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excalibur posted:

Now is the time to draft AR's eventual replacement, because there is no one on the roster who fits that bill.

AR has had a broken left collarbone, a serious calf injury, and now a more serious broken right collarbone. All in the past five seasons, and we can only hope that the most recent injury will not adversely affect his velocity or pinpoint ability. But the time is now.

Image result for baker mayfield crotch grab gif

Lambeau Lobo posted:
excalibur posted:

Now is the time to draft AR's eventual replacement, because there is no one on the roster who fits that bill.

AR has had a broken left collarbone, a serious calf injury, and now a more serious broken right collarbone. All in the past five seasons, and we can only hope that the most recent injury will not adversely affect his velocity or pinpoint ability. But the time is now.

...with a mid/late round pick or a trade.  You don't use a high draft pick on his replacement at this point,… 

what if one of the the top dudes (Darnold, Rosen, Mayfield) lap falls?

packerboi posted:
excalibur posted:

. But the time is now.

No. It's not.

It most certainly is as AR will turn 35 late in the 2018 season, and is coming off three serious injuries in the last five seasons. There is no backup of any quality, time to look towards 2021.

excalibur posted

It most certainly is as AR will turn 35 late in the 2018 season, and is coming off three serious injuries in the last five seasons. There is no backup of any quality, time to look towards 2021.

Not that I've seen either.
Spend a low pick on a project and pick up a journeyman vet if available.

As I've said before, I'd be cool with a QB if they think he's the guy. As a first rounder, they'd have a fifth year option on him at a reasonable salary. If he's your heir in 2023, so be it. 

I think if they draft a QB it will be because Rodgers has given them a timeline for his retirement and it's within the lifespan of that rookies contract. I can't see Rodgers being a guy who keeps pushing it into his 40's. Reading his comments in that interview from last offseason, it seems like he loves football, but it's not his whole life and he knows he won't be doing it forever. If they win another SB I think he retires on top. 

excalibur posted:

It most certainly is as AR will turn 35 late in the 2018 season, and is coming off three serious injuries in the last five seasons. There is no backup of any quality, time to look towards 2021.

He's had 2 fractured collarbones, one which he did not have surgery for, the other he chose to to speed up the recovery in hopes of returning to 2016, which he did.

He won an MVP after his first injury, his calf injury has not been a lingering issue and AR is as mobile as ever and there is no reason to believe his most recent fracture will in any way effect his throwing ability or range of motion.

This was not a blown shoulder or rotator cuff and we're not talking about a QB with bad knees.

I have no issues with Gute taking a QB every season as Wolf seemingly did. But there simply is no evidence to suggest AR is breaking down in any way. Does Hundley need to be replaced? Yep. But I think that should be done with a veteran, proven QB, not a project 5th round pick.

AR is 33 and plans to play another 7 seasons minimum. He takes impeccable care of himself and I have no reason to believe he won't play at a high level for another 5-6 years. His injury this year was from an unnecessary cheap shot, not him wearing down.

Gute's primary focus should be to fix this defense, get pass rushers, and get some quality depth at CB. On the offense, depth in the OL, a burner at WR, and find a franchise TE.

That's where his high draft picks need to focus on.

Get a guy who you can trade in three years or get a guy who is just below top-notch and knows his best place as an NFL player is as a clipboard/iPad holder backup to the No. 1. Get a Doug Pedersen or Dilfer!

Normally to me if the starting QB is getting close to his mid 30's I would be thinking short term about his replacement.  But this year to is different. I think they really need to look at OL and defense first.  Two things are going to really help Aaron and that is better protection from the OL and a real defense.  Just watch if that OL can get better (and stay healthy) and if the defense manages to at least be above average they Packers will be right back in the thick of it.

I just don't see QB this year that would be worthy of the Packers pick in the first round over some of the defensive talent that can be obtained at our draft slot.  

Hard to get excited about the Packers drafting a QB. Aside from hitting on Rodgers, Thompson and his scouts have missed badly on the QB position. After a quick TT's drafts you have Ingle Martin (’06), Brian Brohm and Matt Flynn (’07), B.J. Coleman (’12) and Brett Hundley. Add in the acquisitions of Seneca Wallace, Scott Tolzien, Graham Harrell, Vince Young, etc...that's ****ing scary. Even with the QB whisperer as coach that's a horrible track record. 

Gotta keep trying, but certainly there are higher priorities right now. Just sign an established backup, or let Ron Wolf make the pick. 

Mark my words...Darnold and Rosen will be monumental busts. Darnold is mentally Jay Cutler. Rosen is as big a pu$$cake as you will find. His family makes Johnny Manziel look like the Waltons they've got so much coin.

