Free Ryan Braun from Bud Selig's shackles and unjust media oppression!!!
Braun's statement. Seems like a pretty heartfelt response to the whole thing but my god, it better be true that what he said was the extent of his use. I have to say I'm not quite sure I believe that it was.
NOTE: That Sosa image is really creepy...
NOTE 2: Braun getting hammered on Twitter for the statement. Personally, I thought it was as good as one could do with something written. Would have been better if said it "in person." Hopefully he meets with the Milwaukee media soon...
Blow it out your ass Braun. chickenboy right on the money with the "in person" comment. Braun previously had no problem jumping on a pedestal and talking about his morals, values and virtues but now he hides away and releases statements to the media. And what kind of dumb-ass would believe he "came to the realization" in late June after lying through his team early in 2012 and again publicly standing behind his statements in February 2013? Like it had nothing to do with the pile of evidence that was mounting against him.
I did find one part of the statement to be appropriate:
"I sincerely apologize to everybody involved in the arbitration process, including the collector, Dino Laurenzi, Jr."
He should have done it in front of a camera, let people ask questions. I'm guessing from now on we get "that was in the past" when asked. He could appease me, like that matters, by saying "I'm going to answer these questions once". That would be fine with me. a written statement and "that's that" is a little weak to me.
I would also like to know from MLB if his account about a "change of heart" is remotely true. I'm guessing it was pretty clear to Braun what they had, regardless if they parented it to him formally or not. Curious how long it took him from the first meeting to call the second.
I wonder if they will put an asterik in the record book on the 2011 MVP? If I were Kemp, I would sue Braun.
3 things I never thought I would ever read or hear in my lifetime...
#1 Hey Shoeless, Kate Upton wants to have your baby.
#2 Chicago Cubs - World Series Champions!
#3 chickenboy right on the money
If I were Kemp, I would sue Braun.
What Kenny Rosenthal has to say
Here is a fuller explanation of what happened, according to sources:
As Braun mentioned, he dealt with a left-calf strain in July 2011 and also left a game because of left hamstring tightness. During that time, a third party reached out to him and said that he could get him a product to help accelerate his recovery. The third party obtained the product from Biogenesis, the anti-aging clinic at the center of baseballβs latest PED scandal. Braun did not obtain the product directly from the founder of the clinic, Tony Bosch. Braun did not know Bosch at the time.
Braun used the substance, a cream that he believed to be an anti-inflammatory. Later that season, he took lozenges provided by the same third party. That October, Braun tested positive for elevated testosterone. One of the substances, or the combination of the substances, likely produced the positive result.
Did Braun check the substances with the Brewersβ athletic trainers or other medical professionals, something all players are advised to do in this era of testing? No, he simply trusted the third party, who assured Braun that he was not taking anything illegal.
It would be cool if we had an idea who the third party was. Of course, the source could be from Braun's camp in attempt to make his statement sound more convincing.
I think the best advice for your health....or anything to do with your body and things you are putting in it....should come from "a 3rd party".
whatta ****ing joke.
No one can ever say Braun is not a stand up guy. Just read the heart felt email he sent.
If you've not tried Tic Tacs from the Loation black market I suggest you keeps those opinions under wraps.
I can put on a belt with one hand.
And what will be more pathetic, will be the "Brewer Fans" that welcome him back next year with open arms. The same fans the booed Bonds, McGwire and Sosa.
I'm hoping he's traded, but with that contract, I would be surprised.
Fans are fans. Cardinal fans are the smartest fans in the world and they cheered McGuire and Pujols (it will come out that he was me).
Also, I've been told Giants fans are great as well and they cheered Bonds. Likely the most blatant cheat ever.
Braun will be back and I will cheer 'cause I like baseball. If one were magic and could know all the players who have used PEDs and cheated over time I bet one would have to eliminate many of one's heroes.
I think Brewer fans will indeed cheer Braun when he comes back...but there will also be plenty that, no matter what, will never see past the lies and what not. My kids are/were huge Ryan Braun fans, as was I...guess i still am if he wears a Brewer's jersey....My 11 year old asked me why Ryan Braun would do this and even asked me if he shouldn't like Ryan Braun anymore. I just told him that all of us are proned to being stupid. Some people just do it better than others. Ryan Braun was stupid and got caught and because of that he decided to come forward and (hopefully) tell the truth. I told my son that he can still like Braun, but never be a fan of the name on the back of the jersey because its the name on the front of the jersey that counts.
I think if Braun can make it through this mess and he puts up numbers like he always has the Milwaukee fan base will accept him back. No more lies, no more PED's, and he should be involved in the community wherever he can. He may be a liar and a cheat, but damnit, he's our liar and cheat!
