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@BrainDed posted:

I'm a huge Rodgers fan and believe the front office is the root cause of the problems / drama / failures.   

It takes two to tango.  I don't have a problem with AR, but not only could the FO have handled the situation better, AR could have too.  And AR caused plenty of his own drama that had nothing to do with the FO.  I'm disappointed to say it, but he's becoming about as much of a drama queen as Favre was.

@Tschmack posted:

I would agree that Rodgers gives them the best chance to win now.  The bigger question is to what extent or degree?  

If winning another NFC North division and a playoff game is the goal, well, mission accomplished.  For many people - that’s good enough.

But for all of the accolades and greatness during the regular season he’s not delivered in the postseason.  Yes, he’s not completely responsible for those failures, but he’s not played very well in a lot of those playoff games either.

I’ll admit - the idea of taking the draft picks and players Denver gave up to get Wilson is really intriguing.   Had Denver offered GB that same deal I’m not sure I would have turned them away.  The fact of the matter is Rodgers isn’t getting any younger and no I don’t think Love is the answer but maybe it’s time to find out.  If he sucks then their draft picks improve.   They would also be getting a number of extra chances in the draft (via Denver) to improve the team around the QB.

I would love nothing else than to see Rodgers and the Packers get back to and win the SB and then him ride off into the sunset.   I just don’t see that as a high probability.    It’s literally Super Bowl or bust for the GBP.   And when does that usually work out?

What’s fascinating to me is Gute may have defined his legacy with this move.  If Rodgers finally wins another title he will look like a genius for keeping him.  On the other hand, if Rodgers falls short (again) I’m sure he’ll be second guessed to death for not trading him.

You're on quite the hot streak Tschmack (IMHO), these are my thoughts exactly.

@Chongo posted:

You've never been to a Chevy's then...

Hey, I was even happy at that fake Mexican restaurant Chi-Chi's.  So was my mom.  When I was in HS, she got a little tipsy and started to show us how you get a spoon to stick to the end of your nose.  Then she shouted across the dining room to a friend of mine who was a waiter, "hey Tony, look, I can stick a spoon to the end of my nose!"  I sunk down in the booth, and he just nodded in her direction.  Been spoiled out here in Colorado with the quality of Mexican restuarants we have.

Hey, I was even happy at that fake Mexican restaurant Chi-Chi's.  So was my mom.  When I was in HS, she got a little tipsy and started to show us how you get a spoon to stick to the end of your nose.  Then she shouted across the dining room to a friend of mine who was a waiter, "hey Tony, look, I can stick a spoon to the end of my nose!"  I sunk down in the booth, and he just nodded in her direction.  Been spoiled out here in Colorado with the quality of Mexican restuarants we have.

Chi-chi’s. Haven't heard that name in a long time. Wasn’t that founded by amongst others our very own Max McGee.

It takes two to tango.  I don't have a problem with AR, but not only could the FO have handled the situation better, AR could have too.  And AR caused plenty of his own drama that had nothing to do with the FO.  I'm disappointed to say it, but he's becoming about as much of a drama queen as Favre was.

If you are referring to his takes on Covid, you must consider that he attempted to hide his opinion until the media and fans went apeshit on him.   He didn't seek that stage, he was placed on it.

Hey, I was even happy at that fake Mexican restaurant Chi-Chi's.  So was my mom.  When I was in HS, she got a little tipsy and started to show us how you get a spoon to stick to the end of your nose.  Then she shouted across the dining room to a friend of mine who was a waiter, "hey Tony, look, I can stick a spoon to the end of my nose!"  I sunk down in the booth, and he just nodded in her direction.  Been spoiled out here in Colorado with the quality of Mexican restuarants we have.

Chi Chi's is the only chain mexican restaurant in our town. We are also lucky to be blessed with at least 5 excellent family owned mexican restaurants in our area. Not bad for central WI.

Last edited by Gsands

Quit trying to cover his ass

He - not the media- took the position that he was β€œimmunized”

Then he played the blame game when he got lit up like a Xmas tree.

Rodgers knew exactly what he was doing.

He’s got some serious insecurities and character flaws but WTF he’s a goddamn football player.   As if I will take life advice from his stupid ghee eating man bun wearing date an anti deodorant weirdo almost half your age.  And doesn’t shower.

I just want him to grow a pair and buckle down and win another goddamn Super Bowl.  Fuck the other nonsense.  COVID19, Sleepy Joe, whacking off Joe Rogan I don’t give a fuck.  Get another goddamn ring.

Last edited by Tschmack

I had the misfortune of living in the panhandle of West Texas for about a year (job related). The town was about 13K people, and maybe 25% of those were white; the rest were all of Mexican heritage.
In such a small town, restaurant choices were very limited; one large steakhouse, maybe 2-3 smaller Mexican food places, family-owned and operated. They had killer food; I'd guess the closest to 'authentic' I've ever had.
But the absolute best was a lady who made breakfast tacos at her house. She made one that had some concoction of beans and mashed potatoes that I could've eaten by the dozens!
However, the one made with beef tongue was beyond nasty, and one made with chorizo gave me the skitters for 3 days!

Does Rodgers have drama and diva attached to him? Of course, but those people who pretend to know him by analyzing his family and personal relationships look silly and like they stayed at a Holiday Inn last night. I personally believe like many of you that AR fucked up big time with his COVID comments, but he apologized for the backlash that caused to others when he was on McAfee. I’ll pull it up for you if you want.

At the end of the day I think he’s been loyal to the franchise and it’s fanbase through a majority of his talk and actions. could he have acted differently in a couple of situations and played better in the lost season? Sure! but he’s a human being, and not the definition of perfection on and off the field. To compare his actions to the wife cheating, vindictive, hillbilly Favre is a joke. Rodgers seems to be more though provoking and sincere than Favre ever was.

I agree with you that Rodgers honestly gives our team the best option to win right now.  I am one of the fans that wants my team to win it all and then well we will see what happens after that.  I am ok after that because I firmly believe that Gute is looking towards the future of this team and he has shown he will make the moves to make the team better. 

As for Rodgers I personally think he is a prick but I could care less because I do believe him that he has been loyal to this team and to the fans.  I also agree that Rodgers has been more sincere than Favre ever was.  Case in point is when he told McAfee that he knows he has to make a decision because it affects the franchise in so many ways. 

@Timmy! posted:

I had the misfortune of living in the panhandle of West Texas for about a year (job related). The town was about 13K people, and maybe 25% of those were white; the rest were all of Mexican heritage.
In such a small town, restaurant choices were very limited; one large steakhouse, maybe 2-3 smaller Mexican food places, family-owned and operated. They had killer food; I'd guess the closest to 'authentic' I've ever had.
But the absolute best was a lady who made breakfast tacos at her house. She made one that had some concoction of beans and mashed potatoes that I could've eaten by the dozens!
However, the one made with beef tongue was beyond nasty, and one made with chorizo gave me the skitters for 3 days!

I had a beef tongue taco out out here at a place called Tacos, Tequila and Whiskey (three of my favorite things).  It was delicious, although I can see how not cooking it right would make it really nasty.  Kind of like venison if you don't cook it right.

@D J posted:

People often confuse TexMex with Mexican. Two different cuisines.  Much of what passes for Mexican food in America is actually TexMex.

True, and I've learned that with Mexican restuarants, don't judge a book by the cover.  Some of the best Mexican food I've had come from these little taquerias in small strip malls that look like holes in the wall.  But come lunch time, it's hard to get in.

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