn it into a 3rd.

I would expect something similar from the Jets as part of our compensation for Rodgers.

@michiganjoe posted:

Silverstein is one of, if not the best, Packer beat reporters. Your continuing implication that the media has been carrying the organization's water and not (intentionally) doing their job has always struck me as both absurd and cynical beyond belief.

Spoon is one of the Pack's best beat reporters like Oren Burks is one of, if not the, best of Gute's third round picks.

There is no less aggressive, more compliant group of reporters that cover a professional football team than those on the Packer beat.

This is a group that collectively reported virtually nothing about the previous GM being allowed to remain in charge years after he was medically incompetent to perform his duties - and they all knew it.

And tt was the long-departed Tyler Dunne (mostly shunned by his former Packer beat reporters colleagues because he refused to always make nice with the Packer organization) who exposed the details of McCarthy's dysfunctional last seasons in Green Bay not any of the go along and get along Wisconsin crew.

Now, Spoon rushes to defend his boy Gutey over the Rodgers extension fiasco by tweeting good Packer fans cannot really know who it was that signed off on that awful extension so it is unfair to the poor GM of the Packers to hold him in any way accountable.

Well, here's an idea Tommy Boy, why don't you do some actual reporting and find out who authorized the deal? But why would he do that when it might piss off his meal ticket, right?

Spoon regurgitates what the organization feeds him (but not nearly as quickly or with as much detail as Demovsky), breaks news never, and provides zero insight.

Come to think of it, I can see why the organization would considers him a great "reporter,"

@Pakrz posted:

Packers Fans:  Rodgers is a washed-up over-paid diva who is pushing 40 and only cares about himself. WE WANT LOVE!!!

Also Packers Fans:  If GB doesn’t get multiple first round draft picks for Rodgers the front office should be fired.

So, let’s see. The 389 year old owner of the Jets says if he doesn’t get a big time veteran QB he is going to off himself. They then let Derek Carr walk. So, Garapolo? That’s their fall back? The Jets fans are going to have their pitchforks out.

Multiple first round picks, no, but that front office better get at least the 13th pick or they fucked up. The Packers have a ton of leverage.

@titmfatied posted:

I think they've done a study of all the age 39 QB seasons in league history. I bet it isn't good. It's an extra 60 snaps now with the 17th game, too. Old guys get hurt and take longer to recuperate. I think Brady seems like the kind of guy that would be comfortable with a pharmaceutical assist to extend his playing window. I don't get the same feeling about Rodgers. He's stubborn as a mule and easily as tough as Favre was, but 39 is 39 and it's a long season. I think they knew how much 17 was helping to carry his water and now it's time to get while the getting is good.

Rodgers is tougher than Favre was. Much more willing to take hits. Favre had that bail technique that saved him from taking more big hits. Probably cost him some accuracy. Rodgers stands tall in that pocket.

Last edited by packerboi
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