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@packerboi posted:

Someone posted a tweet im too tired to look up right now early this week. The jest was Stafford has never made All Pro, he’s only been to the Pro Bowl once, he’s never been an MVP, and he’s never been in the top 4-5 in major QB categories (e.g ratings) to lead his position in his career either. Prior to this year, I believe he won one playoff game.

In short, he’s not even close to be considered for the HOF and that includes having this SB win.

The NFL cannot water down the standards for the HOF. It should continue to be very hard to get into.

I agree. I think to make the HOF you should be a top 3 to 5 guy at your position for at least a good 3-5 year stretch at some point in your career. Rivers and Stafford don't qualify there.

But when it comes time I don't think voters are going to look very hard at that. They are going to look at a couple of guys with over 60,000 yards and 400 TD's and say they qualify. They will have to wait, though. I bet about 5 years each unless Stafford has some real success his final years. And maybe by then there will be other guys like Matt Ryan and ??? that make the voters think a little harder about those numbers. Because if you let in Rivers and Stafford you can't shut out Ryan. And there will be similar guys following that accumulate numbers but don't check the other boxes.

@ammo posted:

This goes right along with the drafting Joe Montana.  Bart Starr's book had one version and the story by Christl was just the opposite.   Since it appears Christl has an axe to grind I trust the story in Starr's book.

FWIW, Russ Cochran, John (Red) Cochran's son, and a co-worker of mine, told me the story and it lines up with Christl's version.  Said his Dad left the draft room after Montana was selected in the 3rd round.  Said Bart had his mind made up and would not listen to the scouts. 

The whole narrative of him being too cautious as a reason he hasn't been successful in the playoffs in a crock. People point out that Stafford threw two picks in SB but still won ... the first one was the equivalent of a punt and the second one was off the WR's hands .... the Rams won the game because of one thing ....the Bengals o-line couldn't block them. The last pass to Adams was far riskier than if he'd thrown to Lazard..... being "risk adverse" had nothing to do with it.

Aaron Rodgers agent is David Dunne. Jordan Loves agent is David Dunne. Can someone splain how the same agent can represent both players when one of his clients will suffer. I also read where Dunn negotiated a fully-guaranteed contract for Love when he was drafted. But if Dunn fully represents one of those two QB for the best deal available then the other client suffers. It makes no sense...

@FLPACKER posted:

The whole narrative of him being too cautious as a reason he hasn't been successful in the playoffs in a crock. People point out that Stafford threw two picks in SB but still won ... the first one was the equivalent of a punt and the second one was off the WR's hands .... the Rams won the game because of one thing ....the Bengals o-line couldn't block them. The last pass to Adams was far riskier than if he'd thrown to Lazard..... being "risk adverse" had nothing to do with it.

You gotta get creative when you're going to blame one guy for the entirety of the Packers playoff failures.

@Henry posted:

You gotta get creative when you're going to blame one guy for the entirety of the Packers playoff failures.

I don't blame him for the entirety, but he certainly didn't rise to the occasion. Given that special teams were atrocious all year, biggest differential in regular season vs playoff performance was the QB position, followed by coaching.

If risk-aversion was the reason AR didn't go to certain receivers (including basic checkdowns) then it certainly was a factor in the loss. The throw to Adams was just a piss-poor decision and you can attribute to to whatever you desire.

Bottom line: at crunch time with the game on the line the NLF MVP came up woefully short in the postseason (again).

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