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This whole thing is just weird. Don't understand why Braun would accept this suspension. Maybe I haven't read enough but, in a nutshell,  it seems like he just took the deal to get it behind him.


Now A-Roid is facing a choice. Either a 2-year suspension, in which he still gets paid $60 million over the life of the contract or a lifetime ban from baseball where he gets paid nothing.


I would imagine... A-Roid will "take the deal" too

rumor now is that MLB is pushing for a lifetime ban for Arod.  So help me, this would piss me off more than anything.  The Yankees make a horrible move costing them millions of dollars, and baseball bails them out this way.  The whole market shifts when the Yankees have more stupid money to play with.  They should suffer with the contract somehow, donate it to charity or something. 

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

rumor now is that MLB is pushing for a lifetime ban for Arod.  So help me, this would piss me off more than anything.  The Yankees make a horrible move costing them millions of dollars, and baseball bails them out this way.  The whole market shifts when the Yankees have more stupid money to play with.  They should suffer with the contract somehow, donate it to charity or something. 

Are you saying MLB should bail the Brewers out by giving Braun a lifetime ban? I don't like MLB cutting A-Rod a deal by threating a lifetime ban by getting him to agree to a 2 year ban. But that's how MLB is trip wired today. It's a CF and anything goes.  


Bud's final Epitaph as commish needs to read, "Get busy living then get busy dying". He dealt with roids to make baseball relevant. Then his legacy knocked on the front door... 

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

rumor now is that MLB is pushing for a lifetime ban for Arod.  So help me, this would piss me off more than anything.  The Yankees make a horrible move costing them millions of dollars, and baseball bails them out this way.  The whole market shifts when the Yankees have more stupid money to play with.  They should suffer with the contract somehow, donate it to charity or something. 

The whole thing is a fustercluck.  Skirting the PED process altogether.  The absolute Jihad mentality of MLB.  And, yeah, the whole thing about the Yankees getting of this contract is something that not enough people are talking about.  It is convenient that the biggest albatross of a contract that the Yankees have would magically just go away. 


MLB leading the way in trying to push me away from the game with their stupidity.  All while Gary Bettman exists. 

Originally Posted by PackerJoe:

You're s'cute!  A link to a pablum filled piece that has absolutely nothing factual in it but simply appeals to emotion for morally outraged morons that simply regurgitate what Buster Olney and hacks at the JS tell him to. 


You know, PackerJoe. 


For being "not made a fool" you sure seem angry about Braun and his "lying" and act like the jilted boyfriend that had his girl stolen. 


Projection, it's not just for breakfast anymore!

JJSD is right.  People in WI will quickly forget about Braun once we switch gears to the  football season.  Heck, a number of people around here have already turned the page on Braun and the 2013 Brewers with training camp underway!


The push for a lifetime ban doesn't surprise me because you know damn well the Yankees are trying to look for any reason to get that ugly contract off their books, and as much as we all hate the Yankees I'm sure the owners would back that move as well. 

It's nice that Selig and MLB can simply issue suspensions to A-Rod however they see fit (and that conveniently helps the Yankees incredibly), based on the writings of a drug dealer they paid money to, instead of following the actual you document agreed to for suspending people for PED use. 


Will be quite interesting to see how an arbitrator deals with a "non-analytical positive" that's associated with exactly zero failed drug tests and somehow demands a 211 game suspension. 









If I understand your position, what MLB has on Braun are things other than proof positive he has done PED's.


I am OK with that, but I see two highly different possibilities, among others.




Braun has never juiced and MLB has an axe to grind.




It is obvious to anyone in the know that Braun has juiced, MLB lacks positive proof of that, but because it is obvious to them, they want him.  They want him for THAT reason.



Correct me if I am wrong, but your posts, including their tone, is largely due to your strong conviction the truth of the matter is #1.


Personally, I think the likelihood the truth is #1 rates with Schrodinger's cat.


From wiki:

Schrรถdinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrรถdinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects, resulting in a contradiction with common sense. The scenario presents a cat that may be both alive and dead, depending on an earlier random event. Although the original "experiment" was imaginary, similar principles have been researched and used in practical applications. The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretations of quantum mechanics. In the course of developing this experiment, Schrรถdinger coined the term Verschrรคnkung (entanglement).

I've stated multiple times I think Braun did something, and frankly, ignoring that I've stated that simply fuels a strawman argument. That said, I also think MLB absolutely has an ax to grind with him specifically because he beat the system last year.  


I've had issues with the processes MLB has taken from the onset.  From the leaked documents, to the setting up ESPN to forward the narrative, to the inconsistent punishments, to the fact that there is no failed drug tests.


One of my bigger issues is MLB has no failed drug tests from anyone related to biogenesis.  Yet they are suspending people under the JDA (not the CBA) based on PAYING FOR DOCUMENTS OF A DRUG DEALER THAT IS BEING TARGETED BY THE FEDS AND LOOKING FOR A WAY OUT. 


That's my problem.  MLB has coerced and paid for the documents of a scumbag.  The guy asked for MLB to put a good word in for him with the Feds.  Yet, continues to remind us how awesome and thorough and detailed their testing is.  Yet, not a single failed drug test amongst these guys.  And views as gospel the words and dealings of Tony Bosch. 


My biggest problem is this - even if you want to suspend these guys under the JDA based on these documents that were acquired in an amazingly sketchy way, why are Rodriguez and Braun subjected to anything beyond the stipulated 50 game suspension like the other 12 players for a first offense? 


12 of the players are punished in this endeavor as a first offense and get 50 games.  However, 2 of them are treated differently.  Why?


I find it convenient that one of the two that is treated differently "beat" a drug test. 


I find it convenient that one of the two that is treated differently has an albatross of a contract with the most important team in MLB that saves said team a crazy amount of money, and amount so huge that is saves them from paying luxury tax in 2014.


I find this lack of process by MLB much more concerning to me than this silly clutching of pearls about cheaters and juicers and PEDs.  


Where is the outrage from Buster Olney about Gaylord Perry?  Where is Jim Passan holding moral superiority about all the guys slamming bowlfuls of greenies?  Where is Schilling freaking out about corked bats?  Where is the freaking out about Pettitte an admitted HgH user?  Where is the discussion about mass spectrometer readings and Red Juice?


And, I think you really should allude to Occam's Razor vs Schrodingers cat...

I've stated multiple times I think Braun did something, and frankly, ignoring that I've stated that simply fuels a strawman argument.

I am too casual a reader here and I did not know this.

Absolutely, it is a straw man argument then.


As to Braun, assuming he was juicing all the while he beats a rap due to a flawed procedure -AND- swears he has been clean all his life?

To me, that is sufficient reason for MLB to want to get him - and bad.

As to the other stuff?  For the pundits to never mention Gaylord Perry (and I thought about this) while at the same time slamming the PED users is even reprehensible to me.

Perry was cheating by illegally making his pitches close to unhittable.

I think the whole Braun thing was sufficient reason for MLB to figure out how to follow procedures outlined in the agreement.  Being vindictive to Braun when they ****ed is a problem IMO. 


If there is another flawed procedure, that player damn well better get off too.  It already seems the best testing system is baseball doesn't do much good, the least they can do is make sure they follow the agreement to the "t".  Sloppy work on baseball's behalf certainly doesn't make things look any better for them. 


Every player who used swore they were clean at one time or another, this shouldn't surprise people anymore. 

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