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Here is a far fetched idea:

AR communicates to JL, directly our through their agent, that he wants him to stay. He publicly says he wants him to stay and is looking forward to being a great mentor.
AR actually works hard at helping JL who improves dramatically. Two/three years from now AR retires, JL steps in and plays great. He credits AR’s tutelage as the main reason. All Packer fans are happy and AR is the golden boy forever.

@pkr_north posted:

this is true.  what pissed 12 off was mlf and gute acting like little girls on tv when the pick was made didn't help anything.  I am glad that they don't dwell on shitty picks for a decade and try to fit a square peg in a round hole.  they must have seen that 10 is not it, so ... move on, mid-late first, it happens...Jesus, what's the name of that OL that started 0 games we picked...sherrod; can't even remember, lol.

Again..  It's much more than just missing on a pick.    It was a huge slap in the face to a generational talent who had just said he wanted to play for several more years and then retire a Packer.   

How does this keep getting brushed off like it means nothing?    It was a massive gamble and they lost.   The only reason they are able to save face is because they publicly sucked the ghee shit right of 12's ass when he called him on it last offseason. 

If he were to have said, fuck you trade me, the 3-14 result would have been more than enough to get them fired.

I've been following Twitter on this subject for over a year religiously and you guys aren't going to fool me. Shailene wanted a house in Colorado... and Rodgers just so happens to sign back with GB and also kind of get back together with Shailene? BTW this is totally not at all a creepy stalker account, just something a normal dude does in his spare time:

Anyway given that we know that Shailene is a filthy hippy who doesn't wash her nethers and that she needs to live in Colorado to be close to her vegan coven, and knowing as I do from following Twitter that tag and trade is in fact the hotness... I can conclude with certainty that Davante is a tag-and-trade to Denver, and that Rodgers is a sign-and-trade.

Russell to Denver is just a connection on Frontier Airlines as it were, because sometimes ya can't get that flight direct at a decent price. As we all know Russell Wilson loves Wisconsin and has been wanting to get back there forever. Which his why he engineered his exit from Wherever State (sorry I don't actually give 2 shits about NCAAF) in the first place.

Look man, if I don't hear it from Ian Rapppapapaport or Andrew Brandt (who basically knows everything going on in the GB front office by way of having worked there 15 years ago because definitely nothing can change in 15 years), then I'm not listening. What the hell does Pat McAfee know? Just because he talks directly to Aaron Rodgers? So what? Putin talks directly to Russian media and look at how that's going. Same thing here, Rodgers is basically Putin, but then again even Putin wouldn't have missed a wide open Allen Lazard in the 4th quarter you know?

I hate that Rodgers refuses to own that mistake btw... by merely admitting it during the post game press conference, like he can just sneak it out like that and not apologize every single day. Luckily the smart people around here are refusing to call the Love pick a mistake with 2 seasons of hindsight. It was definitely the right pick at the time, because clearly Rodgers was holding the team back, and frankly he would have continued to get worse simply but for the motivation that Jordan Love's beautiful caramel mocha complexion provided.

But you know, you solve one crisis and it's right onto the next here in Green Bay. With both Jordan Love and Russell Wilson, how will they manage 2 QBs with such similar complexions? Will Bakh be even able to tell which one of the two he married?

My initial reaction to Rodgers returning was not Joy, but disappointment. That surprised me.

Prospect of reset with Love and boatload of picks is intriguing. Last week I watched Jordan Love wk 18 vs Lions again and I did see some improvement and potential despite being unable to lead a game-winning drive.

But I don’t like the thought of Rodgers playing for another team and winning SB. The prospect of Clements helping Rodgers to get over hump and finally win 2nd SB ring in GB is also intriguing. Maybe then Rodgers hangs it up and Love is ready to roll.

Or whole thing blows up. But if Packers are able to win another Super Bowl with Rodgers I’m good.

Last edited by GreenBayLA
@GreenBayLA posted:

Or whole thing blows up. But if Packers are able to win another Super Bowl with Rodgers I’m good.

Big IF. Rodgers and GB had the NFC exactly where they wanted them, HFA throughout the playoffs, number 1 seed and couldn't get it done.

The only glimmer of hope I have in 2022 vs past years is this should be a better ST's unit and God willing a healthier team. Bakh out both years probably played a bigger role then I realize too. And certainly Jenkins out didn't help either.

It's a weak NFC QB group in 2022. Rodgers is the best among those in the NFC. He needs to play like it come January and beyond, which he has not.         

@packerboi posted:

Big IF. Rodgers and GB had the NFC exactly where they wanted them, HFA throughout the playoffs, number 1 seed and couldn't get it done.

The only glimmer of hope I have in 2022 vs past years is this should be a better ST's unit and God willing a healthier team. Bakh out both years probably played a bigger role then I realize too. And certainly Jenkins out didn't help either.

It's a weak NFC QB group in 2022. Rodgers is the best among those in the NFC. He needs to play like it come January and beyond, which he has not.         

Bakh out, Jenkins out, Myers missed a large portion of his rookie season which took away valuable reps in the learning process. That coupled with the worst ST in the league didn't help.

Contrary to the Tom Brady myth, it's never JUST the QB that wins Super Bowls for you. That's why you can get pedestrian NFL starters like Matt Staffraud, Nick Foles and Joe Flacco winning them.

