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The new drug testing policy drew praise from across the sports world. WADA Director General David Howman said: “An anti-doping program can only be considered effective when it is allowed to monitor players the whole year round.” Rep. Henry Waxman (D), who led past House hearings on steroid use in baseball, added: “Baseball can rightly boast that it has the best testing program among our country’s professional sports leagues. Major League Baseball and the Players’ Union have moved a long way from the inadequate policies that were in place when Congress first addressed ballplayers’ use of steroids.”

If it is the best system in sports, why don't they use it to catch players (like Melky and Bartolo). I don't get why MLB doesn't use the best mass spectrometers in the world to make their case.

This information confirms ESPN’s Outside the Lines report from last night that Major League Baseball’s investigation of Biogenesis is proceeding. However, any speculation that Major League Baseball has already decided to discipline the players implicated in the Biogenesis scandal or that it has already decided to impose any specific penalties, be they 50- or 100-game suspensions, was premature.

Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
espn is also in the business of creating smoke
It seems more and more to me that MLB is attempting to launch a smear campaign against Braun because they lost the arbitration and Braun took to the airwaves declaring his innocence. Can't have that!

CA hit the nail on the head. If the chain of custody is broken or the procedures are not followed the test is invalid, period. Anyone that has administered or managed a drug testing program will tell you the same thing, and most state and federal guidelines require strict standards in terms how specimens are gathered and handled and measured.

I don't know if Selig is the one pushing this but it's got his name written all over it. Yet another screw up from this bumbling idot. I can't wait for that putz to retire.
And if I hear one more comment about how he saved baseball in Milwaukee I am going to

The irony here is that if MLB is all about preserving integrity why the hell would they hitch their wagon to Bosch? From all accounts he's not exactly the most trustworthy guy and credibility
matters. Good luck with that MLB.
The irony here is that if MLB is all about preserving integrity why the hell would they hitch their wagon to Bosch? From all accounts he's not exactly the most trustworthy guy and credibility
matters. Good luck with that MLB.

and that's about it in a nutshell..... Thank you Tschmack.
Originally posted by Tschmack: I don't know if Selig is the one pushing this but it's got his name written all over it. Yet another screw up from this bumbling idot. I can't wait for that putz to retire.

Selig has definitely bumbled the steroid issue and to the majority that will be his legacy but the game has never been stronger.

Originally posted by Tschmack:
And if I hear one more comment about how he saved baseball in Milwaukee I am going to

It may make you puke and one may question how he went about it but he did save baseball in Brewtown.
Selig's lasting contributions as Milwaukee owner include putting his relatives in charge of important decisions with disastrous results, taking revenue sharing money to pay down team debt instead of improving the club, and bungling the whole Miller Park issue to a point where it barely got approved by the taxpayers.

Mark Antannasio has done more in his short tenure as owner than Selig did in 30 years. Then he took his talents to the commissioners office with mixed results at best. Now he's trying to make right with his greatest blunder (drug testing in MLB) and he's screwing that up as well. The players union is going to have a field day with this but it's more of the same.

The reason baseball became popular again is due to the HR surge but I think it's safe to say now that the modern era will always have an asterisk because of PEDs. Instead of taking a low key approach toward cleaning up the game they are all about grabbing headlines and pushing the moral high ground on the issue and I have a feeling this latest episode is going to blow up on their faces.
Originally posted by Tschmack:
Selig's lasting contributions as Milwaukee owner include putting his relatives in charge of important decisions with disastrous results, taking revenue sharing money to pay down team debt instead of improving the club, and bungling the whole Miller Park issue to a point where it barely got approved by the taxpayers.

This may all be true to some degree (not sure about bungling the MP issue) but he literally at the last hour got that stadium bill approved. If he wouldn't have, we wouldn't even be having this chat.
Stadium probably would have gotten built sooner had Selig agreed to the lakefront proposal by Summerfest. He held out to the 11th hour to have it in the valley. There was a lot of support to put it closer to downtown.
Last edited by Orlando Wolf
Anyone that trusts MLB or Bosch at this point is insane.

