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@michiganjoe posted:

An Important point from Silverstein and hopefully one day we'll know the truth about the horrible contract that tied the hands of the organization.

So Tommy's job for decades has been to cover the Packers and as of March 8, 2023, he declares he possesses as much information about who made the decision to bestow a new contract on Rodgers last offseason as the guys sitting in their basements throughout the state of Wisconsin. Crack reporter that spoon.

And, presumably, none of Tommy's close group of cronies who "cover" the team have a clue either ... or at least they aren't saying to protect the guilty.

What could possibly be so difficult about asking (A) Murph or (B) Gute or (C) both Murph and Gute if they approved of/signed off on the Rodgers' K extension?

I mean, other than maybe making their sourc ... err I mean the subjects they are supposedly covering squirm a bit, how is it not journalistic malpractice to not have uncovered which individuals within the Packer organization signed off on that ridiculous extension?

good journalists develop sources and conduct investigative research.  that doesn’t happen at the Milwaukee journal sports page anymore

To be fair, newspapers have been gutted by the internet and are also suffering from disparagement by those folks who say not to believe a word they print or that they are totally slanted. The money to send reporters on investigative jaunts just isn't there. You can't tie up a reporter for a week (or longer in some cases) or pay them in search of a single story when you could get seven shorter, daily ones from them instead to fill out the news. The model has always been to beat the other guys with a scoop but with the internet today that takes on an entirely different urgency. If you want to bring back good, old-fashioned, hard-hitting, investigative reporting, subscribe to the daily paper and encourage others to do the same.

@Fandame posted:

To be fair, newspapers have been gutted by the internet and are also suffering from disparagement by those folks who say not to believe a word they print or that they are totally slanted. The money to send reporters on investigative jaunts just isn't there. You can't tie up a reporter for a week (or longer in some cases) or pay them in search of a single story when you could get seven shorter, daily ones from them instead to fill out the news. The model has always been to beat the other guys with a scoop but with the internet today that takes on an entirely different urgency. If you want to bring back good, old-fashioned, hard-hitting, investigative reporting, subscribe to the daily paper and encourage others to do the same.

totally agree.  it's a different world.  gannett has ruined not only the MJS but also many other papers.   

This sounds close to accurate. I could also see swapping 1st's. I think Packer fans hoping for a 1st and a 2nd (which seems like everyone online) are gonna be really disappointed.

Lol.  There is no way the Packers will be OK with a 2nd and 3rd rounder regardless of compensation.   Have any of these people like Rich Cimini actually been through high stakes negotiations?  My guess is they have not.  So his opinion means nothing.  

GBP have the leverage.  The Jets are desperate and have no Plan B.   Even worse they showed their hand publicly with the visit.  Their recent QB picks (some much more valuable than I’ve proposed) haven’t amounted to jack shit.  Moreover,  their HC and GM are on the hot seat.  You think Woody Johnson cares about a 1 and a 2?

As a result, the Packers need to hold the line.  It’s a minimum of the Jets 1 this year and probably their 1 next year but the Packers would probably accept their 2nd rounder in 2024 or some conditional pick depending on performance.  

Last edited by Tschmack

Rodgers isn’t Favre.  Not even close.  

He’s still a very good player that will be motivated to prove everyone wrong.  As long as he commits to 2 years, he’s absolutely worth their 1 this year and conditional pick or picks in 2024.

If the Jets come back with some bullshit offer heads will roll.  Starting with their GM.   Their only priority right now is landing Rodgers.   If they fuck this up over a 1 and 2 or 3 Woody Johnson may fire them all.

@Tschmack posted:

Rodgers isn’t Favre.  Not even close.  

He’s still a very good player that will be motivated to prove everyone wrong.  As long as he commits to 2 years, he’s absolutely worth their 1 this year and conditional pick or picks in 2024.

Favre was traded after an NFCCG that went to OT. Rodgers didn’t even make the playoffs.

So I guess you’re right it’s not close.

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