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What to do with Crosby?

So what's it gonna be?

I think they should ABSOLUTELY NOT cut him. He's been too good in the past. I'd "fake" I/R him or sign a kicker for FGs until Crosby gets out of his funk. How often does the 53rd player on gameday play anyway?

I'm as frustrated as the next fan. But if the Packers get rid of MC, he's gonna be scooped up by another team at some point. And I think he has a lot of good kicking left in him. It's not like there are a ton of options out there anyway that are better than him. While it may seem like an obvious decision today (or even for the past couple of weeks), I think they'd be making a mistake in letting him go.

I trust Ted, though.
This survey was originally posted to a topic here.
Posted by PackLandVA ·
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