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Who forced 12 to play with a broken thumb?

Out of all those contributing factors, you decided to highlight that?  

Yes, these guys willing to play through injuries and pain are a massive problem.

What are the odds that if 12 sat out you'd be in the group bitching about how much money he was making to hold a clipboard?  

Last edited by Pakrz

I always find it interesting when people criticize others and how much money they make.   Or why highly paid employees should take less β€œjust because.”

You are worth what someone is willing to pay you for your skills and performance.
So, while you may not like it (or agree), Rodgers has earned that contract.  Why should he take less?  

Well, that’s like your opinion, man.

Contrary to popular belief, the Packers are a for profit business.   They generate revenue and have expenses and have a balance sheet.  They also have a board of directors and employees that work for said business.

There are a lot of reasons to dislike Aaron Rodgers but honestly his salary isn’t one of those reasons.  He’s paid market value for his skills.  He also helps generate a ton of money for the franchise and the NFL in general.  

Most β€œregular people” don’t have that level of visibility or impact to the bottom line.

The owners and teams make a crapload of money so I have no problem with players earning as much as they can get.  

@DH13 posted:

When does the groundhog emerge from his dark room to tell us if there will be 6 more years of Packers darkness?

In true fashion showing how little literally any media source other than Pat McAfee and maybe James Jones knows about literally anything Rodgers is doing or thinking right now... he hasn't gone on his retreat yet, it starts Thursday. He will be live on McAfee's show today in about 1 hour.

Ian doesn't know anything about Rodgers and has no source in his circle.

Last edited by NumberThree
@YATittle posted:

News Flash: Derek Carr has informed the Raiders he won't accept a trade to New Orleans, meaning he will be released tomorrow before Tuesday's deadline guaranteeing $40.4 million of the contract.

I am picturing Carr and his agent laughing their butts off that the Raiders would even consider giving Carr that kind of money.  Carr is decent but nowhere near that good to make that kind of money.

Though anyone who hasn't experienced it will probably chortle, sensory deprivation is trippy stuff.

As a physics major I had access to a blackout room that was used for laser and optics experiments.  When you shut the door and you shut off all lights, it was absolutely pitch black.  You could not see your hand in front of your face.  You lose sense of up and down and any depth, very disorienting.  It's easy to lose sense of time too.   I was fully sober when I went in there and shut everything down and lasted maybe a minute before I got too freaked out and left.   It was nearly sound proof too which probably compounded the experience.

Last edited by DH13
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