I'm not only concerned about Braun here, MLB have decided the outcome they want, and they will stop at nothing to find the "facts" to support the desired conclusion.

Leaking information that supposed to be private? Check.
Suing, then shaking down a 2 bit quack? Check.

Look, all these guys, Braun included, may have taken PEDs. But, the manner in which MLB is handling this is far worse to me.

This is a huge black eye on MLB WAY more than A-Rod or Braun.
Bosch may be a scumbag, but I would think there would be paperwork as forthcoming evidence.

The biggest angle for me is if it really looks like Braun did it, implying that not only did he lie, but he tossed someone under the bus (the guy who delivered his sample) in order to make his lying effective.

That puts Braun nearer the bottom of the heap - doing drugs, lying, and tossing someone under the bus.

Hope it's mot true of course.
CBS Sports article

To back up what CA linked.

Curiously, though, the report claims that Bosch treated Braun during the latter's playing days at the University of Miami. If that's the extent of it, then the question is raised: How could MLB possibly pursue any kind of action against Braun based on what happened during his days as an amateur?
Originally posted by chickenboy:
This may all be true to some degree (not sure about bungling the MP issue) but he literally at the last hour got that stadium bill approved.

Yeah, by threatening to move the team if the state didn't stop asking him to open the books so they could see if the team was as broke as Selig claimed.

Tommy Thompson had more to do with the team staying and the stadium getting built than Selig.

Thompson stated to the press that Wisconsin wasn't going to lose MLB baseball on his watch.

"Stick it to 'em!"
Originally posted by phaedrus:
Bosch may be a scumbag, but I would think there would be paperwork as forthcoming evidence.
Hope it's mot true of course.

I'm sure it is, and if it's not there already, do we put it past Bosch or MLB to suddenly "discover" heretofore unseen paperwork?

The records that we've seen are names and numbers scribbled on a piece of paper. What's to keep him from fabricating evidence to support his latest position?

Mark my words, guys. This is going to have a long-lasting impact on the game. Major League Baseball is playing a dangerous game of roulette with the player's union. There's been relative peace in baseball since 1994. If the union thinks that MLB is willing to pursue all avenues, ethical or not, to "convict" (suspend) several of their players, they could clearly see it as a breach of the CBA, and strike.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
The biggest angle for me is if it really looks like Braun did it, implying that not only did he lie, but he tossed someone under the bus (the guy who delivered his sample) in order to make his lying effective.

I'm not at all following your logic here.

The previous case from last year has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the current Biogenesis with hunt.

And, again, I can't be more clear here. There was no lying involved about the test handler. There was no throwing him under the bus. He screwed up the procedure, he screwed it up massively. Those are the facts, and those facts led to Braun successfully appealing the results of that test. The arbitrator based his decision on those facts. This wasn't a matter of opinion. The procedures that MLB instituted were not followed.
Bud knows his legacy is hitched to cleaning up steroids. The Mitchell report was his glorious achievement. That went up in flames. Bonds and Clemens walked. McNamee ended up being a filthy lying D-Bag. Bonds and Clemens used steroids... and players kept using.

This is an 11th hour grab at trying to save that legacy. Game over Bud.

Bad plan. Bad strategy. Bad everything. The MLBPA could have helped clean up PED's. Blanket Immunity. Names. Testing. Clean slate. As far back as 2008.
Last edited by ChilliJon
Interesting way at looking at it. Selig's time as commish is almost over.

I find it amusing that Bud has been touting MLB's testing as the best of all the major sports, yet it seems MLB hasn't been able to find a positive test from any of the guys they are accusing of cheating.
Last edited by El-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by Boneio:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by GBP1:

As for MLB, they are a joke too. The once proud past-time of America has become a 2nd rate side-show. Greedy owners, power-hungry union, mega-paid under-performing players and over-charged fans.

Not to attack you GBP, but how is the NFL any different. That league under Goddell has become more corrupt then ever. Think the Seahawks are the only ones juicing? And greedy owners? Jerry Jones may be the worst in any sport.

But I whole heartedly agree with you. The older I get, the more I care less about pro sports. I'm sure in the 80's, there were plenty of shady things going on. But everything seems much worse now.