The years Brady won it, he also had very good D and ST units at New England, and a very good D at Tampa. In fact, the years they didn't win the SB in New England, his defenses were not that great.

Hiring Bistecca to coach ST will help a lot...keeping the defense at the same level of production is a must, most importantly, in the area of turnovers. The year we won the Superb Owl, we were the best in the league in TO's cause in the red zone. We had 24 INT also...and that was just in the regular season. Once the playoffs rolled around, we seemed to take it to another level.

The most important variable (assuming Rodgers is healthy and the special teams runs at better than a high school JV level) that will determine whether the Packers advance farther in the playoffs in 2022 is the health of Jenkins and Bakh.

Those are two of the top 10 OL in the NFL when they are healthy. Once you cross the threshold of having a QB good enough to win a Super Bowl (there are probably about 7-8 of them), it usually comes down to the pass rush on both sides of the ball. Especially with the new rules over the last decade that favor offenses, the elite QBs are just too good to let them have time to get comfortable going through all their progressions. Having the entire left side of your offensive line playing at an All-Pro level is a big difference maker.

@Goalline posted:

Rodgers got 3 turnovers from his D last year, and a D that held the other team to 6 points this year and couldn’t win. If what Brady did was easy it would have been done by more than one QB.

And his best cold-weather RB was out with a broken rib, they played that swinging gate Dennis Kelly at RT vs the best pass rush in the league.

Yeah 12 could have been better, but it wasn't all on him.

@michiganjoe posted:

AR's postseason performance the past two years doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. Still believe taking the haul of picks and players would have been the better move but time will tell.

I think it's just really an indictment of where they think Jordan Love is. If they thought he could function at a Tannehill/Cousins/Garoppalo level, they make the trade.

The decision makes the most sense in that it is the best way to guarantee long-term job security for Gutey and MLF.

The trade haul would have made them exponentially better by 2024-2026, but much worse in 2022-23. If they felt Love was solid enough to get you to around 8 wins a year, it buys the FO and MLF time to rebuild.  But if Love flames out and you end up winning 3-4 games a year, then it looks like the success of MLF and the FO was entirely a creation of having a HOF QB and their job security comes into play after a couple poor years. I think they were worried about the latter.

Having a healthy and engaged Rodgers in the NFC North makes a playoff berth about as close to a certainty as you can get in the modern NFL. If he gets hurt, then they can just say that they had bad injury luck and no one could hold it against them.

I think it's just really an indictment of where they think Jordan Love is. If they thought he could function at a Tannehill/Cousins/Garoppalo level, they make the trade.

The decision makes the most sense in that it is the best way to guarantee long-term job security for Gutey and MLF.

The trade haul would have made them exponentially better by 2024-2026, but much worse in 2022-23. If they felt Love was solid enough to get you to around 8 wins a year, it buys the FO and MLF time to rebuild.  But if Love flames out and you end up winning 3-4 games a year, then it looks like the success of MLF and the FO was entirely a creation of having a HOF QB and their job security comes into play after a couple poor years. I think they were worried about the latter.

Having a healthy and engaged Rodgers in the NFC North makes a playoff berth about as close to a certainty as you can get in the modern NFL. If he gets hurt, then they can just say that they had bad injury luck and no one could hold it against them.

It changes my opinion of Gute. Nothing special about him.

I think it's just really an indictment of where they think Jordan Love is. I

Of course it is- it's a tacit admission by the organization that their evaluation of him was incorrect. Just delaying the inevitable and I still think you make the move and reap the compensation when it's available.

That said, if they do go on to win it all in the next few years with AR then the move will be vindicated. I'm just a skeptic based on what I've observed the past two postseasons.

Last edited by michiganjoe
@michiganjoe posted:

AR's postseason performance the past two years doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. Still believe taking the haul of picks and players would have been the better move but time will tell.

I read an article a while back that I wish I could find, but it essentially broke down the 3 NFC Championship games that were not blowouts (since the blowout games significantly altered what plays they could run), the Packers refused to get the run game going and barely ran the ball at all.

The main takeaway is that putting the entire game on the pass game and ignoring the run, even when it was successful, makes scheming defenses really easy.

If they ever get back to an NFCC, they need to do a near 50/50 split of run/pass.

@NumberThree posted:

I read an article a while back that I wish I could find, but it essentially broke down the 3 NFC Championship games that were not blowouts (since the blowout games significantly altered what plays they could run), the Packers refused to get the run game going and barely ran the ball at all.

The main takeaway is that putting the entire game on the pass game and ignoring the run, even when it was successful, makes scheming defenses really easy.

If they ever get back to an NFCC, they need to do a near 50/50 split of run/pass.

It is never as simple as "just run the ball". Look at 2020-21 playoffs. By formation we got the Rams to only have 5 defenders in the box, with Donald only a shell of himself, we didn't need to double him, had 5 blockers vs. 5 defenders and ran the ball 36 times at  5.2 YPA. The next week vs. the Bucs we tried the same formation early, only the Bucs kept 6 defenders in the box (must have felt that their ILBers were fast enough to get to the perimeter) , add to that Vea being unable to be blocked by one man, and the result was 16 rushes for 4.2 YPA. It's not that teams don't want to run the ball, it is often that they can't run the ball given the formation the defense stays in in

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