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... I'm still bitter and emotionally scarred having to watch Favre play in another jersey, most specifically in MN. Never rooted so much for another player/team to shit the bed. In hindsight things worked out wonderfully, but living through that shit as a fan sucked ass. Don't want it to happen again.

TOG had seemingly turned into Benedict Arnold post-Packers to the point I was almost numb to it by the time he made his way to Minnesota.
What I remain bitter about was his agenda (specifically play for the Vikings so he could "stick it" to the Packers and Green Bay).
But, the absolute worst was losing to that fukker (twice!) in his first games as a Vike.

And, yeah, we got a measure of revenge the following year, but it still has a 4th-and-26-type vibe. Like the scars that remain after the wounds heal.

@Pikes Peak posted:

No, I wish we had dealt you and your nonsense a year ago.

Gute would have been eviscerated if he traded the back to back MVP and then Rodgers had another MVP on a diff team.  The only reason people say he should have been traded last year is hindsight.  Hell, everyone saying they hope Rodgers will get traded now will probably slag the FO if Rodgers wins a SB with the Jets or whoever.

Rodgers probably puts the chip back on his shoulder if he's traded away from Green Bay.  But if he stays, no chip.  The way Rodgers is, I could very well see him playing better for the Raiders or Jets only because he was traded to the Raiders or Jets.  If he stays here?  We probably see what we did last year.  He's a weird dude with weird motivations.  And I don't think he'll be motivated in Green Bay in 2023. 

And who cares what the fans think? If the front office is making decisions based on fan backlash and not in the best interest of the football team, then they need to be fired.  Fans are idiots, me included. 

@Herschel posted:

Neither did Brady. It’s his career, and one that grinds their bodies to pulp and discards them at their first opportunity..

not disagreeing, but no martyr talk here about how he is 'restructuring' to somehow 'help' the team's not helping, only creating an avalanche of pain in a few eventually runs out.  so let's be crystal clear that he's not doing the team any favors by restructuring.

@vitaflo posted:

The only reason people say he should have been traded last year is hindsight. 

That's simply not true- there were lots of people here and in the media saying the move should have been made at the time. What's now evident with hindsight is just how right all those people were.

Would have been a gutsy, controversial and polarizing move by Gutey that carried risk, but like Wolf used to say better a year too early than a year too late.

@michiganjoe posted:

That's simply not true- there were lots of people here and in the media saying the move should have been made at the time. What's now evident with hindsight is just how right all those people were.

Would have been a gutsy, controversial and polarizing move by Gutey that carried risk, but like Wolf used to say better a year too early than a year too late.

While of course we could not have known what would have happened, chances are very good IMO that if he was traded to Denver, Nathaniel Hackett is still their HC and Rodgers (assuming he doesn't get hurt) would have likely made that team a 9-8 or 10-7 type team.

Even with a broken thumb, then a rib injury, plus a musical chairs OL, he helped GB control their own destiny all the way to week 17.

Rodgers wouldn't have had all those rookie WR's to deal with either. I am not saying Rodgers would have had a MVP year, but he would have looked a damn sight better than Russell Favre.

It's just amazing to think how one "non-move" ripples so much throughout the league, including Sean Payton who also certainly isn't in Denver either if that trade would have happened.     

Last edited by packerboi
@vitaflo posted:

Gute would have been eviscerated if he traded the back to back MVP and then Rodgers had another MVP on a diff team.  The only reason people say he should have been traded last year is hindsight.  Hell, everyone saying they hope Rodgers will get traded now will probably slag the FO if Rodgers wins a SB with the Jets or whoever.

Some of us have been asking for a trade the last 2 years. No hindsight here.

Last edited by Goalline
@Goalline posted:

Until last year, I have felt Rodgers was underpaid, but that’s hardly the point. The question is, does he want to win the big game? If so, he needs to take less. Not his fault for taking more.

Prior to 2022, 12 wasn't the problem. The offense was good enough to win two Super Bowls...the shit show was the defense and special teams.

"If he wants to win," is a false narrative and puts most of the piss poor leadership blame on him and not on the giant pusscakes that are HC and GM. OTA's are optional per the NFLPA collective bargaining agreement. You can't make a player attend, but has anyone asked 12 to attend because it's good for the team chemistry? He might do it. Maybe they asked him and he said fuck off, I'm going to Machu Pichu. We don't know...but I doubt it.