Josh Allen from Wyoming is going to surpass them both. If he's there at #14 I hope we take him.

Packdog posted:

Hard to get excited about the Packers drafting a QB. Aside from hitting on Rodgers, Thompson and his scouts have missed badly on the QB position. After a quick TT's drafts you have Ingle Martin (’06), Brian Brohm and Matt Flynn (’07), B.J. Coleman (’12) and Brett Hundley. Add in the acquisitions of Seneca Wallace, Scott Tolzien, Graham Harrell, Vince Young, etc...that's ****ing scary. Even with the QB whisperer as coach that's a horrible track record. 

Gotta keep trying, but certainly there are higher priorities right now. Just sign an established backup, or let Ron Wolf make the pick. 

All Day 3 QBs except for Brohm. They were all available late for a reason and worth the gamble. Brohm just sucked, he was just a bad pick. 

PackFoo posted:

Mark my words...Darnold and Rosen will be monumental busts. Darnold is mentally Jay Cutler. Rosen is as big a pu$$cake as you will find. His family makes Johnny Manziel look like the Waltons they've got so much coin.

Josh Allen from Wyoming is going to surpass them both. If he's there at #14 I hope we take him.

OK, your words are marked... as incredibly stupid.

Herschel posted:

As I've said before, I'd be cool with a QB if they think he's the guy. As a first rounder, they'd have a fifth year option on him at a reasonable salary. If he's your heir in 2023, so be it. 

Yup! Just pick the best player available, regardless of position.

Grave Digger posted:
Packdog posted:

Hard to get excited about the Packers drafting a QB. Aside from hitting on Rodgers, Thompson and his scouts have missed badly on the QB position. After a quick TT's drafts you have Ingle Martin (’06), Brian Brohm and Matt Flynn (’07), B.J. Coleman (’12) and Brett Hundley. Add in the acquisitions of Seneca Wallace, Scott Tolzien, Graham Harrell, Vince Young, etc...that's ****ing scary. Even with the QB whisperer as coach that's a horrible track record. 

Gotta keep trying, but certainly there are higher priorities right now. Just sign an established backup, or let Ron Wolf make the pick. 

All Day 3 QBs except for Brohm. They were all available late for a reason and worth the gamble. Brohm just sucked, he was just a bad pick. 

You said something similar when talking about multiple draft misses on defense. Your expectations are low, cant have so many draft and FA misses while building the roster. 

Point was, Thompson(especially when compared to Wolf) did a bad job building QB position depth.  That list above is embarrassing. Both times Rodgers got hurt it was a train wreck. 

Last edited by Packdog

The point wasn’t excusing bad picks, just that people have too high expectations for Day 3 picks. Don’t expect Brett Hundley to be the next Mark Brunell, it was a long shot that he could adapt to a pro style offense...he has the h/w/s and the arm though. Worth the gamble. And really, how many QBs did Wolf find? Brunell and Hasslebeck are the only that come to mind. I guess he flipped Aaron Brooks, but he spent a 4th on Brooks and only got a 3rd for him. Same for Brunell, wasn’t a huge value on the trade. Hass is the only one he got a great value for.

Grave Digger posted:

I guess he flipped Aaron Brooks, but he spent a 4th on Brooks and only got a 3rd for him. Same for Brunell, wasn’t a huge value on the trade. Hass is the only one he got a great value for.

Huh? A third for Brooks and and third and a fifth for Brunell is pretty good for two guys who saw ZERO meaningful action in a Packer uniform. I would also label the Hass trade as an outlier (love this word!) as Holmgren needed a QB desperately, knew exactly what he was getting in Hass and was willing to overpay if needed.

They spent a 4th and 5th on those guys though. They got a good deal, not a great deal. Wolf had bad day 3 QBs also...Ty Detmer, Jay Barker, Kyle Wachholtz, and Ron McAda all never panned out. Wolf was 3/7 for drafting QBs. 

Ty Detmer was a NINTH ROUND pick and was a very serviceable backup QB in the NFL for a long time. That was a very good pick.

In regards to Brooks and Brunell, both trades yielded a positive return in relation to where they were picked.

But I give you credit GD, you stick by your takes no matter what the facts say.

Every team has drafted crappy QBs more than they've hit. QB is probably the most difficult position in which to succeed since it requires a special set of physical skills in addition to an advanced mental skill set. It's hard to find a serviceable QB, much less a great one. Brady and Starr were truly outliers, and it will be a long time before another one drafted that low does that well.

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