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There can't be a second positive if there wasn't a first positive. I think there's more than "Braun 15-20" in Bosch's scribble pad. There has to be for Braun to fold up the tent the way he did. After the summer of 11 there's no way Braun cut's a deal if he never took anything.


MLB is a joke though. The day they "leaked" the info they would be looking for a 50 gamer based on the new info and another retroactive 50 for essentially lying about not using them essentially amounted to 100 games for never actually failing a drug test at all. It was a mind numbing case of WTF.


I do think Braun took something and realized MLB was never backing off until they suspended him for something. So he cut a deal for the rest of 2013.

I have been involved in writing and negotiating and administering a random drug test program at a place of employment so I can speak from some level of experience and knowledge of this topic. 


There are so many flaws in this case it's mind boggling.  The failed chain of custody in 2011.  The failure to maintain confidentiality of the results.  The inconsistency or lack of due process.  Then there is the just cause principle, or lack thereof in the disciplinary process.  


Braun may have been juicing but this has become all about MLB and Selig pushing the envelope to make amends for other previous transgressions.   Then they have the nerve to tout the success and validity of their testing program? 

Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:


The results of tests prior to appeal process closing are supposed to be private.  Just as MLB agreed to. 

If MLB wanted to publicly hang players before the process was complete, they should have argued for that in the agreement.  They didn't. 


Wrong again.  MLB did not leak the information.  This was confirmed by MLB and Michael Weiner (MLBPA Executive Director) over a year ago.  The leak came from someone Braun's defense team consulted with.

Originally Posted by PackerJoe:
Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:

Just like Braun said.  



Yep, you just keep going with that.  "Just like Braun said." 

Well, that's one way to respond when you are proven full of crap and that you made things up.


It's not like it's as pathetic as simply posting emoticon, so you have that going for you.

Originally Posted by PackerJoe:
Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:


The results of tests prior to appeal process closing are supposed to be private.  Just as MLB agreed to. 

If MLB wanted to publicly hang players before the process was complete, they should have argued for that in the agreement.  They didn't. 


Wrong again.  MLB did not leak the information.  This was confirmed by MLB and Michael Weiner (MLBPA Executive Director) over a year ago.  The leak came from someone Braun's defense team consulted with.

LOLOLOL  MLB didn't admit to the leak?  And blamed it on Braun?  I'M SHOCKED!  Thanks for pointing this out Joe.


If MLB told you 9/11 was an inside job, you'd believe that as well, huh?

Forgive me, I have no legal background, however, let's just say...


Back in 2011 baseball suspects Braun is using some type of a PED and they refer his situtation to section 4.A.  After deliberation, it is determined that he is placed in a treatment program (4.B) based on evaluations. 


Let's then say Braun doesn't cooperate and his situation falls under 4.C.4 which then pushes him into section 7.C of the program.  That is where it gets kind of interesting due to Braun's missed games (alleged injuries, bereavment, etc.) this season or the gray area on whether a suspension can be negotiated.  However, is it not entirely possible that the end result and where this whole Braun saga sits is in section 7.C.3


Attanasio says Braun isn't going anywhere:

During a surprise visit to the press box Wednesday night at Miller Park, Brewers owner Mark Attanasio said, "We accepted (Braun's) apology. He apologized again to me today. I also expressed the need for him to work to redeem himself. It's going to take some time and take some work."

Tom     ā€@Haudricourt         

Attanasio said Braun still in Milwaukee but likely leaving soon. Wants to talk about suspension but can't while investigation still going.


Adam McCalvy     ā€@AdamMcCalvy         

Mark A. said RB is not coming forward to answer right now in deference to MLB's ongoing investigation. At some point, he wants RB to talk.


Well, if your boss wants you to talk... 


Curious though, does MLB not want to show their cards?  Why else put a gag order on Braun. 

Meanwhile in NY... The MLB seems content to let the  A-Rod v Yankees saga play itself out on the national stage for max MLB publicity knowing full well a Dr visit by A-Rod outside of MLBPA guidelines makes their job potentially easier.


I swear. The MLB is the worst form of D-Bags in the history of real sports. The Yankees are trying to do everything "visibly" possible to keep him off the field to avoid paying him while the MLB is quietly letting it happen. With a lifetime (100 game) ban hanging quietly in the background.


Eff you Bud. Too little. Too late.

Originally Posted by Orlando Wolf:

Forgive me, I have no legal background, however, let's just say...


Back in 2011 baseball suspects Braun is using some type of a PED and they refer his situtation to section 4.A.  After deliberation, it is determined that he is placed in a treatment program (4.B) based on evaluations. 


Let's then say Braun doesn't cooperate and his situation falls under 4.C.4 which then pushes him into section 7.C of the program.  That is where it gets kind of interesting due to Braun's missed games (alleged injuries, bereavment, etc.) this season or the gray area on whether a suspension can be negotiated.  However, is it not entirely possible that the end result and where this whole Braun saga sits is in section 7.C.3


Section 4 and section 7.c only relate to "drugs of abuse" which are outlined in section 2.a.  Basically sched 2 recreational drugs, meth, coke, pot, LSD, etc. 