The NFL is heading down the same path. The only difference between them and MLB is that the NFL brain-trust is smarter at selling their product.

I have it before, there is too much $$$ in pro-sports. When money to owners is in the billions and money too players is in the multi-mega millions, bad things happen and the guys who get screwed are us fans. If I wasnt a Packers fan and owner I would be almost completelye devoid of pro-sports in my life.

Aaron Rodgers gets what? $20+ million a year? Really? Good for him and good for us Packers fans...I guess. Where is it going to end?

And Goodell, he talks tough, but is a hypocrite sometimes. Dont care much for some of his moves.
Originally posted by GBP1:
Originally posted by Boneio:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by GBP1:

As for MLB, they are a joke too. The once proud past-time of America has become a 2nd rate side-show. Greedy owners, power-hungry union, mega-paid under-performing players and over-charged fans.

Not to attack you GBP, but how is the NFL any different. That league under Goddell has become more corrupt then ever. Think the Seahawks are the only ones juicing? And greedy owners? Jerry Jones may be the worst in any sport.

But I whole heartedly agree with you. The older I get, the more I care less about pro sports. I'm sure in the 80's, there were plenty of shady things going on. But everything seems much worse now.

The NFL is heading down the same path. The only difference between them and MLB is that the NFL brain-trust is smarter at selling their product.

I have mentioned it before, there is too much $$$ in pro-sports. When money to owners is in the billions and money too players is in the multi-mega millions, bad things happen and the guys who get screwed are us fans. If I wasnt a Packers fan and owner I would be almost completelye devoid of pro-sports in my life.

Aaron Rodgers gets what? $20+ million a year? Really? Good for him and good for us Packers fans...I guess. Where is it going to end?

And Goodell, he talks tough, but is a hypocrite sometimes. Dont care much for some of his moves.

The only thing new in that story is that they are now claming to have more than a notebook... Emails, phone records and such.. 


If Baseball does go for the 100 games, it will be a huge mistake on their part.. Once again they will come out the loser. 

Tom H chimes in


Tom H is also an idiot, so you have to consider that.  I'm pretty sure at this point, unless Braun says "I took steroids in the ass at Biogenisis" that MLB would consider anything else he said as "not complying."

Tom     @Haudricourt         

MLB spokesman tells me ESPN report on Braun is premature and no decisions have been made. Updated blog at


Tom     @Haudricourt         

MLB has no reason to leak this information on Braun, etc., before it's ready to announce suspensions. Leaks aren't coming from there.


Tom's right, MLB has been really tight lipped about this whole thing all along, why would they have a leak now???????


Nice little follow up with MLB after your blog. 

Tom     @Haudricourt          <small class="time">35m</small>       

To the surprise of no one who has been covering Ryan Braun/Biogenesis, he has relayed through the PR department that he won't be talking.




Adam McCalvy     @AdamMcCalvy          <small class="time">2h</small>       

Ryan Braun said through a club spokesperson that his policy remains in place; won't answer reporters' questions about Biogenesis case.

Originally Posted by Maynard:

Yeah, either way it will kill it for me.  I'll just stick to Northwoods League where the college kids can't afford PEDs yet.

you think that no college kids take peds?

It is all curious.  Braun said he would comply with the investigation, but this report says he is not cooperating, and MLB says this report in inaccurate.  So not sure if we trust the source that both sides say doesn't have it right. 


MLB also did not say the report was completely false, just premature.  That is an interesting choice of words. 


I would hope MLB has more than Bosch's word.  He was slimy when he said Braun used him as a consultant only, he is just as slimy "cooperating" with MLB so he doesn't get any more lawsuits from them. 

In this case, I wouldn't cooperate either. If he did say he didn't do it, and they suspended him(convicted him without a jury of his peers) anyway, they would probably consider it a 3rd offense and ban him for life.

"And though the initial report singled out Braun as not cooperating with the investigation, it quickly came out that none of the players interviewed cooperated, which probably was the union strategy from the outset."



How in the blue hell are they going to suspend players when NONE have tested positive?!?!


I see very large lawsuits on the horizon including but not limited to defamation of character

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