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@Pikes Peak posted:

For whatever reason Wilson has not looked like the younger Wilson recently.  Injuries, aging, bad team, coach/player relationship?   One or all could be factors. He will be 34 next season and while not necessarily old these days he has taken a lot of hits,  even if ducked most of them.

"whatever reason" is that his offensive line has been awful ... PFF had them ranked 25th.,14th, and 27th the last three seasons.

@Goalline posted:

Things Tom Brady doesn't do. Pass up wide open receivers. The next time one of you whiny, motherfuckers complain about how wide open Brady's receivers always seem to be, remember that our QB is passing up those opportunities.

Or how good Brady's O-line always seems to be.  It's obvious to me Brady's best attribute wasn't his arm or his athleticism, it was his vision.  Always knowing where the most open guy was going to be and always taking the highest percentage throw as fast as possible regardless of who he's throwing to.

Rodgers has always seemed like a "momentum" or "break your back" type of QB.  He wants to go for the jugular and put the dagger in.  Bigger risk, bigger reward.  Brady is more of a "death by 1000 paper cuts" QB.  I think that's why Brady can be so infuriating to play against.  It feels like he's not even doing anything but he just keeps marching down the field.

I appreciate the breakdowns in the video, but the view is actually better behind the pocket to understand what Rodgers sees and what is in his vision when he hits the back of his drop.  There is at least one play in the above where he has pressure when he is at the back of his drop.  That doesn't excuse him or his play, but saying a guy is open is a little misleading.

What is clear is that Rodger did not trust Deguara, and the 49ers didn't fear Deguara.

Good assessment.

Good oline, good defenses, good teams.  I don't think Brady ever thought he was the most talented QB but his smarts and vision worked perfectly with well balanced, fully invested units on both sides of the ball.

I bet nobody in the Pats organization said, "Let Tom handle it".

You aren't going to put that toothpaste back in the tube when it comes to Rodgers.

Last edited by Henry
@50k Club posted:

I appreciate the breakdowns in the video, but the view is actually better behind the pocket to understand what Rodgers sees and what is in his vision when he hits the back of his drop.  There is at least one play in the above where he has pressure when he is at the back of his drop.  That doesn't excuse him or his play, but saying a guy is open is a little misleading.

I don't disagree necessarily but it assumes Rodgers is even looking to where the play is designed to go.  All reports say that the play where Lazard was wide open was meant to go to Lazard.  That's how the play was drawn up, two deep outs to draw safety's, Lazard open across the middle.  But Rodgers never even looked his way.  Rodgers saw double coverage on Adams and threw it there anyway.

I do agree that we harp too much on what the QB "should" have seen after the fact.  But Rodgers isn't a rookie, he's the MVP.  He most likely knows even before the snap who is going to be doubled or not.  Certain by the end of his drop he knows who the open man is.  I think he's a guy who just prefers chunk plays to players he trusts, not short dump offs to people he doesn't.

Last edited by vitaflo

Hypothetically speaking should GB extend Rodgers,  what will change or need to change so that this team is improved enough to make a deeper run? Asking for my only friend.

- Mediocre instead of poverty level ST play

- Less injuries.

- Luck

That's it.  Not even going to put AR in the list of things to "improve" because even with some of his stupid decisions he's still the reason we win above most else.  For the few dumb throws he takes, there are 10 more where he makes it and it works.  Live by the sword, die by the sword.

@Tschmack posted:

Guess I missed the part where Rodgers and Adams return and GB can keep most of their roster intact.  Salary cap schmalary cap.

Too bad the NFL ain’t the NBA.  The Packers could go Golden State Warriors and pay a huge luxury tax to retain all of their key guys.

If the FO wants to, they can keep the bulk of the team together. Haven't looked at their UFA, but I assume a some will move on.

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