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@Satori posted:
Trade compensation, per sources:
Jets get:
Aaron Rodgers, pick No. 15, a 2023 5th-rd pick (No. 170).

Packers get: Pick No. 13, a 2023 2nd-rd pick (No. 42), a 6th-rd pick (No. 207), a conditional 2024 2nd-rd pick that becomes a 1st if Rodgers plays 65 percent of the plays.

A little lighter this year and a little heavier next year than speculated, but if something unfortunate happens with Love they have more ammunition next year and the Jets have more to go "all-in" this year.

As it is today it's a guranteed two second round picks and a move up from 15 to 13.   Potential to be 1 second and 1 first with a move up from 15 to 13.

Not tremendous for a multi MVP QB but not horrible for a guy who said he would never play for the team again.

This doesn't pardon Gute from not tading him last year and agreeing to that horrible contract that we will suffer from for a while.     It's better than I thought we would get, but we will still pay the price for him acting a year too late and compounding that error with that contract.

Last edited by BrainDed
@Chongo posted:

12 revising his contract before the trade. What a selfish prick.

I'm fairly certain this is just about how much money is on the Packers dead cap. I don't expect a whole lot to change with his contract. Maybe some incentives will be added on the jet's side. Other than that.... trades a done deal

From the article linked above:

"On a point scale basis this is pretty huge. The Jets will give up in the ballpark of 4.500 points on the Fitzgerald-Spielberger point chart and bring back in 2,025 points and Rodgers. That would put Rodgers value somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd pick in the entire draft."

If that is true, I could live with that.

Things I find interesting about the trade:

- The swap from 15 to 13 is a big deal because both the Jets and Patriots (at 14) need an OT as do we.  Pats also need a WR but now we get the pick of the litter at both positions.  Kinda feel like the Jets gave up a lot more than just two positions with that swap.

- The 2nd round pick #42 is the first of the Jets 2nd round picks.  They kept pick #43.  Again, we get dibs on any players at 42 that the Jets may also want.

- The 5th round pick we gave up was the compensatory pick we got for MVS at the end of the round, not our normal 5th 20 spots earlier.

- The 2024 pick being contingent on playtime is huge.  It's basically just an injury guarantee, making it basically a 1st round pick.

I think it's little things like this that make the trade even better than it seems on paper.  Not a bad haul for a guy who was "90% gonna retire" until he got mad at Gute for shopping him.  Now we know why he was.

@vitaflo posted:

Things I find interesting about the trade:

- The swap from 15 to 13 is a big deal because both the Jets and Patriots (at 14) need an OT as do we.  Pats also need a WR but now we get the pick of the litter at both positions.  Kinda feel like the Jets gave up a lot more than just two positions with that swap.

- The 2nd round pick #42 is the first of the Jets 2nd round picks.  They kept pick #43.  Again, we get dibs on any players at 42 that the Jets may also want.

- The 5th round pick we gave up was the compensatory pick we got for MVS at the end of the round, not our normal 5th 20 spots earlier.

- The 2024 pick being contingent on playtime is huge.  It's basically just an injury guarantee, making it basically a 1st round pick.

I think it's little things like this that make the trade even better than it seems on paper.  Not a bad haul for a guy who was "90% gonna retire" until he got mad at Gute for shopping him.  Now we know why he was.

Jets weaken a division rival in the process.

He'll do a podcast about alien invasions, how jet contrails contain mind-controlling chemicals, and probably do a ghee cleanse on camera.

He's just a weird, weird guy. He might talk about how things were in Green Bay in great detail once he's gone, but it will have no affect on any games the Packers are playing and his super-secret hand signals will probably go with him. He might embarrass Mark Murphy by revealing what he thinks really happened in Green Bay, but he'd be doing a public service for those of us that are Packers' owners.

Would the Ghee cleanse be Pay-per-Poo?

@D J posted:

It always had a swap of #15 for #13 in it, hardly earth-shattering. Many here were insistent on getting #13 without swapping #15 to get it.

Getting a 2023 2nd round pick is nice. Only if 2024  works out is it looking better.

Swapping first round picks had hardly been talked about. The Jets sounded pretty adamant about keeping that pick. They also were probably reluctant to let their trading partner move ahead of them and possibly draft the LT they covet. That swap was worth a 3rd round comp pick in this draft. Also the Jets not getting a pick in case Rodgers only plays one year was huge. That was talked about far more than any swap of #1 picks.

From the article linked above:

"On a point scale basis this is pretty huge. The Jets will give up in the ballpark of 4.500 points on the Fitzgerald-Spielberger point chart and bring back in 2,025 points and Rodgers. That would put Rodgers value somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd pick in the entire draft."

If that is true, I could live with that.

Looking at the most common chart for this year (Draftek consensus), the Packers net 565.2 points this year, basically the third pick in round 2. Next year's pick will most likely be in the #24 to #45 range. With one-round "depreciation" for delaying a year, that would likely net them 300-350 more "points" (though could be closer to 200 if castastrophe strikes). That puts it in what's most likely to be the #15 to #20 range. 

Good point. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad that we got #13. I really am. Yet, is it really that much better than #15? I guess that I would rather have the extra second rounder. And I only say that because the folks I read often say that there is better “value” in the second round.
Now, after writing that, I would not be surprised if Gutie trades down and makes it all moot.

Last edited by PackerPatrick
@BrainDed posted:

As it is today it's a guranteed two second round picks and a move up from 15 to 13.   Potential to be 1 second and 1 first with a move up from 15 to 13.

Not tremendous for a multi MVP QB but not horrible for a guy who said he would never play for the team again.

This doesn't pardon Gute from not tading him last year and agreeing to that horrible contract that we will suffer from for a while.     It's better than I thought we would get, but we will still pay the price for him acting a year too late and compounding that error with that contract.

Why do you keep blaming Gute for that contract when it was obviously Murphy? Gute is the guy that drafted Love to replace Rodgers. I don't care how many MVPs Rodgers won that is not the player the Packers traded.

@Tschmack posted:

Trade value is fine as I see it.  It’s two 2nds at worst or a 2nd and a 1st next year.  

Would have liked both Jets 2s this year but as it is they now have two 2nd in the early part of R2 so could move up into R1 or Gute could trade back and get even more picks.  

I could see Gute trading down. The #13 pick is worth #22 pick  and that teams #2 pick. If Gute drops down into the 20s I don't think he'd take a QB because of the message it sends to Love but it wouldn't surprise me either. The 4th best QB could be down there and never forget drafting Brohm when it was Rodgers job to lose.

@PackerRick posted:

Knowing the Jets they'll probably send Wilson in as much as they can to keep that snap count down. All of the first half kneel downs and for the unlikely event of the Jets kneeling at the end of the game.

If Saleh is as good a friend as he supposedly is to LaFleur, I don't see him trying to play those BS games.  The 65% is purely an injury-protecting clause - something I don't think is unreasonable.

If Saleh is as good a friend as he supposedly is to LaFleur, I don't see him trying to play those BS games.  The 65% is purely an injury-protecting clause - something I don't think is unreasonable.

I agree, my comment wasn't serious. I doubt it would do much for Wilson's self-worth either if they kept trotting him out there for all of the kneel downs.

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