If Braun comes back next year and agrees to be tested each month and puts up 35 HR's, 115 RBI's with a .300 average there's really no way to look at all this and question why MLB didn't spend time and money to fully understand what the real performance benefit is or isn't for the substances they suspended Braun to begin with. I honestly don't think they truly know the answer to that question today.
And wouldn't that be a real bitch if it turns out what they suspended him for and made everyone have to go through was for something that ended up doing nothing?
the part I will never understand is that Braun is a very good player without the PEDs just like Bonds and Mac. They really don't need the edge and that is what is so stupid about this whole issue. Braun could have been mayor of Milwaukee but decided to put his numbers in front of his reputation and as a result he will never fully receive the credit or respect he probably deserves.
Doesnt make him a criminal or bad guy but his image has certainly taken a hit and to some he will never recover from it
i will still cheer for the guy as a Brewers fan but that's as far as it goes. He is a number on a team and they pay him to help the team win - pure and simple
role model? Not so much
I think we and the media also need to distinguish the reason why these guys take some of this stuff. Some take/took it to literally change their bodies (Mac, BB, Sosa). Some take it to recover from injuries (Braun's claim). I know they are both illegal and recovering quicker does help your performance but I see them as two different things.
I've said it before but I wish baseball would have a public listing of the banned stuff, what they would be used for and the harmful effects. I really view nothing wrong with guys taking stuff for injury recovery that doesn't have negative side effects.
I know they are both illegal and recovering quicker does help you performance but I see them as two different things.
This is my point. How does recovering quicker help your performance? It helps you get back on the filed quicker but as CA95 pointed out, so does a cortisone shot. I don't think anyone can answer what effect the majority of the substances on MLB's banned list actually do in regards to performance.
The effects of ________, which includes ______, were examined over 3 studies in a total of 36 volunteers. Assessments included psychomotor performance (reaction time, concentration, memory), subjective alertness and physical endurance. When compared with control _______ significantly (P < 0.05) improved aerobic endurance (maintaining 65-75% max. heart rate) and anaerobic performance (maintaining max. speed) on cycle ergometers. Significant improvements in mental performance included choice reaction time, concentration (number cancellation) and memory (immediate recall), which reflected increased subjective alertness.
It makes sense now, studies show that it helps aerobic and anaerobic performance, mental acuity...
is that the study on deer antlers?
Oh, wait, I'm sorry, those are performance enhancing effects of Red Bull.
Was the control coffee, tea or Mountain Dew?
Most of the performance enhancing ones (not drugs of abuse) improve the muscle's ability to synthesize protein. The end result is bigger muscle fibers and muscles that have the ability to repair themselves faster. Testosterone falls into this category.
Testosterone is also classified as a Schedule III controlled substance. MLB or any other sport really does not have the option of whether to include it on a banned substances list or not. Using testosterone without the supervision of a physician is like the #1 example of doping.
pretty sure testosterone isn't a schedule 3 drug, but I'll ask the mass spectrometer.
Mass spectrometer specializes in pee, but he did say anabolic steroids are schedule 3, but you are allowed to keep your own testosterone so your balls can drop. Adding the synthetic stuff should be supervised by a doctor (seems like I've heard that somewhere else)
Who is Lance Armstrong?
pretty sure testosterone isn't a schedule 3 drug, but I'll ask the mass spectrometer.
Thank you for bringing up the mass spectrometer. It had the right answer the whole time but the jock lovers fell head-over-heels for Braun's lies.
All of the above!
Keep typing dumb-dumbs! Amuse me further.
Does using Testosterone effect 40 yard times?
pj doesn't post on the Packer board anymore, he kinda patty'd out with that whole game. Scorned bitch is his new thing.
quote:Does using Testosterone effect 40 yard times?
No. Also, does not effect the ability to hit a baseball. Or to throw a baseball.
Pretty cool move by Braun...but I bet somehow he still gets torched by the national media.
PackerJoe....send him your number!
Clarification from everyone's favorite Facebook (not blogger) Brewer fan, Front Row Amy:
Lots asking if I've received a call from Ryan Braun. Nope...not yet...and probably not at all. First article I read said he was calling all season ticket holders, but that's not the case. They're giving him lists of random fans - season seat holders and individual game purchasers randomly selected (I believe). So it's the luck of the draw, which is unfortunate because I'd really like to talk to Brauny. I have a lot to say.
Two law enforcement sources tell me investigation revealed previously unnamed MLB players. Names will be revealed. Expect more suspensions.
β T.J. Quinn (@TJQuinnESPN) August 5, 2014
#BREAKING Former head of Biogenisis Tony Bosch surrenders to federal authorities
β USA TODAY (@USATODAY) August 5, 2014