If Gurt and MLF are so goddamn petrified to piss of 12, or any other employee to do something that benefits the team, then they are not fit for leadership. But I tend to view things from a manager's perspective...if I have an employee behaving poorly and it continues more than once or twice, that shit's on me.

Even if 12 gives back money, I have little faith it's more than a 50/50 crapshoot Gurt will spend it in a way to make this squad better. Remember, they were ready to spend max cash to keep 17 and it didn't work out...that was after they'd signed 12 to the Mother of All Contracts too.

This team isn't winning a title whether it's 12 or 10 as QB1 next year and has little to do with salary cap. Packers have spent a FUCK TON of 1st and and 2nd round draft capital in defensive players...what has it gotten us? Want to place blame, place it on the GM who hasn't exactly torn it up "drafting and developing" talent.

@H5 posted:

I can see Rodgers playing better this fall if he's healthy, behind a heathy/stable OL, some WR maturation, Nixon signed, and a defense playing up to thier potential.

Are you suggesting that losing Adams, a broken thumb, a patchwork offensive line, substandard WRs/TEs and an under-performing defense all somehow affected 12's play last season?

Boot licker.

Last edited by Pakrz
@H5 posted:

I can see Rodgers playing better this fall if he's healthy, behind a heathy/stable OL, some WR maturation, Nixon signed, and a defense playing up to thier potential.

But will he throw to the open receiver or focus on one guy? Even in his last two MVP seasons, he was focusing on covered guys while ignoring open ones way too often.

Aaron Jones comments that just can't be true! AR is a selfish prick ...I mean so many people have no interaction with him say so

Skip Bayless asked Jones if Rodgers annoyed him at all, Jones said the opposite was true.

"No, never," Jones said. "I owe Aaron a huge thank you because if it wasn't for him I don't know how my career would have turned out. My first two years [in the NFL], I wasn't really playing. â€Ķ A-Rod, he would literally stop the game, turn to the sideline, call timeout and tell Mike McCarthy, ‘I want 33 [Jones' jersey number] in the game.'

"When he first told me, ‘I’m your biggest fan,' I hadn't played a snap of [NFL] offense, so that did so much for my confidence, hearing that from a future Hall of Famer," Jones said. "I'm like, ‘Man, you believe in me this much?' â€Ķ You keep digging at it, you keep working, and he sees that and he puts your arm around you and he loves on guys like that, who want to get better and who want to be great."

@Chongo posted:

Prior to 2022, 12 wasn't the problem. The offense was good enough to win two Super Bowls...the shit show was the defense and special teams.

"If he wants to win," is a false narrative and puts most of the piss poor leadership blame on him and not on the giant pusscakes that are HC and GM. OTA's are optional per the NFLPA collective bargaining agreement. You can't make a player attend, but has anyone asked 12 to attend because it's good for the team chemistry? He might do it. Maybe they asked him and he said fuck off, I'm going to Machu Pichu. We don't know...but I doubt it.

If Gurt and MLF are so goddamn petrified to piss of 12, or any other employee to do something that benefits the team, then they are not fit for leadership. But I tend to view things from a manager's perspective...if I have an employee behaving poorly and it continues more than once or twice, that shit's on me.

Even if 12 gives back money, I have little faith it's more than a 50/50 crapshoot Gurt will spend it in a way to make this squad better. Remember, they were ready to spend max cash to keep 17 and it didn't work out...that was after they'd signed 12 to the Mother of All Contracts too.

This team isn't winning a title whether it's 12 or 10 as QB1 next year and has little to do with salary cap. Packers have spent a FUCK TON of 1st and and 2nd round draft capital in defensive players...what has it gotten us? Want to place blame, place it on the GM who hasn't exactly torn it up "drafting and developing" talent.

This isn't a slight or praise.  But I'd swear Henry didn't go away but simply hijacked Chongo's account.

@packerboi posted:

Rodgers wouldn't have had all those rookie WR's to deal with either. I am not saying Rodgers would have had a MVP year, but he would have looked a damn sight better than Russell Favre. 

Not to nitpick because I'm bored, but while DEN didn't have a bunch or rookies or slow guys at WR, they would all have been learning a new offense and a new QB.

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