I mean cripes almighty, Section 4 is titled "Evaluation and Treatment for Drugs of Abuse"  Section 7.c's first sentence includes the words "not complied with an initial evaluation or a treatment program for a Drug of Abuse".   You say you don't have a legal background, at this point I'm debating if you have a reading background. 


He wasn't placed in a treatment program for the abuse of Drugs of Abuse.  He wasn't ever subject to section 4 or punished based on 7.c.3 which solely relates to "drug of abuse". 

Look, I get it.  You stated "prove it to me an I'll STFU".  I proved it to you.  So, instead of STFU and avoiding digging the hole even further, you double down on your derp and instead of actually you know READING the document, you obviously just scanned it looking for a suspension that fit the 65 game number you wanted.  You failed to read that 7.c.3 and 4 are ONLY related to "drugs of abuse".  You found the result you wanted and make up a story of how to get there, without bothering to even reconcile whether that's possible.


As for proof of "no negotiation", the entire document lays out explicitly where judgement is allowed and where it isn't.  The 50/100/life is not offer a range of possibilities.  It's one option, unlike the treatment program items which offer a range of options - a la 50-75 games, etc.   Again, you've stated you don't have a legal background - If the 50/100/life for PED use where open to interpretation by the commish, it would state that and would provide a range of punishments.  The punishment for failing a drug test for PED provides one and only one option. 


I know, it's hard to admit you're wrong.  But, you're wrong.  You don't know what you're talking about and prove it more clearly the more you post on this subject. 


Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:
Originally Posted by PackerJoe:
Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:


The results of tests prior to appeal process closing are supposed to be private.  Just as MLB agreed to. 

If MLB wanted to publicly hang players before the process was complete, they should have argued for that in the agreement.  They didn't. 


Wrong again.  MLB did not leak the information.  This was confirmed by MLB and Michael Weiner (MLBPA Executive Director) over a year ago.  The leak came from someone Braun's defense team consulted with.

LOLOLOL  MLB didn't admit to the leak?  And blamed it on Braun?  I'M SHOCKED!  Thanks for pointing this out Joe.


If MLB told you 9/11 was an inside job, you'd believe that as well, huh?

More reading comprehension issues?


That entire post by Haudricourt was built around comments from Michael Weiner, executive director of the Major League Baseball Player's Association.  The union has stated that the leak did not come from the commissioner's office or anyone involved in the drug testing program.

"There's a lot of thoughts the last two days," said Attanasio. "We accepted (Braun's) apology. He apologized again to me today. I also expressed the need for him to work to redeem himself. It's going to take some time and take some work.


"I think he has to get to the point where he can actually speak about this. Major League Baseball is in the midst of an ongoing investigation. He is now obviously cooperating with baseball. As a result of that, he's going to wait to speak to the point where he's able to speak."


Attanasio said it's not a condition of the drug policy for Braun to withhold details but added "because he's cooperating in such a way that he's going to let them conclude or get further into his investigation before he talks. I'm not implying he's speaking against other players. Relative to his own case, he's cooperating with baseball. As a result, even though he's ready to speak to people he's waiting a little while longer so they can get through some of what they are doing in their investigation."


I wonder if Braun will be painted as a snitch now. 


Adam clarifies...


What does he [MA] think should be Braunā€™s next step?


ā€œI think he has to get to the point where he can actually speak about this. Major League Baseball is in the midst of an ongoing investigation. He is obviously now cooperating with baseball [by remaining quiet until the league has doled out other suspensions and closed the Biogenesis matter]. ā€¦ He is cooperating in such a way that he is going to let them conclude or get further into the investigation before he talks.ā€


[Major clarification: This does not mean Braun is cooperating with investigations into other players, Attanasio said. Merely that he is staying quiet for now until MLB finishes its work.]

ā€œI donā€™t regret backing a friend up. Obviously, in hindsight, a more measured approach next time would obviously be the better course of action. 

ā€œPeople make mistakes. I definitely believe in forgiveness and moving forward. Obviously he has a tough task in front of him moving forward with his career on and off the field. As far as the business goes, right now, Iā€™m focused on football, and I have people that can work with me on those type of issues. 

"I was disappointed with the way it went down. I trusted him. And thatā€™s probably the thing that hurts the most.ā€

Tom H is for the most part, a hack. 


Now you see why baseball fired arbitrator Shyam Das after he ruled in Braun's favor during his appeal. Certainly, by now, Das realizes he let a guilty player walk.


Well, no.  I hope the next guy doesn't arbitrate of what he thinks, but of what the case is, like Shyam did.  Baseball fired him because they were pissed, that is for sure, but I still struggle to see what the arbitrator did wrong, and MLB has not been willing to share that information either. 

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