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Sense some interesting discussions going on between the Packers and Eugene Parker, agent for both @sj39 and @GregJennings.

It's really going to hurt if Jennings goes elsewhere now. Expected no chance of him back. I hope they can find common ground.

Liking S-Jax in Green Bay. The guy loves the game & I believe TT really likes & believes in him. Hope he has at least 1 more year left in the tank.

Don't discount him out of the backfield as an occasional receiver either
I think that ship has sailed for GJ.

hes a tier 2 FA. wonder if Cruz will get snatched up before Jennings

Id like to see S-Jax in the backfield but Benson and Harris retained as theyd both be cheap. Benson for insurance and to spell SJ and Harris as a change of pace back/pass catcher. If it were up to me, Id let Green and Starks go in favor of this backfield.
Jackson brings leadership and hunger to the RB group something they glaringly lack. He's also an excellent pass blocker. He can take snaps from Kuhn and actually provide a threat on third down.

Just my opinion but I think Benson is a waste of a roster spot. He wasn't that impressive last year and still hasn't matured one bit off the field. He will forever be the kind of guy that somehow finds trouble.

Green is cheap and I think he gets another year to prove if he was slowed by his knee recovery last year. It's fair to not like him based on the amount of opportunity he had last year and the production he got out of it. I think the Packers believe he still has a chance to improve. I wouldn't write him off just yet, but next year is a big year for him.

Harris unfairly has durability concerns due to his size but deserves a fair amount of snaps. He proved himself in the playoff game at SF even though MM inexplicably gave up on the running game. Given the chance he can produce.
Shawn Zobel ‏@ShawnZobel_DHQ

Also hearing its down to two other teams that are interested in Greg Jennings (Oak, Tenn) but smart money remains on him re-signing w/ GB

If the competition is Oakland and Tennessee, hard to see the Pack not winning out in this instance...unless one of those teams is throwing Mike Wallace money at him, and I don't see that
Originally posted by titmfatied:
Jackson brings leadership and hunger to the RB group something they glaringly lack. He's also an excellent pass blocker. He can take snaps from Kuhn and actually provide a threat on third down.

Just my opinion but I think Benson is a waste of a roster spot.

Concur on Jackson and Benson comments - and I doubt GB will spend any effort on an old Benson, post foot surgery.

I also think Jackson could be a good mentor to the young guys
Originally posted by Pack-Man:
What I'm dreaming of now:
Re-sign Greg Jennings
Sign Steven Jackson
Cut Jermichael Finley
Cut AJ Hawk

I don't love cutting Finley, but salary wise, they might not have a choice after those signings.
Player Agent Jack Bechta talking about the Packers FA recruiting style:

"The Packers are also seasoned recruiters. Their GM isn’t overly outgoing but he’s direct, honest and straight to the point. HC Mike McCarthy knows that visiting Green Bay in a chilly March can be tricky. However, Mike and the Packers is an easy sell for any player who is serious about winning. They also play on Sunday and Monday nights more than any other NFL team."
Originally posted by Pack-Man:
What I'm dreaming of now:
Re-sign Greg Jennings
Sign Steven Jackson
Cut Jermichael Finley
Cut AJ Hawk


I'm giving Finley one last year. Sure he's getting paid a boatload but it's still a contract year for him. If he blows up, He's really gonna get paid in 2014.
I wouldn't care one bit if he was cut and had the greatest season a TE has ever had for some other team. He's a headcase and a cancer, I don't care how good he is. I'd rather have Jennings/Jackson on this team with cap space to spare that can be put toward an extension.
He's a headcase and a cancer

Yes he's a loudmouth but he must be a good teammate.

The guy that matters most is TT (& MM too). TT & MM have the pulse of this team. If Finley was a cancer in the locker room I find it difficult to believe he would still be wanted in Green Bay.
I'm pretty much where Boris is.

Resign Greg Jennings
Sign Steven Jackson
Keep Finley to see how he performs in 2013
Cut A.J. Hawk.

If the Colts paid Erik Walden $16 million, just think what they'd pay A.J. Hawk!

Seriously, if they do cut him (a move which I think is imminent), I'll be sad. Hawk never reached the level of play in the NFL that many expected of him, but he's been a real pleasure to have in Green Bay. Solid player, and every Sunday, AJ was on the field. He only missed two games in seven years as a Packer. Plus, AJ is a really good guy.

Jackson intrigues me. He'll be 30 at the start of the season, and that's generally the point at which running backs start to slow down. But I bet playing for a Super Bowl contender would add a spring to his step. Let's not forget, he's had eight 1,000 yard seasons in a row. And he's averaged more than 4 yards a carry for every season except for 2010. He doesn't have to be the same runner he was a few years ago. He gives us the threat of a real running game, and that might be enough to change how defenses play us.

But as Henry has already stated in other threads, we need to address the offensive line, too. Sign Jackson, keep Jennings, and draft a center. Barrett Jones will be gone by the time we pick, but Travis Frederick will likely still be there.
Is it just me or is this one the most intriguing and active offseasons you can remember. A whole lot more than even after the lockout when everyone and their half sister was supposed to have been signed by their own teams or though FA. Enjoying this immensely!
Steven Jackson is the perfect cure for 3rd and/or 4th and short.
To me, that would be the primary reason to obtain him. How many of those have they failed to convert in the last couple years? I'm all for it.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Looks like the Jennings deal might come down to whether or not GB hangs onto Finley. You can't pay them both if you are looking to lock up Rodgers and Matthews. Tough call.

Not to me, especially with how deep this draft is at TE. I also think the team/organization still likes Quarless a lot

There's no mistaking that Rodgers and Jennings have great chemistry. That stuff is hard to replace. If they do bring Jennings back, Finley will likely be gone and then you'd think Jones or Nelson will be gone whenever their deals are up(they'll need to be paying Cobb a bit more by that point)

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