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A bit off subject but I saw an interesting tweet a couple of days ago. I remember it being "retweeted" by a reputable writer (IMO).


Basically it was where do you draw the line with this stuff. His example was Tommy John surgery. No one balks at that but it is an advancement that "enhances" a players performance. In fact, it almost seems like some guys come off of that a better pitcher than they were before the operation. In theory is that any different than some of the stuff these guys are taking?


Note I don't know where I stand on this observation quite yet but it got me thinking. Stuff that lierally changes a person's body (see Bonds and Sosa) is one thing but what actually are the results of the stuff these guys are allegedly taking?


Maybe all this info is out there and I just haven't read up on it enough. However, with modern medical technology new "stuff" ain't going to stop being developed. Maybe MLB would be better off just allowing some of this stuff and post an easy-to-read web page explaining what is banned and why.


I guess I'm tired of the national Braun bashing. It seems like these guys are guilty before proven innocent and we never know the full story to form our own opinion.

Originally Posted by Boris:

How in the blue hell are they going to suspend players when NONE have tested positive?!?!


I see very large lawsuits on the horizon including but not limited to defamation of character

Very much agree with this. If I saw you driving drunk and called the Po-Po months later, would they still give you a ticket?  I think not.

Braun done for the season


Major League Baseball has suspended Brewers leftfielder Ryan Braun for the remainder of the 2013 season and he has accepted the penalty, meaning he was caught red-handed either buying and/or using performance-enhancing drugs.




But Braun issued this statement about his suspension: β€œAs I have acknowledged in the past, I am not perfect. I realize now that I have made some mistakes. I am willing to accept the consequences of those actions. This situation has taken a toll on me and my entire family, and it is has been a distraction to my teammates and the Brewers organization. I am very grateful for the support I have received from players, ownership and the fans in Milwaukee and around the country. Finally, I wish to apologize to anyone I may have disappointed – all of the baseball fans especially those in Milwaukee, the great Brewers organization, and my teammates. I am glad to have this matter behind me once and for all, and I cannot wait to get back to the game I love.”




Obviously, the MLB investigation into Biogenesis showed that Bosch was used by Braun as more than just a consultant. 


I assume his "apology" was indeed part of this deal to avoid making this any longer and going into the 2014 season (Im assuming they could have made this a 100 gamer and it could have gone into 2014).


No matter if he never looks at a PED much less takes one again, he will be labeled and branded a cheater forever now. So any success he has going forward pretty much everyone will wonder if it's his true talent or the juice.

Pretty damning for Braun, especially after last year with him saying stuff like this


Saying "my name has been dragged through the mud," Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun said he won his appeal of a positive drug test and 50-game suspension because "the truth is on my side."
"Today is for everybody who has ever been wrongly accused," the reigning National League MVP said Friday at a news conference at the Brewers' training facility, his teammates sitting in the stands in uniform behind him. "The simple truth is that I'm innocent. The truth is always relevant and the truth prevailed."



Originally Posted by CAPackfan:

Pretty damning for Braun, especially after last year with him saying stuff like this


Saying "my name has been dragged through the mud," Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun said he won his appeal of a positive drug test and 50-game suspension because "the truth is on my side."
"Today is for everybody who has ever been wrongly accused," the reigning National League MVP said Friday at a news conference at the Brewers' training facility, his teammates sitting in the stands in uniform behind him. "The simple truth is that I'm innocent. The truth is always relevant and the truth prevailed."



You would have to be dumber than a box of rocks to believe **** like that.


My favorite part was:

"I told them that I promise you on anything that’s ever meant anything to me in my life – the morals, the values, the virtues by which I’ve lived in my 28 years on this planet – I did not do this."



Originally Posted by CAPackfan:
Originally Posted by PackerRuss:
I wonder what Arodg will say about this, I can't imagine the media won't ask him this week.


Especially when Rodgers tweeted this about the situation last year with this stuff


Aaron Rodgers        βœ” @AaronRodgers12

When its guilty until proven innocent, all u need are the facts.



Rodgers will puss out and hide behind the "training camp has started so I won't tweet again until the offseason" card.....

Ryan Braun Does Not Owe The Sample Collector An Apology


No, Ryan Braun did not assassinate anyone's character; he defended himself on procedural grounds. Why anyone would speculate about apologizing to a guy who failed to follow protocol is simply baffling. After all, no one wondered aloud if MLB would be apologizing to Shyam Das when the collection rules in the drug agreement were amended to mirror his ruling a month after firing him.

His shame will be forever in my mind. Honestly, if he put it all out there, I mean everything- he could be forgiven, in my book. Too me when you started using, what you used, how you did it, what did it do for you, EVERYTHING.

But he won't. Whether MLb, or his pride, or whatever intervenes- he won't come clean. Not another $1 of my $$$ will go to support this sh*t from now on.

I love how he and his lawyers are trying to make it sound like he is a victim in all of this.  "It's been so hard on him and his family......" boo hoo hoo.  Cheater got caught, now he wants to "man-up" and admit he made a mistake and thinks everyone should feel bad for him?


On a personal note, everyday I get closer to just not giving a damn about sports.  Every league is dirty.  Yes you NFL lovers, you're naughty too.  Think the Seahawks are the only ones juicing? 


I think we need to start a new forum about something positive.  Maybe all the money Kiel is giving to the "Zimmerman is innocent" campaign.  Or Henry donating time to the "Palin 2016" cause.  Won't you please help?


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